Author's Note: I am sorry this chapter is two months late. I was busy with my classes, and I had writer's block. I rewrote this chapter about four times. I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 4: Matchmaking and Movies

June 9, 2007

Takeru felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He looked at it and saw that Mimi was calling. He answered his phone. "Hi, Mimi. How are you?"

"I'm doing great. How about you?" Mimi said enthusiastically.

"I'm fine. I'm just here in my room doing homework. So, what's up?"

"Well, I haven't seen you since I saw you at Sora's place two weeks ago. Do you have plans tomorrow night? I wanted to see Takeshi Hito's new movie. I heard it was really good!"

"Not another romantic movie!" Takeru whined.

"Oh come on! It's a mixture of comedy, drama, and romance. It's like watching three movies in one!"

"Yeah, but, all his movies are sappy."

"Please!" Mimi begged.

"Oh, all right. What time do you want to watch it?"

"Just meet me at the local theater around 6:00 PM, okay?"

"Tomorrow at 6, okay."

"See you tomorrow!"

"Okay, see you tomorrow. Bye, Mimi."

June 10, 2007

Takeru was standing in front of the local theater, waiting for Mimi to arrive. He didn't really want to watch Takeshi Hito's new movie, but he could not say no to Mimi. He had a crush on her during their first adventure in the Digital world. Ever since then, he has always had a soft spot for the strawberry blond.


The teenage boy turned his head to the sound of his name. He smiled when he saw Mimi walking towards him.

"How have you've been, Mimi? Takeru asked while embracing her. "Anything new?

"I'm just fantastic," Mimi said while they separated, "I got a part time job at the newly opened café near my school."

"That's great!"

"What about you? Anything new happened?"

"Eh, nothing much. I just have been busywith school and basketball. Anyways, we should buy the tickets before they're sold out." Takeru was about to get in line, but Mimi put a hand on his shoulder.

"Just a second, Takeru. We need to wait for one more person."

Takeru looked at her incredulously."Who else did you invite?"

"You'll see!" Mimi exclaimed excitedly. "Look, she's waiting to cross the street," the older teen girl pointed out.

Takeru looked over to where Mimi was pointing and his eyes widened with shock. It was Hikari, but why didn't Mimi tell him that Hikari was also invited? It then hit him. Mimi didn't tell him because she was trying to set him and Hikari on a date. He turned his head and looked sharply at Mimi.

"I know what you're trying to do," the blond said in a stern voice. "You are trying to set Hikari and I up."

"What?" Mimi screeched and pretended to look offended. "I just wanted to watch a movie with two of my closest friends," the strawberry blonde innocently said. "I don't see anything wrong with that."

Takeru shook his head. "I should have seen this coming. You usually call me at least three days before you want to do something." He ran his right hand through his messy blond hair. "Maybe I should go…"

"No! Hikari already saw you, and if you left, she would think something is wrong. You wouldn't want that, right?"

"No, I wouldn't want that," the blond said in a defeated tone.

"See? Just have a good time tonight," Mimi said while looking at Hikari crossing the street.

Takeru looked over to the crosswalk, and couldn't but gaze at the angel walking towards him. She was wearing a blue lace skirt that highlighted her smooth and long legs. Her developing breast clung snugly onto her white blouse. He knew he shouldn't be thinking these thoughts, but he couldn't help it. She was just so damn beautiful.

"Sorry, I'm late," Hikari apologized as she hugged Mimi.

"It's not a problem, Hikari, and I love your skirt," Mimi complimented her. "Don't you think it looks good on her, Takeru?"

"What?" Takeru shook his head and snapped out of his trance. "Yeah, she looks…very…uh…pretty," the blond said with a blush on his face. "Anyways, shouldn't we buy the tickets now," Takeru stammered, hoping to change the subject.

Hikari nodded her head in agreement. "Takeshi Hito's new movie got good reviews, so I'm pretty excited to see it!"

"Me too! And he is absolutely gorgeous, so that's a bonus," Mimi squealed.

"I know! He got really attractive when he cut his hair short," Hikari chimed in.

"I don't see what the big deal is," Takeru muttered under his breath.

"Did you say something, Takeru?" Hikari asked sweetly.

"I just said we should get in line or else all the tickets would be sold out."

The three chosen children got into the line and waited for their turn. As they were waiting for their turn to purchase tickets, Takeru felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He took his phone out and was perplexed that Mimi sent him a text. He quickly glanced at Mimi, and she mouthed for him to read it.

I heard what you said earlier. You were totally jealous! -_^

Takeru scrunched his eyebrows and looked at Mimi again. She gave him a wink in response. He shook his head and replied to Mimi's text.

I was not jealous! And, please stop texting me. Hikari will think something's up if we keep texting while we are standing next to each other.

Mimi read his text and let out a frustrated sigh. Hikari noticed and immediately asked if Mimi was okay.

"I'm fine. It's just this guy in my class is really frustrating. He really likes this girl, but he doesn't want to tell her that he likes her," the strawberry blond said while eyeing Takeru, and the younger blond just rolled his eyes. "What do you think he should do, Hikari?"

"I don't really know," the brunette pouted her lips. "Maybe he should tell her how he feels. She could feel the same way."

"That's what I told him, but he still won't listen to me."

"Maybe he doesn't want to tell her because he isn't sure how she feels," Takeru pointed out.

"If he doesn't tell her, he will never know if she feels the same way," Mimi retaliated.

"Well maybe he doesn't want to ruin their friendship," the blond argued back.

Hikari looked back at Mimi and Takeru. Her best friend usually mined his own business, but for some reason, he was arguing with Mimi. She had to admit, it was pretty funny hearing them bicker about someone else's love life. She let out a laugh.

Takeru looked at her with amusement. "What's so funny?"

"I just find it funny that you are arguing about someone else's love life with Mimi of all people," Hikari giggled.

"It's just that I know where the guy is coming from," Takeru said without thinking. After a few seconds, he realized what he had just said and immediately started babbling. "Not that I-I-I have feelings for a-a-a-a friend. I-I-I just know where he i-i-i-s coming from because I a-a-a-m a guy," the blond stammered. "Anyways, I feel like we've been in the same spot for a longest time. Is this line moving or what?"

"Nice save," Mimi whispered and nudged him gently.

"Yeah, thanks," Takeru sarcastically whispered.

"It's almost our turn to buy tickets," Hikari excitedly said. "I hope they are not sold out yet."

"I'm sure they are not—"


"Excuse for a minute while I take this call," Mimi said as she took out her phone out of her purse. "Hello. Oh my gosh! I hope you feel better. No problem, I would be happy to do that for you. Take care and get well soon! Bye."

Mimi ended the call and gave Takeru and Hikari an apologetic look. "I'm really sorry, but I have to go."

"Why?" Hikari asked.

"One of my co-workers is sick, and he asked me if I could cover for him tonight," Mimi explained.

Takeru sneered at Mimi. He knew exactly what she was doing. She was trying to get him and Hikari alone together. He was not going to let that happen.

"Since you can't stay, I think we should just watch this movie another time. After all, it wouldn't be polite if Hikari and I stayed while you have to go, Mimi."

"Takeru's right," Hikari agreed, "we should go another time when we are all free."

Mimi eyed the younger blond. She knew what he was up to, and she was not going to let Takeru get away so easily. "Nonsense! Just because I can't stay doesn't mean you two can't enjoy the movie."

"But Mimi—"

"It's okay, Hikari," the strawberry blond interrupted the younger girl. "I insist you and Takeru stay and watch the movie. Anyways, I have to go now. I have to be at the café in about 20 minutes. Have a great time!" Mimi waved goodbye at the two younger chosen children, but before she left, she secretly gave Takeru a wink.

"Mimi!" Takeru yelled after her.

"Next customer, please!"

The blond looked at the ticket booth and back at Mimi's retreating figure. He didn't really know what to do now. Should he stay and watch the movie with the girl who he was secretly in love with or should he just go home?

"Hey, blondie! She said next customer!" an angry man yelled.

"Sorry." I guess I made my choice, Takeru thought to himself while approaching the ticket counter with Hikari by his side. "Two tickets for Love and Lies, please."

"All right that will be 2000 yen."

Takeru was about to get his wallet out, but he felt a hand on his arm. "I'll pay for my ticket," Hikari said.

"No, it's okay. I'll pay for you," Takeru said as he took the money out of his wallet.


"Here," Takeru said as he hastily handed the money to the cashier.



"I told you I wanted to pay for myself," Hikari told her best friend in a slight agitated tone.

The cashier handed him the tickets. "And I told you I got it. It's not a big deal. Let's just go inside now," Takeru replied as he gestured for them to enter the theater.

"I just don't want you to spend so much money," Hikari said as they entered the movie theater.

Takeru handed the tickets to the usher, and the usher told them the movie would be playing in theater 9. As they were walking towards theater 9, Takeru frequently stole glances at his best friend. He could tell she was still upset that he paid for the tickets because she hadn't said anything to him. He didn't like it when she was upset, especially if it was something he did.

"If it makes you feel better, you could always buy me popcorn and a drink," Takeru said, trying to cheer up the brunette.

Hikari slightly giggled. "So was that your plan all along? For me to buy you popcorn and a drink."

"Maybe. I mean, they are more expensive than the movie tickets," Takeru said with a toothy grin.

"I didn't know you could be so cunning, Takeru," the brunette teased her best friend.

"I'm full of surprises," the teenage boy said with a laugh. "Come on, let's go and watch this sappy movie."

"You don't even know if it's going to be sappy," Hikari playfully scolded.

"I've seen most of his movies by force, and I'm pretty sure this one is also going to be sappy."

Hikari shook her head and giggled. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Well for starters, you could buy me some popcorn now," Takeru said as he pointed to the concession stand.

"And a lemonade?"

"You know me too well, Hikari."

"Of course I do." She took a step towards him and grabbed his left wrist with her right hand. "Let's get in line to buy you popcorn and lemonade or else you won't stop complaining about the movie," she giggled while leading him to the concession stand.

Takeru let out a lighthearted chuckle. "Whatever you say, Hikari."

End of Chapter 4

Author's Note: Again, I am sorry for the delay of this chapter. I just have been so busy with my classes and my college applications. I will transfer to a four-year university next fall semester, so wish me luck! ^_^ I don't know of there is actually an actor names Takeshi Hito in Japan. I just made him up. The next chapter will continue on with their "date." I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Please review!