For some reason I haven't been able to sleep at night. I've always been a big boy, little bruises never affected me and being physically active was never a problem. But today I was out of breath when I walked down the stairs. At dinner time when I didn't finish my ramen, my parents knew there was a problem.

And now I guess I'll find out what it is.

I'm stuck sitting in a saggy barf green chair in a clinic, waiting three hundred years for my name to be called. Even though the room is open sand brightly lit, it feels suffocatingly small. I lean my head back to ease the headache that's slowly creeping in. My dad gives me a worried glance and I can almost hear his voice saying Are you okay? I give him a small reassuring smile. Gosh since when did it hurt to smile. I start to tap my fingers on the handle of the seat. This is taking forever. I am about to get up and excuse myself to the restroom when the door creeks open. The nurse in clean white attire takes a moment to observe the waiting room before she looks at her clipboard, and finally calls my name. "Naruto Uzumaki?"

My mom helps me get up and gives me a small pat on the back. I walk towards the nurse trying my hardest to avoid eye contact. "Follow me." She says giving me a generic smile. I enter a crammed hallway and do as she says. The stench of medicine hits my nostrils. Hard. I never liked the doctor's office, even when my mom took me to get a flu shot, I always dreaded it. Just the thought of a doctor's office made me cringe.

The nurse ushers my parents and me to the last door in the tiny corridor, and I feel like I'm never coming back. The door creeks so loudly it reminds me of a dungeon. The walls are covered in childish wallpaper that resemble dinosaurs at the beach. I guess they are to cheer up the patients, but dinosaurs at the beach won't make my headache go away. Overall, the space is small. I sit down on the bed trying my best not to wrinkle the paper, but fail miserably. My parents take a seat to the left of me, in the same barf green chairs that are in the waiting room. "The doctor will be here in a second." The nurse quietly whimpers as she exits the room.

"Honey, calm down. I bet it's just the flu." My mom says relaxingly. "They'll check you out and you'll be fine."

"Yeah I know dad but are they gonna stick a needle in me or maybe shove a stick down my throat?"

"These doctors are professionals just calm down." My dad snaps.

I flinch a little. My mom shoots me a look and I know I have to sit still and act patient. But it's so hard. The room begins to feel small and the constant tik tok of the clock isn't helping my headache. I lean back on the palms of my hands hanging my head in defeat. This headache is slowly getting worse and I just want to go home.

"Naruto Uzumaki, yes?" I don't even bother to meet her gaze as I give her a small grunt. I can literally hear my dad shaking his head. I sneak a peek at the doctor, at least she looks professional. She does her little routine. Heartbeat, check. Weight, check. Me gagging the stick up, check. The last thing she does is take a blood sample. "You will be getting the results of the sample in about two to five days. We just want to make sure everything is alright, and it never hurts to be too careful." "And what does he have?" my mom inquires. "My guess would be a simple cold." The doctor responds. My dad does this whole speech where he thanks her for her services, while my mom and I slowly slip out of the scene.

On the car ride home my mom turns around asks me what I'll be wearing for the first day of school tomorrow.

"Wait its tomorrow?"

Three days later

I drop my school bag on the floor and faceplant onto the coach. My mom pops into the living room from the kitchen.

"How was school, honey?"


I can hear my dad laughing in the other room.

"Don't believe me? I have three projects due next week. Sophomore year sucks."

"How hard can it be?"

I ponder over the question as I rub my chin with my hand.

"Pretty hard if your teacher is late for class and falls asleep with a book over his eyes."

My mom rolls her eyes. Before she can say another word, our conversation is interrupted by a violent ringing coming from the kitchen. I hear my dad mumble as he grabs the phone. I roll over on my stomach and close my eyes. Stupid business calls, he'll be at it for hours.


"Yes, this is Minato speaking."

"Uh-huh, okay…wait. You're sure this is our son?"

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Okay, thank you goodbye."

My dad slams the phone down. Ouch. Thanks dad, I've had a raging headache for three days now. Can you not.

"Naruto, Kushina. Family meeting, now."

I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. As I take a seat in the kitchen, I have no idea what to expect. My dad wastes no time and begins to explain.

"I just got off the phone with the nurse."

There's a long pause.

"Naruto from that blood sample they found a few…a lot…well…they found cancer cells. They say you're diagnosed with a form of Leukemia, i-it's bone cancer."

My mom gasps.

"Cancer? Me?" N-no teenagers don't get cancer. I have my whole life ahead of me. Does that mean I can't try out for the soccer team, ask out the girl of my dreams, go to prom? Does this mean I can't live my life anymore? Does this mean that I'm gonna…

"Am I going to die?"

My mom gets up and aimlessly walks to her room. My mind wanders again. People die of cancer. It has no known cure! Am I able to compete in soccer this year?

My dad grabs my attention.

"Listen Naruto, I'm going to schedule an appointment for you tomorrow to get all of the details. Are you feeling okay? Do you feel hungry? Do you want me to fix you something to eat? Maybe you're tired? Maybe…"

Oh no. Dads going into his overprotective mod. Better back out.

"I'm fine. I'll go do my homework now."I say as a hook my bag over my shoulder.

Out of the kitchen, into our well furnished living room and when I'm halfway up the stairs, my dad calls out:

"Oh, and Naruto don't even think about going to school tomorrow."

Welcome to the beginning of the end of my life.