I think I owe you guys an apology. It has been so long since I updated here and I feel bad about it. There is actually a reason though, I sort of fell out with Fairy Tail. I don't really stay up to date and I haven't advanced in it for so long it's crazy (I can assure you my friends are a little pissed about that). Anyway, I was determined to finish this after going through my emails last night and reading a really nice review I saved the email I got about it. It made me feel amazing, thanks PandaPiggy, you're awesome. (Haa, I nearly put in a Hetalia reference barely anyone would get.) Okay, ENJOY!
~~Lucy POV~~
We just stood and watched as Natsu got dragged off down the stairs, not entirely sure on what to do. As he went out of sight I looked up to Rogue who had his head in his hands.
"What are we gonna do now?" I asked tentatively. Rogue ran his hands through his hair before looking at the wall. "Rogue…?" I asked again, wondering if he hadn't heard me. It was then that he turned back to the door and walked in again.
"Sting; we have a problem."
"Yeah, what's wrong?"
"Natsu was found." You could see the stun hit Sting's face as his eyes widened and he went rigid. I could tell this was bad, and I realized that I should have taken Natsu's earlier comment more seriously. Well; his dad is Satan so he probably wouldn't be forgiving if someone disobeyed an order… yeah this could be pretty bad.
"I guess we need to get him out of here before Lord Igneel finds out." He turned to find me still here. "You can take that off now Lucy; I guess it doesn't really matter anymore." He sighed and stuffed his hands in his pockets before stepping out of the room and making his way down the stairs.
I tangled with the disguise and tore it off, running down the stairs right after I threw it to the floor, the mask still on. I soon caught up and we rushed through the halls, the draughty stone walls letting in cold air which felt colder with the extra layer of clothing now discarded. "Where are we going?" I pulled on Sting's uniform, trying to get his attention.
"The common room." That wasn't much of an answer, how was I supposed to know where that was or what it looked like? I guess panic banished all kinds of logic in some people.
After turning a corner we came to a large, deep chocolate, polished door, without even a scratch on the glossy paint. It seemed that this room was highly valued and looked after… at least that was the impression from the outside. Sting threw the doors open and my impression instantly changed, seeing all of the soldiers lounging about and litter all over the place. Despite that it looked extremely comfortable. Figures dressed in the same get up as I was in before were dotted about the room, apparently earning their keep.
Seeing them quickly made me remember that I still had the mask on and I promptly tore it off. I soon realized that it was a bad idea because as I did so every head in the room turned my way, including those meant to stay as backdrop. I let the black cloth drop to the floor as I stood there awkwardly, shuffling very slowly to position myself behind Sting.
One of the soldiers stood up and approached. He wasn't that much bigger than the two men in front of me but somehow he was much more intimidating. He stood in front of me and bent over to my level, looking me directly in the eye. "What in hell are you?" His nose scrunched up as he examined me. Do they not have female halflings? What about Wendy, she's a girl isn't she?
"Back off. She is of no concern to you." Rogue snarled as Sting just stood his ground. I won't lie, it was terrifying.
"She…? Are you serious? You caught one?" The whole room's aura seemed to instantaneously change from hostility to excitement as all of the other halflings got to their feet and crowded around us, gawking at me like an animal behind bars. "How did you even get it? You've been back three months!?"
"You have no concern in her affairs. She belongs to the crown prince." My eyes widened as the sentence left his mouth and he pushed me behind both him and Rogue. What was that supposed to mean?
"Speaking of Natsu, has he been here recently?" Rogue asked the now disbanding crowd.
"Um… no?" A few of the soldiers started to mutter amongst themselves. "I saw him a little while back just outside with someone else. They continued down the hall, he looked a bit uncomfortable though."
"Thanks, we'll be going then guys." And with that I was pushed hurriedly out of the room, not entirely sure what just happened. I'm sure that back up top I would have been a bit crankier in that situation. I am not a zoo animal.
Once back out in the hall I was dragged along by a pair of extremely panicked halflings. At some point the two broke out into a sprint, letting go of my arm leaving me to run after them. Soon enough we reached a way larger door, painted pitch black with red metal making the door handles and stretching out in strange patterns from the hinges.
Looking up to the two guys again, they seemed to have paled and were working up the courage to open the door. It certainly looked important and grand. "Guys, what's behind the door?"
"…His highness."
~~Natsu POV~~
You could hear the noise from my teeth grinding together, as I was pulled through the halls by the hyperactive soldier who had recognised me from training. Then again, who forgets the face of a member of the royal family? The young halfling was nattering on about this and that and I was trying to block it out until he stopped and exclaimed, "We need to take you to your dad!"
I felt my blood run cold whereas he seemed happy with himself and proceeded to pull me in another direction. I had to think of something fast before we reached the throne room. "That's really not necessary, I'm sure he doesn't want to see me for another eighty two years. That's when I'm scheduled to be back, and you know dad and his organising." I laughed nervously.
"Nonsense! You need to see him, I bet he missed you." Dear lord how are you even a member of the army? You should have died years ago. My father is quite literally Satan you asshat! He continued to drag me through the halls, winding through passage ways. It didn't take long to reach the giant door that led through to the execution chamber. It isn't really the execution chamber, that's a few floors down, it's just the throne room but it might as well be an execution chamber as I'm about to die there;in the literal sense.
The doors were slowly pulled open after my 'captor' knocked on the doors. The extravagant room littered with deep shades of red came into view; the thrones at the opposite end of the room looked tiny from here. "You may approach." The loud booming voice reached us clearly and I was reluctantly pulled towards it.
The speaker came into view, his face stone cold and the stare in his eyes piercing into my being. The fear that was lying under the surface previously; now bursting free and forcing me to rigidly stand up straight as we came to a halt. "Son."
"Father," I replied and bowed low, procedures of greeting my father scorched into my brain by now. I watched as he stood up and descended the few stairs to come face to face with me. I straightened my back again and looked up at the intimidating man.
"I do believe you shouldn't be home for another eighty two years." I knew it. "Do you have an excuse?" All of the possible ones whizzed around and around my head, trying to sort the plain shit ones from the possibly true ones.
"Well… you see, dad, I just…" However I was interrupted by the loud creaking of the doors. Everyone in the room turned to look in that direction and as the black pulled back to reveal three small figures; at least they were small from over here. I couldn't tell who it was until they approached at the beckoning of dad's loud voice. In this proximity, it was deafening. "GUYS!? Don't bring Lucy here, you idiots!" I exclaimed, astounded at their stupidity.
I stared at the three who had just approached. Rogue and Sting just shrugged while Lucy, who looked terrified, looked at my father cautiously, quite obviously trying not to stare.
"Lucy?" I heard the questioning tone from behind me and winced at the thought of what he's going to do. "You brought a girl?" I nodded gingerly, barely making any movement; although I knew he could see it. He approached her before bowing. "It's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful creature." The blush crept up Lucy's neck and protectiveness overtook my fear of consequences.
"Stop it Dad, she's none of your business," I growled harshly at the man I knew very well could kill me on the spot.
"Oh son, don't be so simple minded. I was just complimenting the rarity of the underworld." He smiled knowingly before stepping back so he could see the other two and bowing low. Lucy's blush grew darker and reached further up her face.
"Um… w-well thank you, your majesty," she thanked him meekly, quite obviously terrified.
"Dad I said stop!" I ran up to the small group and pushed him away from her cautiously, trying not to show too much violence.
I looked up at my father. I could see anger flash in his eyes before they softened and he began to laugh boisterously. "No need to get so defensive. I know better than anyone when to stay away from other people's property." A shock of electricity ran through me at the thought, before the embarrassment and panic settled in.
"NO! No, Lucy doesn't belong to anyone; she's her own person. Most girls are now, stop being so old." I pouted, trying to pass it off as childish behaviour that always seemed to win him over. To my utter relief, he just laughed again and slapped me on the back, hard.
"Of course she is." He just winked at me.
Rolling my eyes, I walked over to Lucy and took her by the hand; gently pulling out from behind Sting and Rogue. They had visibly calmed down, noticing that my father was in a decent mood.
"Lucy, this is my father. Lord Igneel, King, or overlord if you prefer, of the Underworld aka Hell." I watched as he looked up at him timidly before curtseying low in respect.
"It's a pleasure to meet you sir."
"Likewise, Madame." It was weird for my dad to be so polite; he bowed again, delicately taking Lucy's hand and kissing the top of it. The blush violently returned, unsurprisingly. "I'm sure both you and my son would accept my offer to joining me for dinner this evening before you both return to the surface." Damn him.
"Um… err… Natsu?" She turned to me confused, not sure what to say. Doing what came naturally after fifteen years of dealing with the man, I swooped in.
"That would be lovely, father, we would be honoured. However I think everyone would appreciate some time to get adjusted to the environment as well as a change of clothes, preferably ones that are normal and modern here."
"Sounds great, you go do that. Dinner is in the grand dining hall at seven sharp, don't be late." He slapped me on the back again before turning back to the throne. "You are dismissed."
Sighing in relief, I grabbed Lucy's hand again and dragged her out of the throne room, Sting and Rogue close on our tail. The doors closed noisily behind us.
"So dinner in hell," Lucy contemplated. "Not many people can say they've had that." I chuckled, enjoying the new take on it. Most of my old friends were scared half to death by the prospect of a meal with my father.
"We'll be getting back to work I guess…" Sting scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Yeah, thanks for the help. I can get us home from this side. Seriously though, thanks." I grinned, shook Rogue's hand and patted Sting on the back before letting them say goodbye to Lucy and get back to their militarian lives.
"Here, I found some!" I yelled to Lucy who was on the other side of the room, searching through a large chest. She looked up and rushed over, peering into the closet of which I was going through from over my shoulder.
"Great, I can get ready. But don't I need make up?" She shoved me aside and started to pick through the female formal wear.
"I dunno, probably not. There as so few girls ever down here that there aren't that many things to use, even here in the most luxurious place in the whole dimension." I just shrugged, closing a large, grand chest and sitting on it while watching Lucy look at dresses in amongst all of the cloth.
"You guys really do sexualise your women, everything is so revealing," she tutted, inspecting a really long, black piece of cloth. "This isn't even a dress; you just wrap it around yourself and hope it doesn't fall off, not to mention that it's only three metres long."
"I'm sure you'd rock it, no matter what it is." I noticed the small blush that dusted her cheeks before realizing what I just said. I couldn't take it back so we just carried on in silence until she had finished finding what she wanted.
She turned around to face me and nodded, indicating that she was finished. I got up and lead the way back out of the door and to the living quarters of the palace. "I wonder how long it's been since anyone was up in my rooms," I mused absentmindedly, as we pushed the large doors open.
Lucy rolled her eyes at the sight of more halls. "How many hallways are there in this place?"
"Enough for Dad to incorporate every piece of metal work and military award he could lay his hands on into the decoration of this place."
After a few seconds of silence Lucy broke it. "You made your father out to be a cruel, aggressive man. He seemed perfectly friendly and jubilant to me." She pointed out as we made our way through the corridor leading to my room.
"Oh, he's all those things. He is the king of Hell but he's still my dad. He wasn't exactly a bad father just he has a short, fiery temper. And when the fuse burns out… well who knows what will happen." I pretty much had made him out to be vicious and scary 24/7, I could have probably laid off looking back on it but still, I didn't like to make him mad; for obvious reasons.
I opened another room which actually led to a room: my room. It was gigantic with a large four poster bed and comfortable, silky covers draped over it. As I expected though, there was a thick layer of dust coating everything. Therefore I had to go around blowing the grime off of everything and opening windows to let it fly out.
"What's this place gonna look like in another eighty years?" Lucy speculated, watching me as I went around trying to clean up a little bit.
"Good question, maybe I should ask someone to clean it once a year… or at least cover the furniture," I agreed, sitting on the bed after giving up. "Are you going to want to camp out in the bathroom or something? I must warn you that you can't have a proper shower or wash."
Lucy stared at me, slightly unamused and shook her head. "I sort of got that from the lack of running water." However instead of asking where the bathroom was she came to sit next to me. "Why are females so rare down here? Wendy's a halfling and she's a girl."
"They just are. If Wendy was born and raised here she'd be a prized treasure. She'd be displayed like a main attraction at an art gallery that things down here would flock from far and wide to see her. It's a shame really, but she'd know no different…" I trailed off.
"That's horrible."
"Yeah, but you're probably the only human, not to mention a human female, down here right now. It's a pretty big deal for everyone else, even dad." I nearly went on but realised that if I did the conversation would get just as awkward as earlier.
"What's the time?"
"Um…" I looked over to the really complicated, large clock hanging on the far wall. "In your understanding of time I'd say… five thirty or there about." She nodded before looking down at the clothes in her arms.
"I'd better go get ready then; an hour and a half is barely enough time." She chuckled and rose to her feet. "Where's the bathroom?"
"Go out the door, turn left. It's the second door on the right." She nodded and approached the door. Before she went out of view she pointed two of her fingers in a salute like wave.
"See ya."
"Bye." I stretched and fell back on the bed, watching the dust particles fly up all around me. Coughing, I sat back up, regretting the action, and got to my feet too. Guess it's my turn to get ready. Urgh, I just hope dad doesn't over react or say something stupid.
Anyway, I hope this suffices and I will try to get the next chapter out soon, I hate to make this absolutely shitty but the next chapter will probably be the last one. I was reading back on the story and yeah, the quality of this one is probably a bit better. Also, so you know (you probably don't care but still) the reason I stopped was because my life started literally revolving around other things. Anyway, yeah, I'll try to get the last chapter out ASAP; especially while it's the Easter holidays. So this was Alpha, so long and thanks for all the fish!