Hey guys, so this is my first ever attempt at a fanfic so sorry if it's not great!

My fanfic is about what would have happened if Cloudjumper had taken both Valka and Hiccup that night on berk, and Stoick was left with no family.

I will try and update frequently, uploading a chapter each time...

So here is Chapter 1/Prologue

"Stop you'll only make it worse" Valka shouted as she stopped a Viking from swinging his axe down on a dragon. The Viking pulled away and ran off annoyed. Suddenly a loud roar could be heard in the distance, it sent an echo through the village and Valka turned to see a dragon going into her house. Her heart started to beat faster within her chest.

"Hiccup." Valka said under her breath as she ran off towards the house.

She ran inside and grabbed a sword. As she went to fight the dragon she stopped taken back by what she was seeing, she hesitated but eventually lowered her sword. A rush of wonder and hope ran through her as she saw the massive four-winged dragon playing with her son. Valka had always believed that they could make peace with the dragons; that they didn't have to fight. What she was seeing at that moment was pure evidence that Vikings and dragons could get along.

By now the dragon was aware of her presence; it pulled away from the baby, accidently cutting it and making it cry. The dragon turned towards Valka and stared at her inquisitively. Keeping an eye on the vast beast, Valka walked over to her son, picked him up and cradled him in her arms. He stopped crying. The dragon continued watching Valka and the two stood staring into each other's eyes. Both mesmerised.

The wondrous sight was soon ruined however, as Stoick the Vast, chief of the tribe and Valka's husband thrust an axe between Valka and the dragon. Startled, the mighty dragon pushed Stoick back and grabbed Valka. It flew off.

"Ahh, Stoick!" Valka shouted, as she was lifted off the ground. Her grip tightened around her son who she was still cradling in her arms.
"Valka!" Stoick shouted as he saw both his wife and son get taken from him. He stood, staring after them. Even after they were long gone, Stoick was still staring into the night sky. He fell onto his knees, crying to Odin: what did he ever do to deserve this?

So that's Chapter 1/Prologue! What are your thoughts?

Please review giving tips and improvements!

See you next time :)