I don't own Merlin, Sadly, it belongs to the BBC
This is just something I thought of it will only have two chapters :) Rated 'T' to be safe
Summary: When Arthur and Merlin meet both know the other is the one for them but can they stay together when a family secret comes out?
Warnings: light malexmale AU, Character death, not Arthur of Merlin.
I apologise in advance for any mistakes :)
Twenty two year old Arthur stood in front of a small goal on the park and looked at the seven year old boy in front of him. "Whenever you are ready Matthew." he said.
Matthew took a deep breath and after a run up he booted the ball which went flying past the goal and Arthur.
Arthur watched where the ball was going and his eyes widened when he saw a man crouched down seeing to his dog. "Watch out!" he called.
Merlin took the lead off his dog and stroked him. "Go on then Bai-" Merlin fell forward only missing landing on his dog as the dog moved out of the way when he felt something hit his head, looking up he saw his dog sniffing a ball that rolled to a stop.
"I am so sorry." Arthur said as he hurried over, helping Merlin up. "Did it hurt much?"
"Just a bit." Merlin answered as he got up rubbing his head. "Size of you I would have expected it to hit harder."
Arthur laughed. "It wasn't me who kicked the ball." he looked over his shoulder. "Matthew get over here and apologise."
"No he is fine."
"No no, Matthew now!"
Matthew came running over and looked at Merlin before looking at Arthur. "Sorry brother."
"Not to me it wasn't me you hit."
"Sorry sir."
Merlin laughed it off. "No you are fine, learning to play?"
"I can play it is penalties I am not good at."
"I can see why." Merlin laughed.
"Wanna play?"
"Matthew don't bother the man."
"No its okay, Bailey is happy on his own, why not. I'm Merlin." he said holding his hand out.
Arthur smiled. "Arthur, this is my brother Matthew."
From then on every evening Merlin would take his dog onto the park and meet up with Arthur and his brother Matthew. "Why don't you come back with us?" Arthur asked, four weeks into them first meeting, "we have a big garden Bailey will love."
"Yeah okay, as long as I am not intruding."
Merlin looked around the very big kitchen. "You have a gorgeous home."
"Thank you; it is just me, Matthew and father here." Arthur said as he handed the brunet a drink.
"I would like to meet him."
Arthur sighed. "Okay, he is in bed."
"Oh I don't want to disturb him."
"No Merlin you don't understand. Father hasn't been well for quite a while now, mother died just over a year ago and since then he hasn't been the same, he has just given up, not bothering anymore, he won't eat, drink."
Merlin put his drink down and moved over to hug Arthur. "I am so sorry."
Arthur hugged his friend back. "Mum said before she went she asked him to live for her as he has much to live for, me but more so Matthew."
Arthur jumped and looked with Merlin to see Matthew run into the room. "What's wrong with him?"
Matthew looked closely at Merlin before looking sorry at Arthur. "Um, he has eaten something Arthur."
Arthur hurried upstairs and rushed into his father's bedroom and saw the sandwich he had made his dad, half of it was gone and crumbs were all over Uther.
"That's great dad, thank you." Arthur said as he sat on the side of the bed and started to sort Uther out.
Merlin stood in the doorway and saw Arthur taking care of his father. "Matthew." he whispered.
"This Arthur I am seeing now is this the Arthur he lets no one else see?"
Matthew looked up at Merlin. "He lets me and father see."
Merlin smiled and placed his arm over Matthew's shoulder and continued to watch Arthur as he looked after his father. When Uther had drifted off to sleep they all left the room. Matthew had ran downstairs and Arthur made to follow until Merlin stopped him. "Merlin?"
Merlin smiled and kissed Arthur. "You are amazing; I didn't know there was this side to you."
Arthur smiled. "Would you like to come over here tomorrow night? Matthew will be at his friends for a sleepover."
Merlin smiled. "Yeah, I would like that."
"What's taking you guys so long I am hungry!" Matthew called up the stairs.
Three months later and Merlin had practically moved in. Uther had his good days and bad days. Merlin had just sat down to breakfast when a knock sounded at the door, Matthew who was still in bed and Arthur in the shower it was Merlin who answered the door, he opened it to see a middle aged woman stood there, clipboard in hand. "May I help you?" he asked.
"Yes. I am Georgia Hook and I am from social services, I have come to inquire about the health of Mr Uther Pendragon."
"And why would you want to know that?"
"Because of Matthew of course. We have his best interests and if Mr Pendragon's health gets worse then he will have to go into care."
"Care? Why would he? He not only has Arthur but he also has me."
"The boy is seven years old he needs a parent to look after him not an older sibling, now if his father was in perfect health and could prove that he could provide well for Matthew then we have no problems."
"We have no problems now Matthew is well fed the bills are all paid on time he gets taken to school and picked up on time we are fine!" Arthur snapped as he appeared at Merlin's side.
"We have reason to believe he is going out past five at night and not coming home until seven at least."
"He doesn't go on his own I always go with him and it is his football training he goes to, you either tell my neighbours to mind their own fucking business or I will!"
Merlin turned and placed a calming hand on Arthur's bare chest. "Arthur calm down." he said before facing the social worker. "Unless you have concrete proof of Matthew being treated poorly there really is no reason for you to be here, good day." he said and shut the door.
"Thank you Merlin, sorry I was on my way to my room when I heard."
"That's fine, go and get dressed, you will be late for work." Merlin said with a smile knowing full well Arthur ran his father's company from home so he was there for Matthew whenever.
Arthur laughed." Your little joke."
"Don't you miss going to all the meetings?"
"Merlin I am at the meetings through video, if I went into the office I will only be doing there what I am at home I just go in every couple of days when Matthew is at school."
"Well you can pop in today if you like, I know Matthew is at home but I will be here working on my next book so its fine."
Arthur smiled and kissed Merlin, "thank you. I will go and wake him up."
Every week for the next two months the social worker kept coming and at different times in the day, seven months into Arthur and Merlin's relationship the social worker pulled up outside the house and walking up the drive she saw a man walk out of the house a sad look on his face, passing him she looked into the window and saw the man she knew as Merlin holding an upset Arthur before Arthur picked up and held close to him a crying Matthew, knowing Uther must have passed she got back in her car and drove away, she would let them grieve and bury Uther before coming again.
The funeral was a small one; it was Arthur, Matthew, Merlin and a few of Uther's friends from work. "King of Camelot industries now Arthur lad." Gaius said as he shook Arthur's hand. "Uther was a great man and I know I speak for him when I say I know of no one better than to run the company."
"Thank you Gaius. There will be some food and drink back at the house you are all welcome to come."
"Thank you Arthur."
Arthur walked in between guests in his home looking for Matthew, he had been quiet a lot since Uther passed, he would sit with Uther a lot, Arthur often found him asleep in the chair by Uther and had carried him to bed.
"Looking for Matthew?" Merlin asked.
Arthur nodded and kissed Merlin in thanks; he walked into the kitchen and closed the door behind him.
Matthew looked up. "That lady from social services, she said she would take me away."
"She won't Matthew no one is taking you away."
Matthew looked down before looking up at Arthur. "It's all over now isn't it?"
Arthur allowed the boy a small smile before hugging him. "Yes Matthew, it is."
The following week came the visit Arthur had been expecting since his father passed. He opened the door to find not only the social worker Georgia Hook stood there but two other people stood there. "Mr Pendragon we are sorry to hear of your father's passing."
"Thank you."
"May we come in?"
Arthur sighed and stood aside letting them all in and showing them to the living room where Matthew was, watching telly. He looked up when he saw who entered, "no, you said you wouldn't let them take me."
"They are not taking you Matthew."
"Mr Pendragon you know that we have to, we have gave you time to bury your father and some time to grieve but Matthew is only seven and you as his brother cannot take him."
"But you said it was all over." Matthew cried as he stood up to look at Arthur.
Merlin pulled up and sighed when he saw the social workers car along with another. Taking the shopping out of the car he made his way up to the house and let himself in quietly.
"Look you said all that time a while ago that if Matthew was well looked after and fed and provided for then there was no reason to take him." Merlin heard Arthur say as he got closer to the living room.
"I also said that his father had to be alive and well Mr Pendragon."
"His father is alive and well." Arthur answered back.
Georgia gave Arthur a look of sympathy. "Uther is dead Mr Pendragon."
"I know that."
"Then you will know his father isn't alive and well."
"His father is stood facing you; my father was Matthew's granddad!"
Arthur looked up to see Merlin stood in the doorway looking hurt. "Merlin I..."
"I will leave you all to it." Merlin whispered as he placed the shopping down and quickly left the house.
What do you think?
Chapter two up tomorrow :D
Review? x