Harry Potter: Betrothed

A/N: this is a AU Fic so it isn't part of the canon and the pairing is Harry Potter and Susan Bones with a little Mercutio 'Bone/Skelington' Stevens and Daphne Greengrass.

Chapter one: Shock

Susan Amelia Bones was a Hufflepuff Student who was about to go into her Fith Year at Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry.

"Susan I'm going to work early there seems to be a trial on at the Ministry that requires the Wizamort do you wish to veiw it over with the rest of the future heads of houses or stay here?" asked Amelia Bones, Susan's Aunt.

"Yes please Auntie I need to learn all I can if I am to lead House Bones on the Wizengmot" replied Susan.

roughly an hour later Susan was sitting next to 'Skelington' Stevens, not many people knew his real name with the exception of Harold James Sirius Charlus Eward Xavier Potter or Just simply known as Harry James Potter who of which was on trial today, Neville Longbottom and Daphne Greengrass and on the other side was Theodore Nott, Pansey Parkinson, Draco Malfoy and four empty seat that were for the Houses Peverell, Potter, Black and one unknown house all of which had yet to be claimed.

Susan watched as Fudge Interogated Harry about the so called Dementor attack and how he could produce a fully corporal patronus and when it came to a verdict Not just the Wizengmot raised their hands but Harry as well.

"Well, well, well, Lord Potter may I ask where you have been all this time?" asked Lady Augusta Longbottom.

"W-what?" asked Harry

"Lord Potter now is not the time for playing games are you voting as a member of the Wizengmot?" asked Madam Bones

"What do you mean Lord Potter?" asked Harry

"Wait you mean to tell us that the richest person in this room and the most powerful and Highest ranking out of all of us doesn't know about his heritage?" asked Skelington

"What heritage?" asked Harry

"Can someone please go get some Veritaserum please and some blood Identification paper." requested Lord Greengrass.

two aurors went to fetch the Blood identiy varification paper and the veritaserum.

"We will start with the Blood Paper first and then if needed now if you please Dawlish" said Fudge.

they made a cut along Harry's palm and poured five drops onto the paper and the blood sunk into it a writing appeared and it said:

Name: Harold James Sirius Charlus Edward Xaiver Potter

Mother: Lilian Rose Evans (formally Zatara) Potter

Father: James Charlus Edward Xaiver Louis Donald Potter

Father: Sirius Orion Black (Blood Adoption)

Grandfather: Charlus Eward Xaiver Louis Donald Edger Potter

Grandmother: Dorea Druella Black-Potter

Grandfather: Unknown

Grandmother: Unknown

Blood Status: Pure-Blood


Lord of the Most Noble and Most Anceint House of Potter

Heir to the Most Noble and Most Anceint House of Black

Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble and Wise House of Peverell

Heir of Gryffindor

Heir of Ravenclaw

Magical Abilities:

Animagus (Unlimited/Multiple)


Natual Legilimens

Natural Occlumens

Natural Dueling Prodigy

Natural Potions Master

Natural Charms Master

Natural Transfiguration Prodigy

Natural Runes Master

Natural Arthithy Master

Natual Herbologist

Natural Defence Against the Dark Arts Master



Vaults in Posession:

Peverell Family Vault

Peverell Heir loom Vault

Potter Family Vault

Potter Heir loom Vault

Gryffindor Vault

Merlin Vault

Slytherin Vault (By Conquest)

Ravenclaw Vault


Potter Manor

Black Family Home

Peverell Castle

Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry (Optional)

Merlin Wood

Other Possesions:

Elder Wand- Elder, Theastral tail hair, 15 inches

Resurection Stone

Invisiblity Cloak

Wand- Holly, Phoenix Feather, 11 inches

Wand- Mahogany, Dragon Heartstring, 11 inches

Wand- Willow, Unicorn Hair, 10 3/4 inches

Wand- Rowan, Theastral and Griffin Hair Entwined, 15 1/4 inches

Wand- Elder, Royal Phoenix Feather, 13 3/4 inches

Wand- Yew, Phoenix feather core, 13 1/4 inches

Wand- Hickory, Hungorian horntail fang wrapped in Ra-Dragon Heartstring, 10 3/4 inches

Wand- Oak, Werewolf Fang, 11 1/2 inches

Wand- Hawthorn, Vampire Blood, 14 1/2 Inches

Wand- Oak, Werewolf Fang wrapped in Royal Pheonix Feather- 14 Inches

Lord Harold James Sirius Charlus Edward Xaiver Potter is Betrothed to one Susanne Amelia Bones they must marry and produce a child in one year or have their magic removed from them.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Screamed Susan from her seat.