For: ham_napkin
Prompt: Liz's 40th
Disclaimer: Tina's etc.
Spoilers: minor, "Live Show"
Pairing: Jack/Liz
Rating: K
Summary: Post-ep for "Live Show". Jack's surprise gift. Dialogue only.
"You are the best friend ever!"
"I take it you've arrived home."
"How did you do this? When did you do it?"
"Now that my brain's cogs have been greased with a little liquor, I do recall making a few calls last week."
"I like you so much more when you drink."
"Likewise, Lemon. And happy birthday."
"It's not my birthday anymore. Technically. I'm now forty aaaand…two hours and six minutes."
"Well, I feel I owe you a few extra birthday wishes. To make up for the unforgivable memory lapse of my sober self."
"You are hereby forgiven, my friend. I cannot believe this…A muffin basket where all the muffins are made with extra butter. A wine and cheese basket, with all of my favorite hard and soft cheeses. A chocolate basket with dvds about making more stuff with chocolate. There's baskets everywhere! Oh my God…where did you even find a place that delivers a basket filled with only sandwich meats and mayonnaise?"
"This is New York, Lemon."
"I love this crazy city!"
"Have you checked the bathroom yet?"
"Nooo. Wait a second…My bathtub is filled with candy!"
"Yes, it is."
"There's even an edible loofah!"
"And shampoo that's actually a smoothie."
"Thank you Jack! This is awesome, the best birthday ever."
"Well, you only turn forty once. And I can assure you, my inebriated self never forgot."
"I hope you never sober up again. You're just not Jack if you're not drunk."
"I realize that now. I hope you enjoy your Lemon party."
"Hey, I'll save you a muffin."
"I'll enjoy it with my mid-morning sherry."
"So…I'm gonna get in my candy bath now."
"Have fun. And there's a basket of Tums by your bed."
"G'night, Jack. Thanks for remembering."
"Goodnight, Lemon. I'm drinking a toast to the next forty as we speak."