Artemis sat on her bed clutching her stuffed bear to herself, her older sister's words still ringing in her ears.

"In this family it's every girl for herself"

Why? Why had Jade left her? She needed her older sister, their dad... Well both their parents, they were criminals, and since they were only four years old their father had been training Jade and Artemis to follow in their parents footsteps. Their mother had been wary of brining them up that way but she had stopped speaking out against it years ago. And now... their mother was in prison and now Jade had left her. Jade had always protected Artemis from the worst of their father's 'training,' but now Artemis was alone with only her father. And that terrified her.

She had warned Jade, their dad would come after her, and he would, and they would both be punished for it. Artemis shivered when she thought of what he might do when he dragged Jade back.

"Please, please Jade... come back, help me," Artemis whispered to her dark room, "Please Jade, please... anyone please help me."

Jade didn't come back the next day.

She didn't come back the day after that either.

Or the week after.

Finally three weeks past.

Artemis laid on her bed, whimpering at the pain that her father had put her through that day. He had worked her through brutal tests of strength until she had collapsed, at which point he had dragged her home and thrown her in her room and left her there.

Artemis whimpered as every little movement caused shooting pain, and stitched and healing scars along her ribs and thighs throbbed. She heard someone at the window and fell silent.

"Artemis?!" a voice whispered urgently as the window slowly opened.

"Jade?" Artemis whispered back hardly daring to believing it.

"Artemis are you ok? Oh gosh.. what did he do to you?!"

"He was so angry Jade, because you ran away. He pushed me harder than he ever has," Artemis whimpered.

"Screw him," Jade growled, "He isn't hurting you again Artemis, I'm getting you out of here."

"But.. where will we go?" Artemis asked, "You said I would slow you down..."

"Don't worry I know a place where we'll be safe, give me a minute to get your stuff," she said as she grabbed a duffle bag from the closet and started throwing cloths into it. Suddenly there was a thunderous knock at the door.

"Artemis!" the voice of her father bellowed. Jade stealthily dove for window with the duffle bag. The second the window closed the door to the room flew open.

"Y-yes dad?" Artemis stuttered, failing to show how scared she was.

"Artemis, I got a lead on Jade," he barked, "I'm leaving to follow up on it, I don't think I need to warn you about so much as leaving this room while I'm gone?" He eyed her dangerously.

"No dad." Artemis whispered.

"What was that?"

"No dad!" she yelped.

"That's what I thought, I'll be back by morning" with that he slammed the door. Artemis waited holding her breath as she heard his footsteps growing quieter and quieter, then finally the window slid back open.

"We're getting out of here Artemis."

"But Jade he said he has a lead," Artemis whispered urgently, "he'll come for us!"

"Yeah he would if that lead hadn't been planted by me," Jade smirked smugly, "if he doesn't realize that quickly it will take him all the way to Star City."

"You planted the lead?!" Artemis exclaimed wide eyed.

"Never underestimate Cheshire," Jade teased before picking Artemis up, "now let's go sis."

Jade rushed out onto the fire escape, Artemis tried to keep from making any noise of discomfort as the jostling caused pain to shoot through her body.

"Hold on tight Artemis, we're heading for freedom," Jade grinned as she moved down the fire escape.

They had been walking for what felt like an hour. As they walked Artemis noticed that the homes had gone from shabby to high maintenance, though now that she looked around there weren't many buildings at all. Then they came to the wall, and the gate. Past the gate Artemis could see the biggest house she had ever seen, it was incredible, and slightly intimidating. Jade hit the intercom.

"Mr. Wayne?" she asked. There was a short pause before a formal sounding voice came over the intercom.

"This is Alfred Pennyworth, the Wayne family butler, to whom am I speaking?"

"This is Jade Nguyen, I spoke to Mr. Wayne earlier, he told me to come here and to bring my sister Artemis with me. She's hurt, please let us in." There was a sudden buzzing sound and the gates began to open.

"Ah yes Miss Nguyen, please come in, Master Bruce and I will meet you at the front door." Jade didn't bother responding, she was already running down the long path to the giant house. Artemis could hardly believe it, here they were heading towards the biggest house she had ever seen and it belonged the most famous man in Gotham City, even she knew his name, Bruce Wayne.

Breathlessly Jade burst through the front door where they were met by two men. One in must have been in his mid to late twenties, he was tall with slicked back black hair. The other was much older and balding, but what white hair he did have was also combed back, not to mention his thin mustache.

The younger man clearly Bruce Wayne took Artemis from Jade and held her in a cradle position as he lifted her shirt to inspect her injuries, his eyes narrowed as he saw her scars.

"This stitches are sloppy and half of these could get infected," Bruce stated looking calm despite the venom in his voice. "Alfred prep the med station she needs help now."

"Right away sir," Alfred called already moving quickly down the hall, Bruce followed carrying Artemis and Jade was practically running to keep up.

"Don't worry Artemis, Alfred is better than any doctor I know, you'll be fine," Bruce assured her, "And I promise, we are going to keep you safe, you're father can't hurt you anymore."

"You hear that Artemis? Dad can't get to us anymore." Jade practically laughed, "we're safe!"

"Safe.." Artemis whispered. Then she smiled and allowed herself to relax and sink back into a feeling of security as she was carried down the halls of Wayne Manor by Bruce Wayne with her sister next to them.


Well here's chapter one, what do you think so far? Please feel free to review

Also please note that this one of a few fan fictions I'm working on at the same time so updates may be infrequent but I'll keep updating until the end.d