Phineas ran around the house. "I AM FREE! AT LAST! FREEDOM!"

Ferb and Perry sat watching him. Perry was happy Phineas had gotten the cast off of his knee, but now Phineas had to release all of that energy that he'd built up ever since his knee was broken.

"He's like one of those windup toys." Perry said, watching Phineas do his fourth lap.

"That never stops." Ferb added.

"You know what this means, Ferb?" Phineas skidded to a stop. "We can build stuff again!"

Ferb pumped his fist into the air.

"WOOHOO! Let's dance!" Phineas said.

The two boys started dancing.

Candace entered the room. "Would you keep it down? I am trying to tell Stacy about the time that Jeremy looked at me!"

"Sounds very interesting." Perry said sarcastically. He loved the fact that Candace couldn't understand him.

"We're partying, Candace. We have to be loud." Phineas said.

"Well, party SOME OTHER TIME."

"I can't help it! I need to jump! And run! And get outside. I can FINALLY sit under the tree again!" Phineas ran directly into the screen door.

"It's closed." Ferb said.

"I figured that out." Phineas rubbed his nose and shoved the door open.

When Perry arrived at his lair, there was a sheet of paper taped on the door.

He peeled it down and looked at it. On the front was a picture of a fellow agent, Devon the dog, making a thumbs-up sign and grinning so that all of his pointy teeth showed.


"Isn't it awesome?" Devon asked, popping up behind Perry. "Monogram had trouble thinking up a musical to show this year, so I offered to write it!"

"Why was this on my door?" Perry demanded.

"It's advertising. If no one knows about it, no one will audition."

"No one will audition anyway. I'll rephrase it. Why was this on my door?"

"Someone's in a mood today."

Perry crumpled up the paper and threw it at Devon's face. It bounced off his nose and landed on the floor. He bent to pick it up.

"Can I put it on the wall NEXT to your door?"

"Yes. But not ON my door. Or I will destroy you."

"Why are you so… um… angry today?"

Perry sighed. "On television. Yesterday. Nothing but the stupid Carlos the caring clown movie! Showing on all channels!"

"Oh. Scary. Will you be in my musical? Please?"

"What? Dev, I don't want to be up on some stage belting out tunes…"

"But you have such an awesome singing voice! Remember when you were in that musical when you were two? You sang 'My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean'."

"Yeah, but I didn't hear the words right during rehearsals. And no one noticed until the actual production, when I sang 'My Body Lies Over The Ocean'."

"Oh man!" Devon started to laugh. "I remember that! Man, you were so cute. Singing 'My body lies over the sea, my body lies over the ocean, oh bring back my body to me' with the deepest sincerity like nothing was wrong."

"I remember that too!" Said Alan the alligator from across the room. He was sitting with his computer. "I actually have a video recording of that on my laptop!"

"Can I see?" Asked Peter the panda, peeking around his shoulder.

"EVERYONE can!" Alan said.

Perry hid his face. "Great. Everybody's gonna be talking about the Body song again."

"Anyway, will you be in it?" Devon asked. He smoothed out his flyer and held it up.

"Devon, NO. I always ruin stage productions!"

Devon frowned.

"Fine. But NO singing part. And I don't want to say more than one line."

Devon brightened. "You can say 'The End' at the end of the show!"


Suddenly they heard sound coming from Alan's computer.

"My body lies over the ocean, my body lies over the sea…"

Perry groaned.

Peter and a few other agents were laughing.

"Wasn't he adorable? Look at his face! He looks so into it!" Alan said.

"I'll see you later." Perry went through the door to his lair.

"Nothing, Perry the platypus. Nothing but the stupid clowns, clowns, clowns!" Doofenshmirtz threw his remote at the televison.

Perry was trapped inside a pet carrier.

"I would have given you a more creative trap," Doofenshmirtz said. "But I just couldn't be bothered today. All day and all night, the TV companies have been broadcasting this stupid Carlos the caring clown movie! It's almost as if he's watching us… ready to take control of us…"

Doofenshmirtz was actually making sense. Maybe the end of the world was near.

"And I created THIS! The Carlosmoviedestructinator! With this, I will destroy the Carlos movie! It will be destroyed in all of the televisions and stores!"

Perry decided to take a nap. Usually he wouldn't let an evil scheme slide, but this was for the good of humanity.

He lay down and closed his eyes.

"Perry the platypus, are you asleep? Am I boring you? I can TRY to come up with some Carlos-related backstory, but, you know, it was only a few years ago that he came out… I'm not sure that REALLY qualifies as a backstory if it's only been a few YEARS."

Perry started to snore.

"I'm activatiingggg my inatttooorrr…"

Perry didn't say anything.

"Come on, Perry the platypus. You're not even going to TRY to escape? Not even a little picking at the lock? Not even a little file on the bars?"

Perry pulled out a nail file.

"Not really the kind of file I was thinking of, but I guess you could KIND of get out with that." Doofenshmirtz turned back to his inator.

Perry rubbed the file against his claws.

"AND NOW, NO MORE CARLOS MOVIES!" Doofenshmirtz pushed the button on his inator.

It caused a blue light to fill the area for a moment, and then it faded.

"They're all gone, Perry the platypus! All gone! And there's not a thing you can do about it!"

Perry nodded. He blew on his claws and returned his file to his fur pocket.

When Perry returned home, there was a note on the front door.


"Great. Carlosland." Perry muttered. He turned the paper over and looked at the back.


Perry stormed into Carlos Headquarters, squeezing the Carlosland flyer in his fist.

"What is this?" He demanded, slamming a paper down on the desk of Jumpy Jacobs.

Jumpy looked at him. "Hm? I don't speak… duck. Would you mind…"
Perry sighed. He reached into his fur pocket and pulled out Piggy Woo, his universal translator. He stuck it on his back teeth. "I'm a PLATYPUS. And WHAT is this junk about CARLOSLAND?"

Jumpy smiled. "Ah. Carlosland. One of my greatest ideas ever. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is John "Jumpy" Jacobs. I one day realized the best way to help children was to give them a positive role model they could look up to." He held up a Carlos doll.

The fur on Perry's neck stood up. "Get that vile thing away from me."

"Vile? Why, Carlos is far from vile, my duckling friend. He is the answer to the hardest questions in life. Watch. Carlos, how should we treat our friends?" He squeezed the toy.

"Always treat your friends with care and respect!"

Perry grabbed Carlos away from him. "Carlos, what's the meaning of life?"

"Caring and sharing are so much fun!" Carlos said.

"Yeah. He's chock-full of knowledge." Perry tossed Carlos back to Jumpy.

"Anyway, this clown has been helping children everywhere grow up kind and happy for years." Jumpy said. "And that is why I have decided to build Carlosland. Unofficially, of course."

"Wait…" Perry said. "You don't mean…"
"Yes. I'm building a theme park without permission. And, with all the cash I make from it, I'll be able to buy Danville! And then I will rebuild the whole tri-state area into Carlosland!"

"You can't-"

"I can, Duckling, and you're in way over your head if you try to cross me. If you want to help fund my project, however, perhaps I can make your house one of the main attractions. The heart of Carlosland!"

"This is a nightmare." Perry muttered. "A nightmare."

"That's your choice." Jumpy said. "No one can do anything about my little plan. So you may as well get used to it."
"Listen. I've destroyed that Carlos toy of yours TONS of times." Perry hissed. "I'm pretty confident I'll be able to destroy a whole land of him. And I will NOT let you win."

He yanked Piggy Woo out of his mouth and stuffed it in his fur pocket. He hated using that thing, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

"I am sooooo scared." Jumpy smiled wickedly. "Celia, get him out of here."

A woman grabbed Perry by the scruff of the neck and tossed him out of the room.