Lily looked at her little boy, because his farther was a part dragon slash human and she was his mate her Animagus form was a dragon. Her little Harry turned into a dragon when he was born. It was pitifully small, hardly larger than a two month old horntail, and this was apparently a baby just born. It had six emerald green eyes three beside each other on either side of its head and a 360° vision with depth perception. And it's fangs; as with all dragons they were sharp and pointed backwards for grasping and holding onto prey. But he possessed two sets. The second set fitting behind the first as if there was a second jaw, and it was moving independently of the first. And his two sets of wings and the wingspan! Already for such a small baby it was twice as wide as he was long. Harry wouldn't need magic to keep himself aloft. But how would this energy be used if it wasn't being drained keeping him weighing many tonnes off the ground?

Lily turned into her Norwegian Ridgeback dragon form that resembles the Hungarian Horntail, except for its black ridges on its back, the browner texture in its scales, and its less hostile attitude. It has venomous fangs and a lizard-like in appearance. She also had her green eyes, bronze horns and similarly coloured spikes that protrude from its long tail. She new that the dragon handlers would come and pick them up and move them to the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary and They would soon came shooting spells to knock them out.

The strong survive, but the cunning thrive. This was the first rule that the youngling learned.

The dragon known to the keepers as Jet, due to his jet-black hide, was smart, scary smart. The meat was offloaded in the young dragons enclosure on the floor in a large pile. The enclosure being approximately the size of four Quidditch pitches with cliffs all around to keep them in. Being unable to fly, the young ones quite literally dug in at the bottom of the pile. But Jet did something different; the keepers watched in awe as he swooped around the top, snatching a portion from the top of the pile. The top of the pile was currently out of reach of even the larger young ones, so he was well out of reach. He would swoop around once, swallowing the slab that was always just large enough for him to swallow in the time with his dual jaws always dragging the meat down his gullet before he returned for a second portion.

By the time the elder dragons could reach the top of the pile they found it sorely lacking in meat. Jet on the other hand was resting almost invisible on his perch. It was high up, and the position of the sun was always perfect so that the glare hid him from the dragons near the food.

He started experimenting with his fire. He had seen some of the elder dragons use it to scare of the new babies, or to heat a particularly comfortable patch of rock. He enjoyed seeing how the rock changed colours when he breathed fire. And then watched as it started to turn white and then melt. He started to expand his perch. Melting the rock and shovelling it outwards. Building walls around the edge, creating a crude roof, sheltering it from the rain. Digging into the cliff he was creating a cosy den warmed by his body. He started to stash meat when he felt the weather change; it grew colder. The winter of 1983 was one of the coldest on record. Jet was three years old when the cold snap landed. Keepers rushed around the enclosure trying to capture the young dragons.

At that time Lily was with the other older dragons and listening out for her son. Sometimes she would transform back to herself and sneak over to the other preserve to find her son. She watched him grow he was a amazing dragon with two sets of wings and because they were so large he could fly faster than a grown up dragon. When he was big enough they mover her baby into the bigger preserve with the older dragons.