10 Years Down the Road…
Xiang was eighteen. He'd driven his red, convertible Mustang for a good 3 months since he bought it with the money saved up from working at the diner every evening. It brought his savings down to about $10.00…He conveniently forgot about the debt of those credit cards too.
But it was all worth it… just to see Emil's silvery hair fly back while the wind blew it south. He would watch the other's eyes close, mouth curved into that rare smile. He knew that smile was meant for him, that he'd be the single person to witness it. If only he didn't have both hands on the wheel, he'd take a picture and capture it.
Though on their date, Xiang decided against the car. On occasion, a nice walk seemed worth the tight feeling in his chest after a good half an hour. Asthma was a…There were many curses he could describe the condition to be for both himself and Emil, though he'd found himself to ignore it. Nature distracted him nowadays… leaves rustling in his ears beside the howling wind while the daytime light took its leave...all the sensations and colours around him captivated him in a different way than he could ever imagine. Emil taught him that. Before, he'd been engrossed with his electronics, trouble-making casino sneak in's, and pornographic sketches that drove Yao insane (if he wasn't already). Those days weren't entirely behind him. They caught up every so often, like Emil did when he met him in the park in front of the old bench.
"Hey Em," Xiang pocketed his phone. Feliks' numerous advice texts would have to wait.
"Hey…" Dressed in an autumn sweater with billowing jeans and boots, Emil waved. He let a small smile break through his lips, and his eyes. Xiang admired the sparkling purple gems for a moment. Then reality pulled him back, with reddened cheeks.
"So like, ready?"
Nodding, Emil took Xiang's hand. Together they walked through the park, across the streets and through the city where the lights brightened their faces. Cars lined up behind traffic lights. People held cell phones to their ears and shopping bags on each arm or wore thick coats with fur around the collar. Busy busy busy...Xiang loved the city, everything about it.
Other than the fully clothed men whom dressed in black and held people at gunpoint. And that's what happened to a wandering couple, minding their own business, laughing and loving…
The man was covered head to toe in black clothes. His face hid beneath a ski-mask that revealed burning eyes, hungry for power...or rather fear? Xiang couldn't tell, not when he was panicking on the inside that this man had a firm grip on Emil's arm and a gun pressed into the white locks of his hair. Years of Kung Fu training vanished in an instant from Xiang's mind. His smart-ass mouth ran dry. And his eyes, drew small, piercing the air they glared through.
"Leave him alone…" He said. Clenching his fists, he clicked his tongue to his teeth when the man pushed the gun further on Emil's head.
"Not enough...I need money."
"You want my money…?" Out of his pockets, Xiang pulled out his earnings from last nights dinner rush at the diner. Every last penny he'd made on tips, and on his own, sat in his hands to give. "Take it, take it but put him down."
"X-xiang I-" Emil was stopped by a gasp when he was slammed against the side of the nearest building. The man eyed the money before returning his panicked eyes to Xiang.
"More...I need more…A-and I'll give him back."
"How much more…?" Xiang already began emptying his pockets of his wallet filled with anything else that read 'money'. He noticed the watch on his wrist, and slid that off into his hand as well. Was there much more…? There was. In his jacket he kept the keys to his car. Or he did, until he offered them to the stranger.
"Please...take it all, just...don't take him."