AN: This is a pilot, some sort of story I would want to read myself. It's a KP x DC Universe Crossover, focusing on Ron as our favorite Speedster. Any and all criticisms are welcome. Story will grow and diverge over time, but this pilot is mostly to test initial reactions to the story. It was influenced by the CW's new The Flash pilot. Similarities do exist. So, write anything you think about it in any way. (This includes the name of the story. I can't seem to like the name I came up for it.) In addition, this will be a little bit darker than overall KP ambience, but a little bit lighter than overall DC ambience. So there may be some mature concepts built in over time. Again, all criticisms about this is welcome as well.
UnStoppable Flash
Disclaimer: Kim Possible trademark and all characters belong to Disney.
DC Comics and all characters belong to Warner Bros.
Chapter 1: Pilot
My name is Ron Stoppable, and I am the fastest man alive. And this sounds so cheesy when you say it out loud.
Maybe I should begin from the very start. It all started when I started Pre-K, right after nap time...
Right, not that far back maybe. You all probably heard of Kim Possible? Cheerleader, can do anything, saves the world from somewhat whacky villains from time to time. Yea, she is my best friend. And I, uh, am the guy who tags along for distraction.
Well, used to "just" tag along. It's a bit different nowadays. Anyways, if you are all comfy in your chairs, get ready for a wild story.
And I mean, really really wild.
"Explain to me one more time why we are going to Central City?"
Kim Possible sighed as her best friend complained again.
"We are going to be doing guard duty for Dr. Wells' Particle Accelerator. Wade's information suggested that Drakken and Shego was going to make a move on it."
"Isn't that thing like huge? How would they even carry it?" Ron flipped a M&M he was playing with into air, and watched it as Rufus, his naked mole rat caught it.
Kim flicked her hair. "Wade thinks they would actually go for the accelarator's inner chamber, very expensive and very sensitive equipment."
Ron shrugged. "Still seems out of character for your new arch foe. You'd expect something different after his Nano Exploding Tick shenanigan or that 'let's turn Wisconsin into Drakkenville' sitch." Another M&M flipped in the air for Rufus to catch it.
"Don't do that thing again where you advise super villains Ron."
"Not my fault they are making zero sense most of the time, KP. I sure hope this flight from Colorado to Missouri is not a total waste. I'm passing up major snackage time here."
The head of the pilot stuck out slightly from the cabin. "Drop zone in five kids."
"Thanks again Mr. Shaw, dropping us along your way."
"It's my pleasure after you helped us land our cargo plane."
Kim waved it off. " Extinguishing an in flight fire, no big." She turned to Ron. "Are you ready for drop?"
Ron struggled with his straps. "The parachute is a bit tricky to get it right."
The redhead cheerleader smirked and helped Ron get it right. "Time to jump, Ron-man."
Two teens dropped off over Central City.
Dr. Wells, a thin man with glasses, shook Kim's hand. "I'd normally laugh up these things, but if Kim Possible is here to help, I'm not going to turn it down." He gestured to the giant ring structure they were standing on. "Unfortunately, there is not a suitable location I can offer you and your friend to stand lookout. You will have to observe from here, with everyone."
"No problem Dr. Wells." As Wells left to oversee his experiment's activation, Kim turned to Ron. "At least we will get to watch it being activated. It's supposed to be cutting edge in physics research. My dad talked about it a lot."
Ron picked off a few more snacks off the tables. " It's not like we'll see anything KP, these things take a long time, I'm told." He looked above and observed the night air through the glass ceiling above. "Looks like it's gonna rain tonight. Man, I was hoping for a quick ride home and a marination-filled Sunday after that."
"I'm sure you'll get plenty of time to marinate Ron. Head in the game now."
Kimmunicator beeped. "Hey Wade, we are on location, anything new?"
Wade retorted with haste. "Kim, you got an airborn vehicle approaching from west, and fast!"
Kim sprang into action as she fired her grapple gun above and zoomed towards the glass ceiling. As she reached it, a hovercar burst through the ceiling and rained glass down below.
Kim jumped on the hovercar as it descended, and came face to face with Shego and Drakken.
"Hello Princess, you got a craving for a beatdown I see." She charged her hands and fired off a plasma blast.
Kim dodged it and jumped at Shego. " It's my pleasure to provide you with one Shego, as always."
Shego caught Kim and they tumbled out of the hovercar. Drakken screamed "Keep her busy while I acquire the item Shego!"
The hovercar descended towards the ring structure's center. As guests dispersed and ran away from the rain of glass, Ron ran towards the edge and jumped onto the hovercar as it passed near.
"Hellooo, Drakken! Ron-Man's here to entertain!" Ron jumped at controls and randomly pressed. The hovercar did a flip in the air randomly fired a weird beam from underneath.
Drakken struggled with Ron as he screamed. "You buffoon! Get out of my way!"
As the two struggled, hovercar shakily descended towards the ring below and fired off the yellowish beam towards the super structure. As it struck the metallic plating, blocks of plating began to peel off.
Up in the control center, Dr. Wells screamed. "Shut it all off, shut it! Dark energy is building up and shielding is compromised!"
The noise from the superstructure increased to a high pitched grating. Near the observation area, Shego and Kim stopped fighting and held their ears. Kim looked below and saw Ron on the hovercar. As she watched, the hovercar finally crashed into the ring structure.
At that very moment, a yellow energy burst forth from the shredded platings and expanded quickly. As Kim watched, Ron and Drakken got blasted off towards different directions. Ron was sent all the way up towards the ceiling and landed on a beam.
Ron shook his head as he tried to gather himself. Kim shouted from below. "Ron, stay there, I'm coming to get you!"
As she readied her grapple gun, the power in the building went out and the place went dark. Kim struggled to pick a suitable grapple point in the dark and hesitated a moment.
As she was scanning above, she noticed storm clouds above and pouring rain. Her eyes picked out the flash just above them. She screamed too late. "Ron, watch out!"
Ron turned his head upwards and watched momentarily as a lightning bolt built up and instantly struck him.
As he fell from the beam, the whole world went black for him.
The world came into focus very slowly for Ron Stoppable. As he blinked and took in his surroundings, he became aware of a weird thing.
All sounds were a little dull. He shook his head and looked around. The sounds of a hospital slowly bled in.
He was hooked to a few machines, and the one with EKG started beeping as he tried to raise in bed. The on-call nurse rushed into the room, all ready to intervene with another cardiac arrest...
And she stopped dead in her tracks as Ron rose himself to a sitting position.
"Okay, how long I've been sleeping, I got a major snackage shortage in my tummy."
Apparently, he was asleep for a full week, comatose for the first six days. He was flown from Central City to Middleton Memorial a few days ago.
Dr. Ann Possible explained him what happened. "You were in and out of coma a few times Ronald. Your heart kept stopping. You scared us a lot."
"No big Dr. P. You know me, fortress of fortitude." Ron tapped his chest. He screamed in joy as Rufus ran through the door and jumped on the bed. "Hey buddy! No worries, we'll be hitting Bueno Nacho in no time!"
His mother and father came in and hugged him. It looked like his mother had gotten little sleep the last week, and his father looked a bit worn out.
"You scared us to death Ronnie! You must be more careful!" His mother admonished him as she pumped the pillows behind him.
"Son, you can't be this reckless. You were extremely lucky to survive unscathed." His father turned to Dr. Possible. "Did he get out unscathed?"
Ann Possible nodded slowly. "Technically, such a lightning strike should've caused severe de-calcification in his bones, but according to the tests we just ran, he is back to one hundred percent. I'm surprised really. Not even his injuries from the fall remain."
Ron waved it off. " Really folks, I'm a-okay. No need to deprive the ladies of my sunny disposition anymore." He looked around. " Speaking of which, where's KP? Out on a mission?"
Kim's mother nodded. "Something about a missing professor came up I believe. She was worried to death as well."
Ron smiled and shook his head. "We'll catch up when she's back. What did happen that night in Central City, after I... dozed off?"
His father pushed his glasses up. "Terrible things Ronald. Explosion shorted out half that city, injured many and killed a few. Poor Kimberly saved a few scientists, but it looks like a big catastrophe."
Ron's eyes turned down and he looked very sullen all of a sudden. "So I failed big time this time."
"Nothing you could've done son. Kim says you did your absolute best."
Ron just turned around. "So I'll be getting out tomorrow?"
Ann Possible re-attached the patient chart to the bed. "Yes Ronald. We will keep you tonight for observation, but you should be clear to leave tomorrow morning."
"Thanks Mrs. Dr. P." He turned to his mother and said "I'll sleep a bit mom, I'm still tired I think."
They all left the room. Rufus settled in his lap as Ron kept looking out the window. "So the drama this time Rufus."
Ron exited the hospital with his father along in the morning, feeling a bit stiff. His redheaded best friend was waiting near the exit. She ran and hugged Ron as hard as she can.
"Ron, you are okay!" She held him at arms length and checked him over. "Too okay after that in fact."
"Duh KP, you know Ron Man's a man o' steel."
Ron's father walked to the car and waved to them. "I'll go ahead to the house Ronald. You two catch up, I'll see you in the evening."
Kim and Ron walked around for a bit as Ron wanted to stretch his legs. Kim noticed he was a lot quieter than normal. To cheer him up, she suggested Bueno Nacho, which was quickly approved by both Ron and Rufus.
As they sat down with their orders, Kim tried to get Ron to talk.
"Okay, tell me what's the sitch, you are okay and eating Naco, but acting like world has ended."
Ron set down his food and looked to it. "I messed up big time Kim. Mission failure, huge explosion, people dead and injured."
"Ron, you stopped Drakken! I was tangling with her Royal Pain-in-the-ass, you did great."
"That accelerator thingie got damaged and blew up. Thanks to my messing it."
Kim switched to the seat near him and held his shoulder with reassurance. "It was not just that Ron. In fact, the accelerator apparently was building up excess dark energy and they couldn't shut it off. If anything, you damaging it minimized the damage."
Ron looked up. "Really?" Kim rolled his eyes and patted him in the back. "Really Ron. Now eat up, and we can catch a movie after."
Ron finished up in record time. As they stood up and started to leave, another customer tripped as Ron watched. All of a sudden, he started to see it in real slow motion. He quickly looked around and saw everything had slowed down.
A moment later, it all returned to normal. Kim nudged him in his ribs. "Ron, are you okay?"
"...Yea... Let's go."
"C'mon I'll tell you about the last mission. Global Justice contacted me and..."
Ron ran into the gym and interrupted the cheer practice. "Excuse me Kim."
"Not now Ron."
"Kinda importante."
"Mucho busy here Ron."
Ron stared at her and picked up a cone to shout through. "Give me a K, give me an I, give me an M, what's that spell!"
"Nnngh, sorry, but thanks for playin'." He grinned.
Kim pulled him aside and turned to him with fury. "What!"
Ron's smile lopsided as he pulled out the Kimmunicator. "You'll never guess who needs your help."
Kim's eyes grew as she saw the face on Kimmunicator. "Dr. Drakken?!"
Ron grinned again. "Exactomento."
"Dr. Drakken? Why? What?! How?!"
"Actually Ma'am, I'm Pvt. Dobbs from United States Armed Forces. This Drakken fella, he used some big ole' machine to switch our brains. It's not natural!"
"His brain is in your body?"
"Pretty girl with the glowing hands are coming, she-" Communication broke after that.
Kim complained as she walked along Ron. "Like I didn't have to deal Regionals, now this extreme weirdness..."
Ron waved it off. "Stress not KP, you'll handle it. Like you always do."
Kim glared at him. "You make my life sound so cakey."
Ron started counting with his fingers. "Let's see, you are smart, athletic, pretty and popular, sounds pretty cakey to me."
"Okay, flip-mode, playing video games, watching wrestling and downing snackage, it must be brutal to be you."
Ron started to retort, but stopped. His mind went to the Central City blunder. All he did was crash a hovercar, getting himself seriously injured, leaving Kim to deal with the mess. Not to mention falling even more behind on school work during his week long coma. He knew he was easy going and had a devil-may-care attitude, but the last event had made him think that maybe he was a bit too... "Ron."
Kim looked to Ron when she didn't get a return to her jab, and found Ron looking ahead with blank eyes. "Ron? You okay?"
Ron turned to her and said "Huh?" Unfortunately, he was not paying attention where he was going and he crashed into, with extreme unluckiness, Bonnie Rockwaller. He suddenly became aware of world slowing down again and saw Bonnie falling very slowly. He lunged and grabbed her around her waist and caught the book she was holding with his other hand.
Time returned to normal speed almost immediately. Ron quickly restored Bonnie to her full height and handed her the book he caught. Bonnie tried to get a word out but struggled. "You.. loser... what?.."
Ron quickly strolled away with Kim. "Sorry Bonnie, didn't see you, uh, later!" He wiped his brow after they took the corner. "Phew. Bonnie was this close to another shoutfest."
Kim looked at Ron with a bit of amazement. "Nice reflexes there Ron, you caught her and the book at the same time."
Ron looked a bit pensive. "Yea, must be my latent skills."
Steve Barkin watched the whole deal from the start of the corridor and looked puzzled. Then he smiled evilly. "I wonder."
"Middle of the Grand Canyon, really, Drakken's getting really whack with his lair locations." Ron looked down the cliff. "Doesn't seem like there's an evil lair down there."
They finally came to a broken down, old shack. Kim scanned with the Kimmunicator. "This is it."
"That's Drakken's lair?" They walked in and looked around. Ron felt something on his leg and whispered. "Rufus, quit climbing up my leg."
Rufus peeked out of Ron's breast pocket. Ron immediately panicked and started jumping around. He took hold of the chimney and shook off a scorpion off his leg. As he held on, the chimney pipe came down and revealed a secret elevator.
Kim turned to him and smiled. "Mr. Dumb Luck."
Ron stood and grinned. " Not dumb luck KP, Dumb Skill."
The elevator descended and stopped, revealing a large underground cave. "Have we been in this lair before?" Ron inquired as he looked around.
"They all start to look alike after a while. Let's go." They passed by a big machine with two receptor headgear, to which Ron correctly commented as "brain-switch machine."
They found Drakken's body in a crate. "Kim Possible! Look out!"
When Ron and Kim turned, they saw Shego with a lot of henchmen around. "Rescue's over Kimmie." She jumped towards Kim and they started to fight.
Kim shouted "Ron!" as she evaded two henchmen and their energy sticks. Shego jumped over towards Ron.
"All over it!" He grabbed Pvt. Dobbs in Drakken's body and started to run. Some henchmen blocked them off immediately followed by Shego.
Kim jumped and fired off her grappling gun, swinging towards Shego. She took her with a kick, which Shego retaliated by cutting the grappler's cord. Kim crashed into the machine and one of the receptor headgear came down upon her head.
All of the henchmen pressed down upon Ron, who started to settle into a funny Kung Fu pose. As one of them swung his energy stick, time slowed down dramatically for Ron.
He avoided the first swing, and another after that, unbalancing the henchmen, he spun and kicked the second guy's back, whom in turn went crashing into a recovering Shego. Shego got knocked under the brain-switch machine and the second headgear came down on her head.
At that moment, Rufus, who had leapt out of Ron's pocket, landed on the activation switch.
Only one thought went through Ron's head.
Oh fudge me.
The machine shocked both women for a few seconds. After that, they stood up and looked at each other.
"YOU ARE ME?!" which was Kim and "NOOOOOOOO!" which was Shego, had been their reactions.
Pvt. Dobbs charged into Kim's body after taking a look and said "You think we ought to get outta here?"
Kim's voice answered from Shego's body. "But we have to change back!"
Ron grabbed hold of her and said " No time!" Lots of henchmen started firing their energy sticks and blasted around them. They ran towards the exit, and while they did that, Kim grabbed hold of Drakken's body and Ron grabbed Rufus as he ran.
Shego recovered and ran after them. She jumped over and landed in front of them. "You think I'll let you stroll away with both Drakken's and MY BODY? Not a chance Princess!"
"Stuff it Shego." She kicked her own body in the foot and jumped over. Ron and Pvt. Dobbs made a dash towards elevator while Kim let a pressure valve open, blanketing the area with steam.
Shego's screams rose from Kim's body. "DON'T LET THEM GET TO.." A ding sound was heard. "...elevator."
Awkward? No, this is miles ahead of that. Awk-weird. Yea, awk-weird.
They were at dinner with Possibles, Kim in Shego's body and Pvt. Dobbs in Drakken's. James Possible was stealing glances all around.
"Ahem, I'm sorry, I can't eat sitting across Kim's archnemesis and her sidekick."
Kim answered "Dad, I told you, it's not really Drakken and Shego, it's their bodies."
Kim's mother answered. "I hear you honey, but as a board certified neurosurgeon, I've got to say, it's just not possible to swap brains."
Ron cut in there. "Point taken Dr. P. But how else do you explain Kim's voice coming out of a few years older lady with greenish skin and plasma hands?"
Kim sighed in extreme exasparation and facepalmed.
James Possible laughed. "Chasing bad guys, switching brains, high school sure has changed since my day."
Ron nudged Kim, albeit with a little fear, since it looked like Shego. "Uh Kim, the Kimmunicator is still on your body, right?"
Kim's head shot up. "Damn it! Now we gotta go to school to contact Wade!"
"Not really Kim." Their TV sprang upto life to give way to Wade's image. "I figured out what happened after a very angry looking you destroyed it when I tried to call. Although..." Wade giggled and then cracked up as Kim glared from Shego's eyes. "This is way too funny, sorry Kim."
Ron held Kim back as her hands glowed green. "Uh, KP, the hands, watch the hands!"
"Oh right..." Kim calmed herself down and then turned to TV. " Give me the sitch Wade."
"There's been a security breach at Pvt. Dobbs' post. Something is stolen. Something big. Something top secret!"
"Jump in, cat fish, The Neutronalizer!" Pvt. Dobbs burst out then looked around. "Y'all wasn't supposed to hear that."
"There's more Kim, Drakken's lair is gone, everything was cleared! Including the brain switch machines!"
"So I'm stuck like this?! Wade, hurry and find them!"
"You let them get away with my body?!"
"Look Doc, I'm not flying from happiness either, I got a major breast downsizing here!"
Ron finished explaining as Kim changed in the girls locker room.
Bonnie started laughing. "So Possible lost her body and picked up an older one! This is too good to be true!"
Ron got a bit angry and took a step towards Bonnie. " Look Bon-Bon, this is tough enough without you messing around, so stuff it and help out KP here. Besides, without her, your Regional Cheer title is gonna be out the window!"
Shego's head peeked out the locker room. "Uh, Tara could you help me here?"
Tara walked towards her and into the room. "What's wrong Kim?"
Kim shuddered with embarrasment. "The uniform...Uh... It's a bit too snug around my... breasts."
"Time share lair complex. Seriously, why didn't we check these places right away?" Ron whispered as they snuck in.
"Shhh Ron, quiet time!"
"No matter how you sound like Kim, this is too damn awk-weird as you in Shego's body KP."
They walked into the lair and looked around. They came upon Drakken lamenting his not being taken serious with world's governments.
What caught Ron's eye was Kim though, as in Kim's real body. Shego had apparently pulled some black leather from somewhere and wore it. To Ron, it looked magnificent... Then he remembered who that was and felt really.. awk-weird.
He also heard Kim sizzle near him. "Oh Shego's so gonna kiss asphalt this time. Black leather tights, really?!" She shook it off though. " Okay, here's the plan, me and Ron distract them while you disarm the Neutronalizer."
"Ah, ma'am, I dunno nothing about disarming it. I just guarded it after all."
The panel they were hiding got blasted. "So Kim Possible and her buffoon of a sidekick finally arrived." Drakken then pointed to them and screamed. "Finish them both!"
Shego, from Kim's body, objected loudly but couldn't stop the henchmen as they fired plasma from the energy sticks. Kim and Ron split, but Drakken's body remained there. Just as one of the plasma seemed that it'd hit Pvt. Dobbs, a strong gust changed plasma's direction and made it land just near.
Kim and Shego jumped up to the top of the panels. "We're switching now Princess, I'm sick and tired of your body!"
"I'm all with you there Shego! How you ever managed to perform a backflip with these two in the front, is a complete mystery!"
"Why you!" They engaged in the air as they jumped.
Meanwhile, Ron was avoiding the henchman as they kept shooting at him. Unfortunately, just above him, Kim lost control of Shego's body and let loose a rogue plasma blast, which in turn knocked all the panels like domino. Ron and Kim was knocked out for a while.
"There's no body like my body!" Drakken shuddered in delight.
"Ah yes sir, it's good to be home!" Pvt. Dobbs said as henchmen carried him off.
"OI! Dr. D. It's my turn now, c'mon!" Ron giggled a bit as Shego in Kim's body was making a very un-Kim-like face.
"Glad to see you are having fun Stoppable." Kim glared at him sideways.
"Oh you are gonna be back to your body in a second, don't stress it."
"And then we are gonna get dusted off by Shego."
Ron winked. "Maybe, maybe not."
Shego grabbed Kim ( which was actually Kim grabbing Shego, but you get the idea.) and brought her to the machine with her hands tied and all. Then she got herself tied up just before Drakken activated the machine."
A few seconds later, Ron heard Shego crying out in jubilation. "Ooooh yea, I'm so going to fry you now Princess!"
Drakken spoke up before Shego could do so. "Neutronalizer first, frying second Shego."
They initiated the sequence for Neutronalizer firing, but as it was about to go off, the fusebox blew out and lair lost power.
"Cheap rental lairs! They know I've excessive power demands."
Suddenly, a Kimmunicator on Shego beeped. Shego answered it. "Sorry but Princess is about to get fried. Can I take a message?"
Wade answered with full vengeance. "Tell her the army is on the way."
Drakken hollered and started walking away. "The army! Shego, initiate self destruct, we are outta here!."
They walked out as Kim struggled in the corner to get free of the ropes. "Damn it, can't get out!"
Ron came running from where he was tied up though, like he never was. "No worries KP, we are outta here!" He grabbed Kim and threw her on his shoulder and ran out.
A few hundred meters from the now-exploded lair, he set Kim down and freed her.
"Ron, how did you-" She stopped as she saw Ron pointing to Rufus who stuck his head out from Ron's pocket. She then petted Rufus. "Good little naked mole rat."
Ron sighed and looked around. "I don't know about you Kim, but I'm ready to go home and catch some Z's."
"Agreed, Speed-Boy."
"Speed boy? Wha?"
Kim pointed behind. "You ran pretty fast outta there, carrying me as well."
Ron waved his hand. "Hellooo, distracting sidekick, fast legs are a prerequisite for the gig KP."
"No no problem, thank You!" Ron backed out of the guidance counselor's office. He slumped down after exiting the office. "My life's so over."
Suddenly, he became aware of a presence behind him. He turned to find Steve Barkin looking at him like a hawk. "Stoppable. Don't sit on the floor."
"Sorry, Mr. B. It's just that I am just told-"
"That you need to do extra curricular activities to pad your resumé." His stern face suddenly took a very evil smile. "I know."
Ron felt really uncomfortable in his gaze and smile. " Uh, Mr. B., what are you gonna- ah!"
Ron screamed as Barkin dragged him towards the football field near the school.
"Stoppable. You have any idea why you are here?"
Ron looked at the very awkward looking football pads on him. "To make me help practice some of the team. Though I think you coulda found someone else Mr. Barkin, I suck at this."
Steve Barkin facepalmed in exasparation. The boy had no clue at all. "Stoppable, take your place at the 10-yard line."
Ron complied. Barkin came near him and pulled out a stopwatch. The football team had been practicing, and they took a break to watch. "You are going to do 40 yard dashes, understood?"
"Uh, okay but why?"
"Don't question me punk, do as you are told!"
Ron set down and waited for Barkin's sign. As Barkin blew his whistle, he dashed the 40 yard. To the watching team nearby, it looked a pretty fast run. A few players went by Barkin and looked at the time.
"4.92, woa, dude's not bad." Yet Barkin didn't look happy at all.
He went near Ron and picked him off the ground. "Stoppable! When I tell you to run, you will RUN LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT! Not take a pleasure stroll! Now, hit it again."
Ron didn't get why Barkin was making him run, but if he wanted him to go all speed...
The whistle blew again, and as the whole team, a few people in stands and Barkin watching, Ron dashed like a man possessed.
As he crossed 40 yard line, Barkin stopped the watch and forgot to speak. Captain of the team, Brick Flagg took a look at the stopwatch.
"Holy shit, Stoppable can run a 4.5!"
Ron came near Barkin and looked at him. "So, what was that all about Mr. B?"
Steve Barkin facepalmed again, but this time with contention. "What it is that you are now the Runningback of Middleton High School Football Team."
Ron's eyes went full size and he went into shock.
"...Wha now?"
"Ow. Ow. Ow." Each step he took felt like agony to Ron. "I mean really, who makes you run 50 laps around the field, crab-style, the first day you join the team?"
Kim, patted him on the back as they walked. "At least you'll hurt less in future Ron."
"Yea, have you seen what they do to RB's like me? I'll be crushed to my atoms by the end of the first match."
"You are so not gonna tell me you didn't wanna be a jock." Kim rolled her eyes.
"That maybe so, but I also have a fondness for living as well Kim."
"Quit crying, let's drop by Bueno Nacho before heading home."
Ron stopped and rubbed his glutes. "You know KP, I think I'm gonna head home and sleep, I can barely stand as it is."
"Okay then, but you'll probably hurt tomorrow anyway, so call me over in the morning and I'll help you stretch before school."
"If I can wake up, that is." Surprisingly, he felt better as he approached his house.
Meanwhile, across the town, three metallic figures grabbed an Asian professor and took off with him.
Kim didn't get a peep from Ron until she saw him in school. He looked surprisingly okay. She approached him at the lockers and slapped him in the back. He reacted less than she hoped.
"Huh, looks like you are not hurting much."
"Hi KP! I dunno why, but no pain whatsoever was left when I woke up. Fortress of fortitude and immunity, still going strong!"
As he took his books out, Tara walked near. "Hi Ron."
Ron smiled and returned the greetings. "Hi Tara, Something I can help you with?"
"Just wanted to say that I'm glad you got into Football Team, knew you could do better ever since Camp Wanna-"
"Please let's not mention that evil evil place. Henceforth, it shall be known as Where-Should-Not-Be-Named-Nor-Mentioned." He smiled again after that. "Thanks though, didn't know my mad running away skills had real world applications."
Tara giggled and waved. " See you later Ron."
Ron turned and closed his locker, only to come face to face with Kim's sinister grin. "Well well, looks like 'Ron-Man' is garnering fame."
"It's no big KP, she's just being friendly and all. Besides, ladies know that Ron-Man's here to please, Boo yah."
"Yes, let's get 'Ron-Man' to the chem class before we both get detention, shall we?"
As the day at school came to a close, Kimmunicator went beeping. "What's the sitch Wade?"
"Professor Ramesh from Mt. Middleton Observatory wants your help."
Kim rubbed her chin while thinking. "That name sounds familiar. I think my Dad knows him."
"Ramesh's partner professor Chen is missing."
"Okay Wade, set up a ride. I'll go get the Man Who Can Run Like A Storm."
"So Ron really made starting RB?"
"Apparently." Kim went to the field and looked for Ron.
"Possible." Steve Barkin called her out near the sidelines. "What are you doing here?"
"A mission came up Mr.B., need to bring Ron with me."
"Not gonna happen Possible, I can't let him cut practice on his second day."
Ron saw Kim and ran to them. "What's up KP?"
"A mission is on, but Mr. B. says you can't leave."
Ron turned to Barkin. "Mr. Barkin, I could come back later and finish it up after the mission?"
"Not gonna happen! But if you really want to leave now..."
Barkin turned towards the field. "Give me 100 suicide runs, and then you can leave immediately."
Kim's mouth fell open as she heard Barkin's outrageous demand. She also went into shock as she watched Ron not complain at all, but in return, set into stance and began his suicide runs.
"Mr. B, isn't this a little too excessive?!"
"Your friend here has a lot of potential, but lacks motivation Possible. Setting barriers for him to overcome, just in order to help you, seems like an excellent motivation."
Ron was finished with the runs under 10 minute, at which point he was wheezing like a dying man. The news helicopter Wade set them up with also arrived at that time. Ron took off the pads but didn't have time to change.
"Ugh, going into a mission with my undershirt, so not cool." He sniffed his shirt and grimaced."
"Don't stress out on me Ron." She took one of his mission shirts from her pack. "Here, took this out of your locker."
Ron groaned as he put it on. "Barkin is gonna be my death before long, I'm telling ya KP." Then he suddenly went silent. "Damn. I forgot Rufus in my normal pants!"
"He'll do fine until we go back Ron."
"You haven't seen Rufus hungry much, have you?"
Kim and Ron walked into the observatory to see a much bizarre situation.
Three female looking robots closing in on Prof. Ramesh.
"Professor Ramesh, we have come for you."
Ramesh took a few steps back and asked in fear. " Who are you?!"
As an answer, robots started to shake and move in high speed around Ramesh.
"I am Bebe. " and "I am Bebe. " and yet another " I am Bebe."
"Is there an echo in here?"
One of the Bebes turned and focused on them.
"Analysis. Subject: Kim Possible. Threat: Minimal. Analysis. Subject: Ron Stoppable. Threat: None Whatsoever."
"Hey!" Ron groaned. "That hurts." was Kim's reaction. She sprang into action and ran towards the robots. A flip in the air and a drop kick was caught by the leading Bebe, who then proceded to throw Kim to the giant telescope.
Kim flipped in the air and caught the telescope's gyro, then jumped back as it rotated. "Not bad."
Bebes raised their hands and said in unison. "Bebe is perfect." Their hands shot out and tried to catch Kim, which she all evaded. However, as she tried to grab Ramesh and ran with the chair he was on, one of the Bebes caught the chair and flung it to the air. Ramesh crashed into a wall, while Kim was knocked down.
Another Bebe caught her as she was trying to get up and kicked her to the nearest wall with a high speed kick.
Ron ran to help, but time slowed down for him as he watched Kim getting kicked.
Suddenly, room exploded with displacing air. Ron caught Kim just before she crashed into the wall, and took the brunt of the momentum on his back. He checked Kim and saw that she was out of it from the kick.
He got up and ran towards Bebes, who just started to move extra fast themselves.
To him, they looked like slow moving golf carts, and he exploded again, unleashing a punch storm onto the Bebe nearest Ramesh.
As he stopped to check his handiwork and catch his breath, another Bebe caught him from behind and knocked him out.
A few minutes later, Kim shook him awake. "Ron, are you okay, Ron!"
"Yea yea, I'm fine. What the hell were those things?"
"You tell me, you apparently got one." Kim pointed to the Bebe Ron had thrashed. Her face plating caved in and wires destroyed, it was most probably useless now.
"I uh..." Suddenly, he became aware of what happened. He had sped to an inhuman level. A...superpower.
Oh boooy. "I think I got it by chance when it was trying to get Ramesh. Cheap metal if it caved to my punches." He had no idea why he just blatantly lied to his best friend, but he didn't even know what happened himself.
Kim held his right hand and inspected it. "Your right hand is not in mint condition either." True enough, there were several contusions and bruises on the hand. She started to look around. "We now have two missing scientists and no clue on how to find them. Great."
She walked around. Ron took a step and heard a glass shattering noise. What he picked up from the ground was an old picture.
He noticed Ramesh in the middle. Rufus suddenly tried showing him stuff in picture. "Oh yea, that's Professor Chen near him. Wait..."
Rufus frantically pointed to the man right near Ramesh. "Is that Kim's dad?" He inspected it closely and saw that it is. "Oh that is just horrible. Those sleeves rolled up jackets are so eighties."
Rufus again wore himself out trying to make Ron see the real issue. Ron finally wizened up after a minute. "Kim's dad could be the next target!"
He turned and ran to Kim. "KP! Stop, I found a clue!"
"Kimmie-cub, I don't like this little plan of yours. Ronald is in danger right now." James Possible glanced at the teen in disguise outside the house, pretending to mow the lawn.
Kim held her father's arm and squeezed to reassure him. "Don't worry Dad, that's what he does best, acting as distraction. Plus, we will be able to follow him, right Wade?"
Wade's voice from the Kimmunicator acknowledged this. " Due to a little, uh, device, I placed on Ron's person, we will easily be able to track him. It'll be perfectly safe."
As they watched, two shadows suddenly placed themselves around Ron. He offered no resistance, seemingly, and the Bebes tied him up. Then they immediately took off.
"Let's go Rufus." Kim moved with haste.
"I'm coming as well Kimmie-cub, if someone is after me and my friends, I may be able to help."
Ron found himself enclosed within a ray shield with the missing scientists.
"Who's behind this?" Professor Ramesh asked.
"Obvious. Some villain needs our help to take over the world." Professor Chen answered.
Suddenly, a very familiar voice rang out of the darkness. Ron groaned lightly as he heard the voice. "Gentlemen, don't flatter yourselves. There's only one genius in this room. And it is I, Dr. Drakken!"
"Drew?" was the collective reaction of the two professors. "Drew Lipsky, is that you?" Ramesh continued.
"No." Ron said and pulled out his James Possible disguise from his head. "He is Dr. Drakken. And he is in for a world of hurt!"
Drakken grimaced. "So, Kim Possible is here."
Ron puffed up. "Oooh yes!...Actually no. But she can be. Or she may be. Or was that she would be?..." He trailed away bumbling.
Drakken turned to the remaining two Bebes. "You know, I purposefully programmed you with a pinch of emotion just so you would be ashamed of failures like this!" He held up the James Possible face mask. "It's slipshot what it is!"
"That's right missy, and I demand better from my lackeys! Especially the robotic ones."
"Lackeys?!" The two Bebes turned to Drakken with anger. "Our sister perished for your plan!"
Drakken suddenly turned to a very positive mood. "Let's not get testy. You'll get another chance of course. Go forth and bring Dr. Possible to me!" Bebes turned and sped away from the room.
"Why are you after Kim's dad and his friends anyway?"
Drakken turned to his captives with enthusiasm. "Payback! You see-" He stopped as his brain registered what Ron just said. "Wait, you mean Dr. Possible and Kim Possible are related?"
"Duh." Ron said as the two professors near him shook their heads in exasparation.
"Don't 'duh' me. Possible is a very common last name."
"So not."
" yes it is."
"It's pretty unique~" Ron said in a sing song voice.
"Enough! I shall prove it! Where's the phonebook?" Drakken walked out of the room.
A few minutes later, Kim and her dad walked into the room. After Kim flipped the light switch, they saw it was a big hall that would double as a ball room.
Ron immediately let Kim know what was going on. "Kim, it was Drakken!"
"Drakken's behind this?"
Drakken walked back into the room, not noticing he had new guests. "Okay fine, so in Middleton there's only one Possible family."
"Doy." Kim called from behind him.
Drakken turned in shock. "Kim Possible! And...and.."
"Her father, Dr Possible." Ron supplied helpfully.
"Yes, well, there's no way I expected to conclude that my arch nemesis is the daughter of a guy I went to college with."
"Drew? Drew Lipsky?"
Kim had trouble getting the picture. "Wait, he's the guy from college you told me about? My arch foe?"
"Well he didn't use to be blue, I can tell you that much."
"No, but I was blue..on the inside. Scorned by my friends.. my possé.." Drakken looked very sad at that moment. Then he quickly picked back up. " But, I vowed to prove my genius to all of you. And when I got the reunion invite.."
James Possible interjected and took the invite from him. "Since you dropped out, you really are not entitled to that."
"Indeed. Exactly why I planned my own little reunion." He screamed loudly after that. "Bebes, return to me at once!"
Bebes immediately appeared, coming in through the big doors.
"Who's the genius now?! These robots are perfect, and their sole purpose is to obey me!"
One of the Bebes asked. "Question. If we are perfect, why do we obey, one who is not perfect. Conclusion. Drakken is unfit to command!"
Chen seemed amused. "It's college all over again. That man cannot build a robot."
"He should take up cloning." Ramesh supplied.
Drakken started taking steps back. "Bebes, no. Bad Bebes, bad!"
Kim rolled her eyes and handed the Kimmunicator to her father. " This is just too weird." Then she jumped upto Drakken's shoulders and sprang up from there onto the two Bebe's heads. She proceded to crash their heads together.
She leapt down and kicked the Bebes away. "Now that's done with..."
She got suddenly blindsided as two Bebes recovered and charged here. They threw Kim over to the other side of the room.
One of the Bebes looked at Ron. " Re-analysis. Subject: Ron Stoppable. Threat: Substantial. Kill Kim Possible to compromise subject emotionally."
Both Ron and Dr. Possible went crazy at hearing this. Ron screamed and flung himself to the ray shield. It shocked him and sent him onto the ground.
Bebes surround Kim and started raining high speed attacks which Kim was evading, but by skin of her teeth each time. It looked bad all around for her.
Drakken snickered and started walking away. "I think I'll let the ladies work this amongst themselves."
James Possible turned on the Kimmunicator and spoke in panic. "Wade!"
"Dr. Possible?"
"I need a sonic disturbance! Make it loud, make it ultra high frequency!"
"Something that can jam a wireless network signal?"
"Please and thank you, now hurry up!"
As Kim was knocked down, one of the Bebes grabbed her by the wrist and held her up. The killer robot was charging her free hand for a lethal strike as a very high pitch white noise filled the room.
Bebes turned towards James Possible and the Kimmunicator he was holding. "Analysis. Subject: Dr. Possible's attack strategy. Threat: Substantial. Destroy electronic device."
They started taking shaky steps towards Dr. Possible. He ran away and kept holding the device up.
Bebes slowly stopped. "Hi-hive..Mind.. Co-Co-connection...lost."
"I'll take that as good news!" She jumped towards the robots and landed in between they turned to strike Kim, but instead destroyed each other when she dodged.
They exploded after that, sending debris all around. Kim walked over and turned the Kimmunicator off.
They all suddenly turned as they heard a loud thump and saw Drakken limping towards the exit. Kim ran and jumped over him to cover the exit. "What about your college reunion... Dreewww~"
"I'll come to the next one, when I'm even more successful." He pushed a button and a jetpack sprawled behind him. He activated it while laughing... And then promptly smashed into the ceiling.
Everyone shook their heads.
As they got to Kim's house, Ron started feeling funny all over. After everyone got inside, he didn't go in, even though Kim motioned him to do so.
"I think I'll go home now KP, was a long day."
"If you say so Ron." She looked a bit thoughtful as she scanned Ronald for weirdness. "You are okay, right Ron?"
"Yea I am... Why do you ask?"
Kim motioned towards the house. "The fact that I may have made fun of you, you won't turn into some supervillain right?"
They looked at each other and had a good laugh after that.
"Good night KP."
She watched him leave, all the while remembering what that one Bebe said.
"Re-analysis. Subject: Ron Stoppable. Threat: Substantial. Kill Kim Possible to compromise subject emotionally."
Why would they deem him a substantial threat while I was 'minimal'?
Ron got a wave of nauseating feelings again. His hand felt real bad. He looked as his hand seemingly got out of phase, moving at super speeds. He also noticed the earlier wounds from punching Bebes were gone.
He freaked out and started running as he felt very funny. Suddenly, he was seeing drive lanes and houses speeding by him, and he narrowly avoided crashing into trash can... Only to plow straight through someone's fence and then kept going.
When he had stopped, he looked like he had left Middleton. He looked around and saw Upperton mansions nearby.
"Oh boy."
Wade got pinged from his own website. The message was rather short and worried him.
Wade, Ron here. I need to talk to you. WITHOUT Kim knowing anything about it. Contact me.
Wade knew Ron was a goofball, but this was very unlike him. Especially if he wanted to hide it from Kim. He may have been a lot younger than those two, but he understood how deep their connection went.
He reached Ron's house. To his luck, it was Ron answering. "Wade, that you?"
"Yes Ron, what is the problem?"
An uncomfortable but brief silence followed. "This is not something that I can.. talk over the phone. I need to show you, or you won't believe me. We need to meet... in person."
"Ron, you know I don't do 'outside' unless it's a real emergency."
"Believe me, this IS a real emergency. DEFCON 11 serious."
"What's with this 'without Kim' part?"
Ron's voice sounded desperate and pleading. "Wade, she can't know about this."
Wade sighed. "All right, meet me in the morning. I'll give you my address."
Ron sighed audibly from the other end. "I owe you huge Wade. I'll make it up to you somehow."
"Now just let me sleep Ron."
At 7:00 AM sharp, Wade was woken up by his door being knocked on. He groggily got up and opened the door to find Ron standing there.
"Ron, when I said morning, I mean like nine AM or something.." He yawned. "How did you get in?"
"Your mom let me in. I think she's fixing you a breakfast. Something about 'he needs to eat before he goes out."
Wade nodded. "I'll be down soon, you can wait here if you want."
"No no, wouldn't want to disturb the Wade-Cave." He joked slightly, but it was easy to see he was anxious and a nervous wreck. He looked like he got little sleep. "I'll be in the hall."
Wade's mother ushered Ron into kitchen when she saw him sitting on stairs. "Ron, come have a breakfast with us! You must not have gotten any this early."
"Thanks Ma'am, but I'm... having a bit of a stomach problem, better not eat before going outside."
Wade got downstairs and ate his breakfast while watching Ron slowly sip the tea his mother had given him. Ron really looked like he was in a deep situation, which worried him greatly.
He finished quickly and walked outside with Ron.
"You said you'd need to show me something? Well?"
Ron motioned to the park nearby. "Let's go there."
When they reached there, Ron took in a deep breath. "You remember Central City Disaster right?"
"Ron, you were in a coma, of course I do."
"Something happened that night."
"Well you were struck down by a lightning bolt."
Ron looked at him and took off his backpack. He set it nearby, also took Rufus and set him on the backpack. "Watch closely."
He closed his eyes, then ran towards the edge of the treeline, some thirty meters away.
Wade felt his breath kicked out of him as air displaced where Ron just was. Then he saw a red streak reach the treeline under a second.
"Holy shit." Wade felt shock taking him over.
Ron turned and looked at him. And then he zoomed near him again. Wade felt a gust of wind hit him as Ron appeared in front of him.
Ron collapsed near him into the ground. Wade took his arm. "Ron are you okay?!"
"Yea, I'm fine... It's just... showing you... I feel a bit relieved."
"Ron, you just moved in impossible speeds. This is a bona fide superpower."
"You tell me, I'm still having trouble controlling it. There's also..." Ron looked at his hand. "Yesterday, I punched a Bebe in super speed, and my skin was very damaged on knuckles. My bones also hurt a little. Now look at it."
Ron's right hand was pristine, not a peep of injury or contusion anywhere.
Wade shook his head. "I need my tools, and we need to get to a secluded place where we can test you. This is big Ron, very big. Kim would want to know."
Ron pleaded to Wade. "She was happy that I got into football team, I can't have her look at me as a cheater! Please!"
Wade nodded. Then thought something. "Ron, did you even cheat at the practice or your tryout? This would be apparent to everyone if you had."
Ron looked lost. "I don't know man... I mean, time slows down when I go into superspeed, and when I ran on the field, time was normal for me. But I mean..."
"If that's the case, I think that's your natural speed Ron. You always were fast. Anyway..." Wade turned towards his house. "Wait for me here, I'll grab some equipment, and arrange a ride."
"A ride? To where?"
Ron looked around as he put on various equipment Wade was handing him. "So, Middleton Space Center's old airfield? You'd think this place would be used."
"They never bothered to take this down after they built a new one. It's not slated to be destroyed for another few years, according to city council records."
"And nobody comes here?"
"Totally empty. No one really comes over to this side of airfield either, we are safe." He finished adjusting his measuring equipment. He turned to Ron and scanned him with a handheld device.
"Ron, let's start with what you feel comfortable. Then we can check your limits."
"You sure I can control this?"
"I am sure Ron. You can already start and stop when you want, it's gonna be easy when you really focus."
Ron nodded and put his feet into the starting point. "You ready with the gadgets?"
"All good here. Measurements are being taken... as of now. Start when you want."
Ron sighed and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes as they were slightly illuminated by a red tendrils of light.
He took off as he opened his eyes. The world suddenly came into sharper focus for him, and started to ran by him.
Wade was pushed back in his chair as Ron sped away and created a strong gust of wind in his wake.
He turned to his laptop and watched his speed go up. "Oh my god, he just passed 200 knots per hour."
Ron ran to the end of the airstrip and then turned back in the same speed. He was feeling good with it and didn't want to push before Wade giving an okay.
As he came to a stop near Wade's makeshift tent, he saw his friend going at all his three laptops like crazy. Wade stopped and looked at him. "Ron, your vitals were steady, you clocked an amazing speed... This is unbelievable."
Ron shrugged. Then he took position again. "So, faster this time?"
"Push it, but not as if your life depends on it. We need you to control this, not break yourself at the second day you are getting used to."
Ron felt himself lighter. As if it was easier to go in and out of his ...speedzone.
He smiled and took off again.
Wade and Ron was returning to Middleton town center. Wade had arranged a minivan to pick them and the equipment up.
"So, what was the final speed?"
"You clocked 600 mph in your final run. Looked like you were having a little trouble keeping up though."
"I felt stretched a bit."
"I also checked your vitals and your blood. Your bloodwork will take some time, but it looks totally normal. Your vitals however, show a fast heartbeat... Which seems mild compared to what you can do. That being said..."
Wade closed the laptop he was reading from and turned to Ron. "Your body seemed to adapt slightly. Ron, we need you to train, and train hard. You can get faster and stronger. Every time a bone break or your muscles are strained, your body seems to heal it better, stronger. Cellular regeneration is off the charts, and generation of oxidants seems almost non-existent."
Ron seemed to take it all in slowly. "I don't get all of what you are saying... But lately, after waking up, I've been thinking."
"Maybe I've been a little too relaxed, you know. With school, with myself, with... helping Kim. She deserves a better sidekick. A more trained, more knowledgeable one."
"Ron, neither Kim nor anybody else thinks you are not good enough. It's just..."
"It's just that you think I'm not trying hard enough."
Wade stayed silent after that. Rufus ran upto Ron's shoulder and looked at him in concern.
"I need to catch up. With schoolwork. Need to train with this... power. No more lazing around. I can't let Kim get hurt."
"Ron, what's this with Kim?"
Ron looked at Wade with desperation. "I was locked into that ray shield. I couldn't help her. And the robots were this close to killing her. She was helpless. I felt... I can't explain it... Like my heart was getting torn apart. If it was not for Dr. P..."
Ron's look hardened. "If the world and Kim needs a better Ron, then that's what they deserve. I will give it to them."
Wade handed him a watch when they returned to his room. "It's a prototype Kimmunicator I was working on, but I'll adjust it for you for now. Disguise it as a watch. If you are still adamant about her not knowing."
"I know we will eventually have to let her know. But for now, let me get used to it."
Wade brought up a screen. "Ron, don't do too much or too fast 'running' for now. Your clothes were singed when we ended testing. Your clothes are not suitable for the friction caused. I've an idea about that, but it'll take a week or two."
He showed Ron a page on laptop. "That's a standard football undershirt. Form fitting. Designed to allow air passage and easy exit of sweat through micro fabric. Train with that on you, and do it on the airfield. You know the way now, right?"
Ron nodded. "Yes...Thanks for all this Wade. I really owe you a debt I can never repay."
"What's a super genius friend for? 'No big' Ron."
Ron got dressed in the locker room. It was his first game of football, and it was against Upperton High, Middleton's rival school. Understandably, he was nervous. But his anxiety was due to his powers now. He needed to control it, never allowing it to manifest during a match. Not even a little.
Any less would be cheating, and he couldn't disappoint his family and Kim like that.
His thoughts were interrupted as Brick Flagg sat near him. "Ease up Stoppable. If you run half as good as you did in training, you'll poke Upperton defense full of holes tonight."
Steve Barkin walked into the room and spoke loudly. "I want them crushed on the field gentlemen, and make a statement. All State championship, this is what we want this year!" The team chorused loudly "Yes sir!"
Barkin turned to Ron with whole team watching. "Stoppable, kiddie gloves are off. I want you crushing their D, running as much as you can, as long as you can. Unless Brick sees a golden opportunity, we will run almost seventy percent of the plays on you." He then turned to the team and motioned to all of them. "I want people to know that we have an All-State quarterback, but be amazed by the speed that's clearly at college level, that is Ron Stoppable. Today gentlemen, I want all of you on full speed!"
Kim felt extremely happy as their team was announced and Ron ran down the corridor and into the field. Her best friend was finally getting the praise he deserved. She began to cheer loudly and carried the cheerleader team with her.
In the stands, John Stoppable and James Possible was sitting with Possible twins. They all cheered for their team, and twins opened a "Sidekick Power!" banner that they made. Ron blushed when he saw it.
A few minutes later, Upperton chose the goal and punted the ball. Ron positioned himself near the landing point and caught the ball. Suddenly, all of Upperton D seemed to be rushing towards him.
He started running, controlling his breathing so he wouldn't let his superpower activate. As one of Upperton linebackers rushed, his lead blocker sidewinded him, opening a running lane for Ron.
He dashed with his normal human limits, and more defenders kept coming. He avoided first two with speed, but the third one was coming him from dead ahead. At the last possible moment before collusion, he did a lightning fast side step and got past.
After that, it was a clear run to the TD line.
The stands exploded with cheer, and he looked at Kim in sidelines, who was grinning madly.
Ron exited the locker room and walked to the parking lot. His father and Possibles were waiting. His father hugged him and James Possible patted him on the back.
"Eight touchdowns and 520 yard run completion, Ronald, you were unstoppable today! I think you need to come up with a catchphrase for your son John."
Jim and Tim hugged Ron as well. Kim came out of stadium, having changed as well. "So, how about we conclude the Ron Night with Bueno Nacho, Touchdown Boy?"
Ron's mouth watered and he felt Rufus doing the same on his shoulder. "You know me too well KP!"
His father walked into his car and called "Don't be too late Ronald. You know your mother gets a bit testy when we go to the Temple sleeping on our feet."
Feels Like Today - Rascal Flatts
Ron waved to his father and the leaving Possibles. Then started to walk to Bueno Nacho with Kim.
A slightly uncomfortable silence followed. Ron finally broke it. "So, what did you think? Did I look as stupid as I felt out there?"
Kim rolled her eyes. "Ron, I think Tara squealed at one point in the game, where you were avoiding defense like they were training dummies. You looked spankin' out there.
"Badical it is." Ron looked happy, but a little off as well.
"So spit it out."
"You went on to be a hero on the field, and we are going to get Nacos. You should be dying from happiness, not just mildly pleased. Tell me what's wrong."
Ron hesitated. "Well... I'm still kinda thinking about Bebes...And how one of them almost got you..."
"Ron, it's no big, It's not like it's the first time we are brushing death."
"It's not just that...I think I may have been a tad too lazy."
"Just a tad?"
Ron grimaced. "Well okay, maybe a lot. My point is..." He stopped and turned to Kim. "Would you run me through a few moves when we get some downtime? I'll also try to catch up in classes as well, a gentlemen's C feels a bit weird now..."
Kim first looked puzzled, and then smiled. "Ron, I've been waiting years for you to ask for help." Her smile turned sinister. "We will get that hidden potential out in to time."
Ron looked horrified. "I think I just doomed myself."
To be Continued in: " Saving People...In a Flash."