So this is like a test. A mere drabble to see if it works. Just tell me what you thought about this thing.
This story-drabbly thing can be read separately from Daddy Issues but it's always good to have read it first. It will have some inside jokes.
Before Byakuran even became the world ruler and evilest villain that we all know, he was a college student. And before he even thought of destroying the mafia and obtaining the Tri-ni-Sette, he also was a party animal. Without forgetting that before he met Irie Shoichi, Byakuran met Harry Potter.
Or rather, he met Harry Potter's naked and covered in glitter ass in his cupboard. Of course, being the gentleman that he had always been, Byakuran shook the naked raven awake and gave him a cup of coffee while the poor Brit tried to regain his bearings.
"Huuuuh," the dark haired man drawled as he blinked slowly, his eyelids seeming to weigh pounds and his head pounding like he had an elephant dancing the Macarena up there. "This is not my bedroom..."
"No," Byakuran answered while he smiled brightly at the young man.
His own case of headache was quickly forgotten because that stranger's bedhair was amazing. As were his green eyes that were unfocused. (The albino learned later that Harry was almost blind without his glasses)
"God," the raven moaned as he rubbed his eyelids. "Where am I? I just remember shouting about a game of beer-pong that changed into a vodka-pong and then... Am I in a cupboard?"
The albinos snickered. So the other had wake up naked in stranger's house and the only thing that preoccupied him was that he was in a cupboard. He already liked him.
"You're in my apartment," he finally answered while his lilac eyes twinkled happily. "Near Oxford's campus."
"Good," the green eyed boy croaked and he sipped his cup of coffee. Not minding at all that he still was stark naked in front of a stranger and still sitting in the cupboard. "At least I'm still in England."
Byakuran laughed and patted softly the other man's hair before he turned around and observed critically his apart. There were empty bottles of beer everywhere and he was pretty sure that he had seen some used condoms on his kitchen counter. He didn't want to know. Really.
"Hey," the stranger said with his voice still as broken as before.
"Hm?" Byakuran turned his head and looked at the naked man with curiosity.
"Can I use your shower for a bit? And borrow some clothes? I have a lecture at ten and I'm pretty sure that glitter isn't convenient for that..."
"Sure," the albinos hummed while he threw pretty much everything that was on the floor in the bin.
"I'm Harry, by the way."
The raven grunted a bit and tried to get out of the cupboard. The boy finally succeeded and let out a shout of victory before he suddenly crumbled, his head in his hands as his headache hadn't appreciated the scream at all. Then, he went to the bathroom, his legs wobbly like a newborn fawn, while Byakuran continued cleaning.
It was then that Harry screamed. Byakuran was surprised and almost let the empty bottle of beer in his hand fall. He quickly went to his bathroom to see that the raven was on the floor, his green eyes looking with horror at the disaster in the shower. It was a plastic flamingo covered in glitter.
All in all, it didn't seem that frightening. But Harry was shaking in horror, his pupils blow wide as he muttered to himself while rubbing vividly his arms.
"God, can't believe it happened again... How the hell did I even find one this time? I was in Soho!"
"So it's you who did the threesome with a flamingo and my roommate?" Byakuran plainly asked.
Harry blanched and he softly turned his head to him.
"I did what?" He asked with a dead voice.
"Threesome. Flamingo and girl. She said she was now leaving the town to become a nun. What the hell happened?"
"I don't remember it," Harry muttered. "But it wasn't the first time... Maybe because the sex was so good and she didn't like that I was gay?"
Byakuran chortled and he shook his head.
"I won't be the one to touch that," he said as he pointed the glittery flamingo. "And thanks to you, I'm short of a roommate now."
"I can always be your roommate," the raven shrugged and he rubbed his neck. "I'm even ready to pay a higher rent than your former roommate if you're the one to throw away that atrocity..."
"Deal," Byakuran immediately accepted.
And it was like that that Harry Potter and Byakuran met for the first time. It was like a fairytale. Except with more alcohol and nakedness. But there was as much glitter as in a fairytale.
Rule n°1 of cohabitation: You DO NOT talk about the flamingos. Never. Even more when it is covered in glitter.