AN: I own nothing

Chapter Eight: Unresolved

Naruto stood in front of the solid wooden door twirling a key in between his fingers. The key to his parents' house. The key that he had kept hidden in his stuff for the last two years because he couldn't bear to look at it. The key that as soon as he put it into the lock on the door before him and turned it would open up a host of memories he had wanted to keep out for a very long time.

I'm not sure I'm mentally prepared for this.

He briefly considered turning around and going to check into a hotel. But he knew the longer he put this off the harder it would be for him to return. With a defeated sigh he walked the last two steps to the door, shoved the key into the lock and turned the handle and walked into his childhood home.

The first thing he noticed was the smell. He had expected it to smell like dust, rotting food, or one of the other smells that one would usually associate with a house that hadn't been lived in for two years. Instead the smell that was present was a lot more dangerous to his already fragile psyche.

It smelled just as it had every single day he had lived there. Of cinnamon and sandalwood with a hint of cat. It sounded disgusting but for as long as he could remember this had been the smell of his home. Tears filled his eyes as he walked down the small entry hall way pausing at the kitchen door. He could almost see his mom there cooking, almost expected her to turn at any moment and smile before complaining of his eating habits, forcing him to the table and start heaping food on a plate. The memory was so vivid he started to move to the table, his body reacting without his say so. He turned and hurried out walking quickly past the living room where they had spent countless nights watching movies or arguing over monopoly. Past the bathroom door that still had pencil marks detailing Narutos' growth since he was a toddler. Past the laundry room where his mom had complained and fussed with their old washer and dryer weekly but still refused to get rid of them because they had been given to her as a gift from her parents on her wedding day. A week after which they too had passed in a car crash.

He finally came to a stop in front of a closed door at the end of the hall. Taking a deep breath he opened it and stepped inside. Again he was shocked by the lack of dust on the solid wood floor or the countless sparing weapons lining the walls.

'Good hit son' Narutos head turned swearing he could still hear his dads' voice echoing through the room.

'Aw come on old man I had you that time' He heard his own voice this time, saying the same phrase he had said to his old man so many times before.

'That you did son but as always you wanted to celebrate to fast and failed to hold me' He sank to the ground as the memory played in his head

'But I won fair and square'

'You need to learn patience Naruto. Even when you think you've won your opponent could have something else up their sleeves'

'But patience is so boring' his dads laugh filled the room as he ruffled his sons' hair

'That it may be but you'll never beat me without it' He laughed again

Naruto smiled as he remembered the first time he had beat his dad. The last time he had ever been in this room. Only two nights before he never saw him again

'Why would I ever let you take over this company if you still can't beat me?'

'Just you watch old man I got you this time.'

They met in a flurry of precise kicks and hits each dodging the other as they danced around the room. For the first time ever though Naruto was playing on the offense waiting for the perfect moment to strike. When it finally came he attacked and in no time had his dad immobilized on the floor. Naruto released his dad from his pinned position on the ground almost unable to believe what had just happened. Standing his dad rolled his neck a big grin spreading across his face.

'You did it. The company is yours.' Naruto could no longer hold back a smile of his own

'I'll make you proud dad.-

"I swear it" He whispered out loud and unable to hold back anymore uncontrollable sobs racked his body. Running hadn't made this any easier. Distance and time hadn't healed any wounds. They were still as deep as ever. They were still gone and he was still alone.

Something furry brushed his leg and he almost jumped out of his skin. Looking down he saw red eyes glowering at him from a furry orange face.

"Oh god Kurama. You're still alive?" He grumbled down at the demon cat his mother had insisted they adopt at the shelter because no one else wanted the freaky cat with the red eyes. She didn't care at all when the beast terrorized her husband and unsuspecting guest, he always remained loyal to her. Kurama cocked his head to the side before climbing into Narutos lap and rubbing against his chest. Shocked Naruto only stared as the cat gave him more affection in one minute then he ever had in his whole fifteen years in this house. Relaxing he hesitantly ran a hand through his fur, Kurama purred settling against him. Naruto laid his head back against the wall and continue to pet him

"Yea it's just you and me now 'Rama, guess we should stick together."


After a while Naruto eventually left the dojo and went to the kitchen to make food tuning out the various memories that such a simple action brought to his mind. He was just sitting down to eat when there was a knock at the door. Sighing he got up and walked out of the kitchen and down the hall, Kurama chasing his heels. Ever since their bonding moment he had yet to leave his side for more than a minute, similar to how he had been with his mother. How she dealt with the constant attention for so long he'd never know. Sighing he opened the door to find a very familiar pair of teal eyes staring back and breaking out into a smile.

"Gaara!" He exclaimed before crushing the other man into a hug which he reluctantly returned. He pulled away and dragged the other man inside shutting the door behind him. "How have you been? I've missed you"

"Really? I wouldn't have thought so after the two years of no communication" Naruto sheepishly rubbed the back of his head

"Well I wasn't sure you would want to hear from me after… how we left things" Gaara raised an eyebrow

"Oh you mean where you came over fucked me then hopped on a plane the next day not to be heard from again"

"Uh… yea… that" Gaara just stared until Naruto began to feel really uncomfortable "Look, I'm really sorry. I was really fucked up after everything and I just needed to forget. But I shouldn't have left like that I know, it was a shitty thing to do." Gaara stared for a minute longer then gave a curt nod.

"I understand, just don't let it happen again" He walked past and went into the Kitchen. Sitting in one of the chairs and pulling Narutos plate of food closer to him and eating it himself. "I took care of things here for you, including feeding that monster you guys call a pet" He glared at Kurama who appeared to be giving a kitty version glare back.

"I was wondering. Thank you" He was touched. He and Gaara had been friends of a sort during college. They had never really said much to each other, or at least Gaara hadn't said much, and flirted on occasion. After everything had come crashing down Naruto had sought comfort from him in the only way he had been able to at the time. He had immediately regretted it afterwards worried he had screwed up one of his last remaining relationships. Never had he thought that Gaara would be willing to do anything for him afterwards and for this long. Especially when he had received no encouragement from him. Gaara just nodded and continued to eat. Naruto got another plate for himself and they sat in compatible silence. Pushing the plate away Gaara sighed

"I'm sure you're wondering why I'm here now" Naruto nodded he had been curious about what the red heads motives were. He was no more mentally prepared for a relationship now then he had been back then. Plus when he thought of a relationship with someone the person that came to mind had eyes that were coal black not teal.

"I have been helping out Jiraiya with his investigation" His mind stalled.


"Into your parents death"

"My parents death?" Naruto was aware that he sounded like a fucking Parrot but he couldn't seem to help it. Nothing was making sense. Gaara hesitated before continuing on

"It recently came to light that the crash may have not been as accidental as previously thought" He stopped and took a deep breath "Naruto we think you and your entire family are in danger. And for right now you're going to have to listen to and do what I say to the letter because we believe their main target is you."


Sasuke was in a very bad mood and had been ever since he returned from the island a week ago. He felt restless and edgy, little things set him off in a way they never had before and he found himself snapping at any and everyone for so much as breathing in his presence. Finally after a week of watching his baby brother terrorize the office Itachi decided to act. He put in a call to Kakashi and got the necessary information that he needed to explain his brothers worsening mood. He followed that up with a few more hours of detective work trying to figure out as much as he could about this Naruto (no last name) and brainstorm ideas about the best way to approach the situation that wouldn't make Sasuke shut down. He was still thinking in his office while staring out the window, the TV he used to monitor the News as it has been ever since Sasuke and Sakuras disastrous and very public break up playing quietly in the background. As he was sitting there he heard a name from the TV that caused him to turn, a news break was currently buzzing through the airways. He watched for a few more minutes before deciding this was just the edge he needed. He put in one more call to his secretary Deidara and had him cancel or reschedule the rest of his meeting for the afternoon and went to give his little brother the 'come to Jesus'* talk he so desperately needed.

He opened the door without knocking and ignored the scowl Sasuke threw his way.

"What is it Itachi I'm working" closing the door he moved into the room and looked around at his brothers uncharacteristically messy office. Sasuke was a neat freak by nature, the state that his office was in said more about his mood then his attitude ever could.

"I can see that little brother but I believe there is something you need to see" He walked to Sasukes desk and grabbed the remote that turned on the flat screen TV in his office. He flipped to the news station and then watched as a look of pure disbelief came across Sasukes normal stoic face. This might be worse than I thought

The missing heir to the Hokage dynasty Naruto Namikaze has recently resurfaced. Namikaze has been missing for two years following the tragic death of his parents in a car crash as they were driving home from the party where they announced plans for Minato Namikaze to step down and Naruto to become the new CEO. It appears that once again tragedy has struck the family and is what brought Naruto back into the lime light. His temporary replacement and longtime family friend Jiraiya ,last name unknown, was hospitalized two weeks ago and has fallen into a coma. The doctors remain optimistic that he will wake but have become increasingly worried as more time passes

The screen showed pictures of Naruto from years ago at the announcement party and then flashed to video of him today outside of the hospital as he made his way through the crowd followed closely by a homicidal looking red head whose glare was keeping the majority of the reporters away.

"It looks like your little boy toy has a few problems of his own" He remarked. Sasuke sent him a sheepish look, not really surprised that Itachi knew of what had happen on the island, the sneaky bastard always seemed to know everything. He grunted before redirecting his gaze to the screen, greedily soaking up the images watching and trying to commit to memory the way he smiled and moved. How many times over the last several days has he wished he'd taken a picture of Naruto, something to look at when his memory wasn't enough? And here he was on the TV in front of him, it was almost too good to be real.

"I would seem like he does. I just wish he would have told me about them instead of running away" He muttered quietly, still upset about how the blonde had left things between them. It looked as if he had a good reason but it didn't lessen the sting by much.

"Why would he have done that? You were on that island for three days Sasuke, I doubt you guys spent the time soul searching and talking about your feelings" The condescending tone that itachi used irritated him even more then the question itself did.

"No but I would have tried to help him, he had to have known that"

"How? How would he have known that? You were sleeping with Sakura for years and I'm sure toward the end she still thought you'd feed her to the wolves to save you own skin" Sasuke snorted. What an over exaggeration, even he wasn't that heartless. He would have at least given her some sort of weapon and a few minutes head start.

"Sakura was a different case" Itachi sat down across from him and crossed his arms raising his eyebrows.

"Yes. She was. By all reason you should have been closer to her. If Naruto saw how easily you went from being engaged to her to sleeping with him how does that hold up to your credibility?" Frustrated Sasuke ran a hand through his hair

"I told him he was different!"

"And he was supposed to take your word? He doesn't know you Sasuke and I'm sure all the things his hearing about you now don't strengthen his faith in your character"

"He still should have told me" He muttered then winced at how childish he sounded. Itachi leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees

"Sasuke I love you but even I would have done the same thing in Narutos shoes. You break off your engagement and leave to a remote island were you have an affair with a man when you had never before been gay and you yourself said that the island was about exploration. Why would he entrust his problems to you?"

"Because I would have helped him!" He snapped pissed off at all of Itachis questions and observation, no matter how logical they were.

"Would you?! You're trying to tell me that you were ready to come back from a three day vacation to reality and face father, mother, hell the whole world as a newly gay man with a lover that also happens to be head of the next biggest Technological and Weapons manufacture company next to Uchiha Corp? You were ready to take that hit to your reputation based on a few days of good sex and no responsibilities?" Sasuke lurched forward and grab his desk. Itachi moved back shocked by the display of emotion, the likes of which he hadn't seen since Sasuke had hit puberty.

"If he had asked me then I might have said yes! Don't you get it? For the first time I thought that I could have had something more! A relationship with someone who could understand me that wasn't based on money or power but one that could have actually been real" Itachi paused still shocked by his brother's outburst. Sasuke would have back should have backed down by now. What in the world happened on that island?

"Don't tell me you love him?" Sasuke snorted

"I wouldn't use a word as strong as love, I … care for him" Itachi gave Sasuke a dubious look

"For you little brother care is a strong word" he rolled his eyes at his older brother as he leaned back

"I care for a lot of people" he quirked an eyebrow

"Name two"


"Not family members"

"I'm… fond of my college friends" Itachi scoffed

"Really? How much have you talked with them since you left college? Hell when the last time you saw any of them?" Sasuke refused to comment. Partly because he didn't know and partly because he was sure when he figured out the answer it would only further his older brother's argument.

"Fine you've made your point" He mumbled. Itachi had to hold back his laughter at the pout he saw on Sasukes face

"So what is so different about this blonde?" Sasuke opened his mouth and closed it several times before throwing his hands up in the air.

"I don't know what it was Itachi, I saw him and I wanted him. That was that" Itachi smirked, there it was, that's what was making the difference. He chuckled and ignored Sasukes annoyed huff

"Foolish little brother. You say that as if it means nothing" Sasuke sent him a questioning look "When you care for someone you fight for them. You uphold all the family rules so strongly but you forget the main one?" It took Sasuke a second before it clicked, when it did a slow smile the first one in days spread across his face. Itachi got up and brushed off his pants with a matching smile of his own before moving around the desk and poking Sasuke in the head with two fingers. "I see my work here is done, go get him little brother" With that he left shutting the door quietly behind him.

Sasuke leaned back in his chair and folded his hands behind his head. The restlessness and indecision that had hounded him for the past week falling from his shoulders and a plan already forming in his mind. Interestingly enough Karin's words fluttered through his mind I am no longer in the practice of denying myself the things that I want. Sasuke's smile widen, it seemed neither was he. He wanted Naruto and he would have him after all

Rule one: What an Uchiha wants an Uchiha gets

Sasuke smirked as he watched Naruto smile and wave to the camera before turning and walking inside. He also caught the red head next to him giving an appreciative and borderline possessive look to the blondes ass and felt his smirk morph into something a little bit darker and more wicked

by any means necessary

To Be Continued (?)

* My mom use to always say this to me and my brother when she had to talk to us about our crazy behavior. Urban dictionary definition: Come to Jesus- Getting called on the carpet, dressed down, or otherwise chewed out in a severe manner. Usually used in conjunction with "meetin'" (meeting)

Well there you have it, a short and not so sweet ending. Just know that this story was not about them living happily ever after. They both have separate issues that they need to solve and if I decide to make a sequel (right now I'm leaning toward hell yes but I have another story to rewrite and finish) that will be about how they try to combine what they felt on the island with what is going on in their lives.

Thank you all for reading and sticking with me until the end. I've loved writing this story and reading all of your reviews so much. I hope you've had as much fun reading as I've had writing. Until next time.