Author's Note- Please Read
Thank you all for the reviews, honestly, I know that I say it constantly but it is so true. I really appreciate them. I love you all, by the way, if any of you are wondering about Violet Tillyman, she was a witch who got lost in the Floo network, read about it on Pottermore, she is J.K.'s not mine, as are the rest of the characters and anything else that is hers.
"Where were you this morning Hermione, we didn't see you in the common room or breakfast," Ron asked as Hermione approached them at lunch.
"Oh, I just had a lie in and then studied in my dorm for the morning," Hermione lied hastily.
"We didn't see you last night either after you talked to McGonagall," Harry observed.
"I came back to the common room right before curfew, and then went straight to bed, you must not have seen me," Hermione explained, knowing full well that she spent the night in McGonagall's guest room. She was too afraid to tell her friends any of what had recently transpired, including her change in guardian.
"Are you going to just stand there, or are you going to have some lunch?" Ron said with a mouthful of ham sandwich. Hermione took this as her cue to sit down. She could feel that McGonagall was watching her, so she made a big deal of serving herself generous portions.
"What do you guys want to do today?" Harry inquired excited for the weekend.
"Well, I am aware that you two have an essay for Professor Flitwick on cheering charms that you haven't done yet, maybe you should do that," suggested Hermione.
"We could visit Hagrid," offered Ron.
"Yeah, let's go see Hagrid, we'll do our essays tomorrow," said Harry rising and turning to Hermione, " you will help us right?" She nodded. Outside it was a blustery day, but there were many students about. They neared Hagrid's cabin and could hear Fang barking, as soon as Hagrid opened the door, Fang burst out and bounded over to Hermione, and began to zealously lick her face. Harry and Ron had to pull him off of her so that she could enter the hut.
"He hasn't seen yer in a while, he's just a bit excited," said Hagrid, ushering them in, " want a cake, I baked 'em myself." He extended a platter. They all respectively declined, having experienced Hagrid's cooking skill, or lack thereof.
"So, what's new with yer?" Hagrid implored, "I only see yeh now at Care O' Magical Creatures, you never stop by. Oh, and Hermione, Professor Dumbledore told be about you and McGonagall, if there's anything I can do ter help, just let me know." Ron and Harry shot Hermione confused looks, but Hermione didn't miss a beat.
"That's very kind Hagrid, thank you, I'm alright though," Hermione responded casually.
"So uh, Hagrid, got any new creatures?" Ron asked, trying to awkwardly change the subject
"That reminds me, I wanted ter show yer before our next class," said Hagrid jumping up, "follow me." He led them out of the cabin and started into the Forbidden Forest.
"Hagrid, students aren't allowed in the forest," called Hermione, who stopped at the edge of the brush. However, Harry and Ron gladly followed Hagrid.
"Come on Hermione, it's fine!" Ron said looking back over his shoulder as he turned a corner in the path. Losing sight of him, Hermione made her choice and quickly followed. They only walked for a few minutes before they entered a clearing.
"Buckbeak, where are yeh?" Hagrid yelled. All of a sudden, the rustling of feathers could be heard, along with the patter of hooves. From the other side of the clearing, emerged a horse like creature, with the the front half of an eagle and the backside of a horse. It slowly flapped its wings as it came closer.
"He's a Hippogriff," said Hagrid fondly, "I got a whole herd to show the class. I just wanted you guys ter meet him first."
"Wow Hagrid, he's er really unique," ventured Harry, not really knowing what exactly to say.
"Isn't he beautiful," Hagrid beamed proudly, "well, best be going on, I have lots ter do." They left the forest quietly and when they got back to Hagrid's they wished him farewell. They made their way back to the castle, but were stopped in the entrance hall.
" , I need to speak with you about your last essay," Professor McGonagall exclaimed, as soon as he caught sight of the trio, "follow me to my office." She strode away briskly as she finished her sentence.
"Do you want us to come?" Harry asked exchanging a look with Ron. She shook her head and headed after her new guardian, they couldn't know, not yet.
Minerva was already sitting at her desk when she arrived.
"Sit down," she invited, "I am aware, that you would probably rather not return to your home, but we do need to collect your possessions from your home. Would you be willing to go to only collect your things. We will not have to see your mother and father."
"You'd go with me right?" Hermione wondered, concerned.
"Of course I would," she replied briskly.
" I think that'd be alright," Hermione said, trying to be brave.
"Very well then, I think it best that we get this done sooner than later. I had your home's fireplace connected to the floo network for this visit and this visit only," Minerva explained stepping over to her fireplace and grabbing a handful of powder, " I assume you have traveled by Floo before." Hermione nodded. She went first, at Minerva's urging and ended up exactly where she needed to go, Minerva sliding out of the fireplace moments later. Silently, Hermione gathered her various personal items from around the house. The last room that she cleaned was her own. She had left it for last, as she knew that it may prove difficult, she was dreading entering. She stood for a full minute with her hand on the handle, afraid to open it. When she did she stepped into the room of her childhood. The room where she had been hurt. She looked at the bed with disgust and shame, knowing exactly what had happened there. It filled her with such emotion that before she could start packing away any items she fell to the floor. Minerva, right behind her helped her onto a chair and held her.
"I'm here, you are safe," Minerva repeated these words over and over again in Hermione's ear. Minerva, with a wave of her wand, neatly packed up the room and brought Hermione back downstairs.
"I think it best we do side-along apparation, seeing as you are in no state to speak clearly, I don't want you to end up like Violet Tillyman," Minerva decided gripping Hermione very tightly, they apparated to Hogsmede. Together they walked up to the castle and Minerva brought Hermione to her guest room to rest and calm down. Once Hermione was alone, she tore the guest room apart, now filled with many of her possessions to find something to hurt herself with. Finding nothing better than a Muggle nail clipper she settled. She took the clipper in one hand and a fold of skin between the two blades. Slowly she forced down the lever. The mark it left was like a large obtuse triangle without the bottom, it oozed blood. Hermione did it again. And again. And again. Until there were no less than 15 little marks littering her arm. She quietly stowed the clipper away and did her best to clean up her arm. Pulling her sleeve down all the way hid the marks well. She now realized how tired she was and put her head down to rest, falling asleep within minutes.