Hello and welcome to my new series! After writing a modern day! AU for Fire Emblem, I totally fell in love with the whole idea of these medieval styled characters in modern day situations. I've read other fanfictions and seen plenty of fanart, and all of it is fun and imaginative. These will be little insights on the characters, their jobs, and their lifestyles as though they would today. I hope you will continue with me as this series expands and grows. Thank you for your time.
She settles down on her bed and sighs in relief of the softness of the pillows. She's absolutely exhausted and she swears she can't move in an inch. Moving all her belongings and furniture to her apartment was a pain, but she couldn't help but feel giddy in the process.
She's finally out of those blasted dorms in her university. She's been tired of starring at those walls for over five years, she thinks it's time to move on. She might have a scholarship, but to hell with that. Plus, she's almost done with her learning career, she has to leave some day.
She was lucky to find such a nice apartment building close to her university. It's painted a nice shade of royal blue that really distinguishes it from the rest of the housings, and there's a pool in front of it with a similar stunning shade as well. And from what she can tell, her neighbors seem to be nice people…maybe?
She hears some bickering and shouting from down below that seem to be a girl shouting at another. The lovely sounds from a violin are heard throughout the span of the day and the loud, slightly annoying sounds of a motorcycle revving from the parking lot outside accompany it as well. She admits it's noisy, but it's something different and she considers that heaven.
The day she signs her lease she expects an old, ornery man to be her landlord. But she's surprised to find it's a young man who seems to be around her age. His hair is a similar color to the apartment buildings and he has a strange tattoo on his upper right arm. She rubs at her own in her left hand that stares at her with menacing eyes. She never wanted it, but her father had forced her to get one as soon as she reached eighteen. Things like that are the reason why her mother divorced him. Memories like those are the meaning of her taking residence in Ylisse.
When the young man, who said that his name was Chrom, noticed where she was born she thought he would deny her immediately. The two neighboring countries had some bad blood between them, it was simple. Ylisseans didn't like Plegians, and Plegians didn't like Ylisseans, that was all there was to it. But all he really did was shrug and ask if her name was foreign. When he handed her, her keys and a contract, she didn't realize she was holding her breath back.
The one who truly hounds over her nationality was a man named Frederick who never left Chrom's side. He was the chief of the security guards in the apartment building. He continued to question and judge her over her occupation, her meaning for staying here, everything that was never asked in her application. Honestly she found the man to be quite rude, but at this point, getting this kind of treatment for just being Plegian was normal for her.
In the back of the head she reminds herself to check in on this, Henry and Tharja characters. Chrom was kind enough to fill her in that she was not the only Plegian living here. It was a small little detail but it gave her a small sense of relief. Although it worried her when she asked what they were like and Chrom made a strange face. 'Very special people', is what he called them. She'll have to take note on that when she meets them.
But for today, all she wanted to do was rest. She closed her eyes and gripped onto her old jacket tightly, not bothering to pull up the covers.
Her new life here would just have to wait till tomorrow.
A little bit short for my usual work but this is just a beginner chapter, something to let you guys get a feel on what's going on. This will be a series where your prompts, ideas, and suggestions will be taken to consideration and possibly be turned into a chapter so...Feel free to send some ideas my way!