Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter nor am I attempting to make any personal gain from this story.

Second Time Around: Year 3: Chapter 20: Dumbledore's Point of View

Albus Dumbledore once again found himself in the position of needing a new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. Fortunately this time he had suitable candidate who was more than capable of doing the job. Unfortunately he was a werewolf. Dumbledore summoned Severus Snape to his office.

"Severus, have you made the wolfsbane potion?" Dumbledore asked when Snape entered his office.

"No. I do, of course, know the principle and could certainly make it if required," Snape replied.

Dumbledore nodded. "Our new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor is Remus Lupin. As you know he is a werewolf and, as such, will require the potion be prepared for him monthly, before the full moon."

"Headmaster, is it wise to give Lupin a job considering his past record?" Snape asked.

"What record do you mean?"

Momentarily, Snape said nothing before replying, "At school…"

"What happened 15 years ago has no bearing on my decision, Severus," Dumbledore interrupted. "As potions master of this school I expect you to provide whatever service a staff member or pupil requires for their wellbeing."

"Of course, Headmaster. I shall do as you say."

"Thank you, Severus. Lupin shall arrive on the train with the students. I have requested he be aboard the train in case the Dementors decide to search it. The Ministry has insisted they be placed around the school and anywhere else there are large groups of students as a precaution should Peter Pettigrew attempt to harm them. Good day, Severus," Dumbledore finished before returning to some paperwork on his desk.

September 1st: A wolf Patronus burst into Dumbledore's office. "Harry Potter has cast a corporeal Patronus against the Dementors on the train," it said in Lupin's voice.

Dumbledore sat back in surprise. Harry was barely 13 years old and here he was casting a spell many fully qualified wizards had trouble mastering. He could see his carefully laid plans for Harry falling down around his ears. How would he now control Harry Potter? Dumbledore decided on a new strategy. Calling Professor McGonagall to his office he outlined the situation and asked her try and find out a much as possible. Dumbledore realised he would need to be more careful over his plans in future.

A Few Days Later: Dumbledore was in his office finishing off paperwork when Lupin knocked on his door. "I hope I'm not disturbing you, Professor," Lupin asked.

"Not at all, Remus, how may I help you?"

"Today I had Gryffindor and Hufflepuff 3rd years. I took them to the staffroom to face that boggart. When Harry Potter's turn came the boggart turned into you."

"Indeed?" replied a surprised Dumbledore.

"I'm not certain if it's you he fears or if it is something else, perhaps a secret he is hiding," Lupin said.

"I do suspect Harry is not telling me everything," Dumbledore replied. "I have been unable to determine exactly what it is but I am certain Harry will tell me when he feels comfortable. In the meantime keep an eye on him, help him if you can and try to support him."

That Sunday: Professor McGonagall brought Harry Potter to Dumbledore's office. She had caught him talking to 5 snakes in a disused classroom near the Gryffindor common room. This was a serious matter, especially since one of the snakes had been the one to bite Peter Pettigrew two years earlier.

Eventually, Dumbledore had to admit there was nothing to stop Harry keeping snakes in the castle. As Harry had pointed out Dumbledore had allowed the Weasleys to keep a pet rat in the castle, a rat that later turned out to be Pettigrew. Since all of Harry's snakes were snakes and they had promised not to hurt anyone there was no real reason to order their removal. Dumbledore considered the possibility that Harry's ability to talk to snakes might be one of the reasons Harry didn't trust him but decided it wasn't a likely reason. More likely it was what Hagrid had mentioned earlier that day. Harry knew it was Dumbledore who had left him at the Dursley's. Once again Dumbledore found himself having to be careful around Harry Potter.

Mid November: Saturday was the 1st Quidditch match of the year. Unfortunately during the game the Dementors invaded the pitch and, while the staff were clearing them away, Draco Malfoy had fallen from his broom. Before any staff could react Harry Potter had dived and caught him just feet from the ground. Professor McGonagall had gone to sort out a matter with the Gryffindor team while Snape had taken the Malfoys, who were watching the game, to Draco. Dumbledore himself banished the Dementors. In total confusion, the decision was made to abandon the game and allow everyone to return to the castle. The Malfoys were furious. Dumbledore, assisted by Snape, eventually managed to calm them down. None the less, it had been a bad day. Dumbledore hoped things would improve quickly. Unfortunately they didn't.

Dumbledore could have cursed Severus Snape. Snape, while covering one of Lupin's DADA lessons, had set the students an essay on werewolves. Now several students, including Harry Potter, knew Lupin was a werewolf. After extracting promises from Harry and Hermione Granger, who had also figured it out, that they would not tell anyone anything about this situation he decided to visit Snape and remind him of his promise.

He had barely left his office, however, when Professor McGonagall's Patronus found him. He was greatly surprised to hear Peter Pettigrew was in the castle. After summoning all the teachers he received an update from her. Harry Potter's snakes had chased Pettigrew from the castle but he had managed to escape. Aurors were how searching the area around the gate but Pettigrew was gone.

Christmas: Almost the entire student body decided to go home for Christmas this year. Dumbledore knew it was because of the Dementors; the students, and even many of the staff, wanted a few weeks without them around. It was understandable but disappointing. Christmas day saw just 10 people, 7 of them staff, having dinner in the Great Hall. Even the unexpected arrival of Sybil Trelawney did little to lift the spirits of those present.

The New Year: Dumbledore was surprised when Professor Lupin returned from his Christmas holiday and informed him that Harry Potter had been taken to St. Mungo's. According to the healers Harry was suffering from exhaustion and had collapsed while at Sirius' house. Harry was supposed to be taking things easy for a while although he would be returning to school with the others. Mrs. Weasley was going to keep an eye on him in the meantime.

The New Term: Nothing untoward happened over the whole of the 2nd term. Easter came with the majority of the students again heading home for the holidays. The only thing of note to happen during this time was Professor Flitwick coming to him and saying that Luna Lovegood, a 2nd year Ravenclaw student, was trying to learn how to talk to snakes. Dumbledore suspected she would fail, the ability to speak Parseltongue was a skill that was hard to learn, but it would be interesting to see how she went. Dumbledore thanked him for the news and suggested Luna's progress should be monitored.

Easter: Easter was quiet. With so few students staying it would be a good opportunity to catch up on paperwork. Dumbledore noted that Harry was doing well in most subjects and seemed to particularly enjoy Ancient Runes. Although he was not taking the subjects Dumbledore had expected him to take Harry was proving himself a very capable student and was generally well liked. Dumbledore was disappointed Harry seemed to have hooked up with Susan Bones again, however. It would be much better for his plans if Harry were with Ginny Weasley since the Weasleys were closer to Dumbledore than the Bones'.

Mid May: Professor Flitwick had told Dumbledore that Luna Lovegood was struggling in her efforts to learn Parseltongue. He himself had accompanied Luna to the snake room as it was now being called and had watched her attempts to talk to the snakes. Although she was determined to keep trying it looked as though the language was beyond even her. Dumbledore was not surprised to hear this and it simply confirmed his belief it was an ability Harry had inherited when Voldemort tried to kill him.

One Month Later: Exams were over when Dumbledore received an urgent call from Professor McGonagall telling him Peter Pettigrew was in the castle. Immediately he alerted Professor Snape and set off for the DADA classroom. Upon arrival he found Snape just leaving having given Lupin his wolfsbane potion. Almost immediately Sirius Black, Nymphadora Tonks and another auror met them. Madam Bones was in the castle as well. Dumbledore organised a search, splitting them into 3 groups; himself with Professors McGonagall and Snape being the central group.

They had only been searching for a minute or so, however, when Tonks attacked Snape. Professor Snape retaliated with a second wand after she disarmed him but Tonks was quick. Not only did she block the spell but cast another one as well, a spell which removed magical camouflage, and revealed Snape was actually Pettigrew. Pettigrew dived into a nearby bathroom, transformed into a rat and disappeared down the nearest drainpipe.

"Lupin's potion has been contaminated. Sirius has gone to him to try and calm him down," Tonks explained. Suddenly an inhuman howl erupted from the DADA room. Tonks sprinted ahead while Dumbledore and McGonagall hurried after her. When they reached the classroom they found the 3 aurors helping Snape. The windows were smashed and there was no sign of Professor Lupin. A brief discussion revealed Lupin had jumped out the window. Dumbledore knew this was a lie but before he could say anything Madam Bones arrived.

After escorting Snape to the hospital wing Dumbledore convened a meeting of all senior staff. When Madam Bones arrived she said she was removing the Dementors from Hogwarts as this was the 2nd time they had failed to prevent Pettigrew entering the castle, and this time someone had been hurt.

The Morning After: As soon as Lupin returned to the castle he resigned. He explained that, after what happened last night, he felt he could no longer remain anywhere there was a chance someone might get hurt. He said he would pack and leave immediately.

Dumbledore waited behind after Lupin left. He was very disappointed to lose Lupin, who had shown himself to be an excellent teacher, but felt he had no choice but to accept his decision. The howlers would soon start arriving and they would only continue as long as Lupin remained teaching at Hogwarts. Then, of course, there always the possibility that parents would withdraw their pupils. Hogwarts' funding was based on the number of pupils and the loss of, say, 30 students or 10% of the roll would adversely affect the quality of teaching and other resources the school depended on.

After allowing Lupin grace time Dumbledore went to Lupin's office. He met Tonks as she was leaving and found Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom still in the office. He hoped to have a quick word with Harry but Harry said he was meeting Susan Bones and would be spending the whole day with her. Instead Dumbledore talked briefly with the other students before returning to his office.

It had been a disappointing year for Dumbledore. He had hoped Harry might be more willing to work with him but it was clear Harry simply didn't trust him. Dumbledore was left to consider how he was going to ensure Harry was able to stand up and take responsibility when he finally met Voldemort. Harry was, after all, the only one who could defeat him.