God, I tell you people, there is NOTHING like sleep. It is just…UNGH! Yes, that is what it is. It is UNGH
(I feel like my friends right now…with all of the 'unghing' and such)
Inu-Yasha stared at Kagome.
This had not been what he was expecting. Something about feelings for her? Yes. Something about the quest? Yes. But something as trivial as a smile? No.
He blinked and let his brain turn it over and over.
She doesn't think I smile at her. Obviously important to her that I do smile. How do I let her know that what she wants is important without being weak and human about it? Error 4.8, human mush is clogging system.
His eye twitched slightly and with a flip of his hair he got up to stomp off towards the forest.
Her eye twitched.
Won't you be my eye twitch neighbor?
She buried her face in her hands and started to sob. He stopped cold. He could not stand the sound of her crying. He gritted his teeth.
" What kind of question is that!? Smile? Smiling is stupid! It's a waste of time when we could be doing –"
" SMILING IS NOT STUPID YOU BIG ASS!" She cut him off. " You are a big JERK if you think that. Smiling lets us know that for once in your journeys with us your at least having a HALF WAY good time when you're busy yelling at us and telling us what imbeciles we are!" She promptly burst into tears again.
He was torn. He wanted to rant at her that she was being an idiot. He wanted to cradle in his arms, which heavens forbid he should actually act on, and he wanted to disappear from the face of the planet. He choose none of the above.
Well, he did glare a bit.
" I…I am pretty happy the way things are now, Kagome."
She continued to cry, but now she was glaring at him.
" I feed you my RAMEN just so you can be pretty happy?" She got up and stomped over to him and started poking him in the chest with each word. " I have my school told that I've got reconstructive spleen surgery so that I can chase around Fuedal Japan to find a JEWEL with a DEMON so you can be pretty happy?" He was suspecting that her poking was getting harder. " I have my future in the world of buisness put in jeopordy so I can get yanked back by some grouchy, touchy, overly sensitive and wanna-be macho YOU and I get PRETTY HAPPY?!" Her pokes had become enough to bruise, and her voice had risen to a loud yell with her last words. She glared, then turned, stomped over and picked up her backpack. She adjusted it on her back and then glared at him.
" You, Inu-Yasha, are an arrogant ass!"
Ugh (not to be confused with Ungh). I feel so nasty. It's taken me two days to get this much out. I'm so distracted right now. I feel sick.
(But I discovered a bunch of dancing hamsters at K-B Toys…)
and I'm not sure when I'll get the next chapter out.
(But I'll probably find time to go Holiday shopping…)
and I'm still trying to figure out what the hell is going to happen after this…
(K-B Toys also had Care Bears and Gargoyle action figures!)