Tell Me Who I Am
Chapter 15
When the End Arrives…
By: Rachel*
Rated: PG-13
Gender: Romance/Drama/Comedy
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Address:
Here is the final chapter. ::cries:: I'll miss it! I really will, Tears of Fallen Rose Petals was the first multi chapter fanfic that I ever wrote for Bebop! 2 some years later and the tale is finally coming to an end. No, there will not be a 3rd story, it'd kill the story! I hope you enjoy! PLEASE READ + REVIEW!
If you haven't read Tears of Fallen Rose Petals…You're in a the wrong place, go to my profile and read away! ^-^ ENJOY!
Disclaimer: I don't own Cowboy Bebop
Shin's body stiffened as he heard the gunshot. "This way!" he shouted, and drew his gun. He ran down a long hall and into an open doorway.
"Uncle Shin!" Emily laughed and ran over to him.
Shin's eyes widened. "Emily, hey…" He smiled. Carmen ran in from behind. He looked over at the small boy lying next to Emily. Shin grimaced, and took out a long, sharp blade and cut away the rope around his ankles, and wrists. "Do you know where your mom and dad are?" He helped Jared to his feet.
They both turned and pointed to the door. "In there." Jared whimpered.
Shin swallowed. "Have someone take them out to Missy for me." Carmen nodded and took hold of Emily and Jared's hands.
"Come on your two, lets go see your Aunt Missy—"
"Not you Carmen…" Shin growled, and fired at the lock on the door and kicked the door open. "Spike, Faye?!"
Spike tugged at his hands trying to free them. He cursed when they wouldn't come undone. "Faye, Faye, are you okay?!" His face trembled. This wasn't happening.
"Spike, Faye?!" Shin burst in through the door. His eyes widened when he saw Faye on the ground, and Spike's bloody head. "Where is…" He trailed off when he saw Vincent dead, on the ground. "Damn, let's get you to a hospital…" He ran over to Faye and checked her pulse, she was alive. Shin stared at Spike. He'd never seen him so pale before.
It had been three weeks since Faye had killed Vincent. She sat in a doctors' chair with her hands in her face. "I see." She bowed her head and stood. "I'll go see him then."
The doctor nodded. "I'm sorry for your loss, but you should be fine, and Spike should be able to leave in another few weeks." Faye bit down on her lower lip and nodded.
She walked into the empty hall, and around the corner. She stopped and turned staring at a large blue door. She read the numbers out loud. "Seven twenty…" Her hands were shaking and she wanted to cry again. Biting down on her tongue she opened the door, and forced a smile on her lips. "Spike?" she called his name.
"Hey, what took you so long?" Faye bowed her head and quickly walked into his view. Spike swallowed as he saw her expression. "What's wrong?" He stammered.
Faye shook her head. "You'll be fine, and so will I." She sat down in a chair next to his bed and took hold of Spike's left hand, kissing it.
"You're so pale, what's the matter, don't you feel good?" Spike's head was wrapped in bandages; he had a hairline fracture to the skull, but was healing quickly thanks to modern medicines, and laser healing treatments.
She shrugged her shoulders, while laying her head on the bed, and looking away from him. "I lost the baby…" She shuttered.
Spike blinked, and his lips parted. "You were pregnant?" He stammered.
Faye scuffed. "That's what I said…" She let the tears form in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I…" She shook her head and rubbed her face into his hand kissing it again.
Spike swallowed. "Faye, its okay…I, we didn't know. It's not like we can't try again, right?" He moved his hands in circles trying to state what he meant without words.
Faye nodded. "It's not the same though, I killed our baby…" Spike shook his head and pulled her into his arms.
"Don't say things like that. Its okay Faye, we can move on from this. We will move on from this." He breathed into her neck; she shivered, and cried silently into his shoulder. Spike suddenly noticed how dependent they were on each other; they couldn't function right without the other being near. She nodded into his shoulder.
She sighed. "I just wish they hadn't even told me." She moved her hands to his face and ran her fingers over his lips, and to his hair, making sure not to hurt him.
"Where are Jared, and Emily?" Spike smiled, closing his eyes.
Faye snuggled closer it seemed like such a long time since she'd been able to hold him. "Jet's watching them." She rested her left hand on his shoulder, and her right over his heart. "I was going to have Shin and Missy watch them, but I figured they could use a day off together."
Spike smirked. "You have no idea, how much you scared me." He whispered. Faye buried her face into his chest. "You fell back, and I didn't know what to do…"
Faye rippled her lips together. "…And I wasn't scared either?" Spike chuckled and brought her lips to his and kissed her softly. "I opened the door, and it wasn't you…" She stood up and sat back down in her chair. "You want something to eat?"
Spike shook his head. "I'm fine." He yawned, and let his eyes close as Faye rested her head on the bed.
"It's a boy!" A nurse ran out clasping her heads together. Spike smiled and sparked up a cigar.
"I'm a dad!" Shin ran out to join Spike, Faye, and everyone. Shin blinked. "Oh, my god…I'm a dad." His face paled as Spike stuck a cigar into his mouth and lit it up.
"Welcome to the wonderful world of fatherhood!" He gave him the thumbs up before taking a seat next to Faye, and placing a hand on her swollen stomach.
Faye's eyes widened and she whacked him; coughing as the horrid smell entered her lungs. "Out, put them out!" She snarled and stood walking inside the delivery room to go see how Missy was doing.
Shin flopped down next to Spike. In unison they grabbed ashtrays and put out their cigars. "So, did your life suddenly feel so…"
"Yep," Spike nodded.
Shin nodded, sliding down the chair. He was dressed in a pair of scrubs, face mask, and all. "Where's Carmen?"
Spike shrugged his shoulders. "He saw one of the nurses pass by, probably with her still…" Shin rolled his eyes. "As expected, at least he laid off Missy."
Shin scuffed. "Yeah, I finally took a punch at him, that's why." Spike laughed. Jet came around the corner with Emily asleep in his arms, and Jared lagging close behind him, clinging to Jet's leg.
Spike smiled. "Hey buddy, its way past your bedtime, what do you think you're doing up?"
"I wanted to see baby." Jared yawned and climbed onto Spike's lap, and snuggled into his arms.
Spike smiled as Faye waved Shin into the delivery room. She looked at Spike, and her eyes widened when she saw Jared was still awake. Spike shrugged his shoulders. "If you stay real quiet I'll take you in with me, okay?"
Jared smiled, and jumped up, sticking his thumb into his mouth. Spike wrinkled his nose and pulled it out of his mouth. "You don't know what kind of germs you've touched.
Jet chuckled. "The day Spike Spiegel says that, I know I'm getting old." Spike looked back at him, with a lopsided grin on his face.
"Come on." Spike waved him over.
Inside Shin was smiling as he held his son's tiny little hand. Missy sighed closing her eyes. "Nearly twenty-seven hours in labor." She groaned.
"Yeah, but you only had to pop one kid out of you…" Faye held her breath as she saw Jared walk in behind Spike. Her eyes widened.
Missy laughed. "So true." She yawned.
"I want to see the baby." Jared staggered over to Faye, and pulled at the bottom of her top. Faye looked back at Spike and arched and eyebrow up at him. Spike swallowed and shrugged his shoulders again.
Shin smiled, and bent down. "Say hello to your cousin Chase." Missy bit down on her lower lip and watched Shin as Jared stared in wonder.
"He's small." Faye and Missy laughed.
"You were too Jared." Faye poked him in the side and got down on her knees and kissed him on the forehead.
Spike backed away and leaned into the wall opposite Missy's hospital bed. Everything was perfect. Faye had her memories back, Vincent was no longer a problem, and in four more months she was due to give birth to their third child. His since he had been a small child was filled with hate, despair, and turmoil until he had fallen in love with Faye.
She glanced over at him. Spike smiled and walked over, helping Faye to her feet, and picking up Jared. His arms wrapped around Spike's neck, and he closed his eyes. "Time to go home Jared," Spike waved to Missy and Shin. "I'll stop by your place tomorrow."
Shin nodded, and smiled. Faye took Emily from Jet who sighed in relief. Carmen trudged in with a smile on his face. "Where the hell have you been?!" Shin snarled. Carmen blinked and pushed back Shin and stared down at Chase as he yawned and started to fall asleep in Missy's arms.
"What a cutie!" He tickled his small foot. "What'd you name her?"
Shin's eyes widened, anger consumed him. "How dare you!"
Carmen laughed. "Take it easy, I was only kidding." He winked. Missy only sighed as Shin dragged him out into the hall. There was a silence, and then a loud shout from Carmen. Missy's eyes widened as Shin walked in gritting his teeth and holding back a mouthful of obscenities as he held his aching fist.
Spike took Emily in his left arm while holding Jared in his left. Faye laughed as his eyes widened. "When'd they get so heavy…?" He muttered and walked into an empty elevator with Faye.
She sighed and closed her eyes. Life was perfect in everyway. Spike, and her were expecting she and him had found a stronger love for him than she'd ever known.
She leaned back and turned to meet Spike's gaze. He smiled his brown eyes warm, and gentle. She never saw the bitter hatred that she used to see. He had found true happiness, and a family of his own. They didn't have to even say it anymore to know that they loved each other, it was just there, a feeling inside them, joined together.
"The end…" Faye mumbled yawning as Spike handed her a mug filled with some tea.
He laced his arms around her and kissed her neck as he glanced at the screen. "Joined together…" He frowned, nodding his head. "It works."
Faye sighed as she leaned forward, and grabbed another stack of paper, and placed it in her printer. "It's finally done." She whispered. Spike took a seat next to her and rested his head on her shoulder.
"You did it." He smiled. The baby was asleep next to them lying in her crib. She closed her eyes and kissed him on the cheek as the final chapter of her manuscript began to print.
"We did it." She corrected him. There was a small whimper from the crib. Spike pulled away and smiled picking her up.
"Afternoon to you too baby." He swayed from side to side letting her head rest on his shoulder. Faye gathered all of the papers together neatly into two piles. The first was with Spike's story, and the second of hers.
"Page, come here little girl." Faye wiggled her fingers in the air as she stretched her arms out to her daughter and kissed her on the cheek. She was small. Her eyes were green, and her hair was streaked with green and violet highlights. Her small curls hung in her face.
"You want me to cook?" He yawned, and walked into Jared, and Emily's room. They were both still napping.
Faye shook her head. "Why don't we go out?" She reached her hand up and he took it kissing her fingertips. Faye bit down on her lower lip and smiled brightly.
Everything really was perfect. "Sounds good to me Faye," Spike sat down and got Page's teething ring and let her gnaw on it as she laughed taping her fingers on the keys of Faye's keyboard.
The End
"You thought I was just a voice in Vincent's head didn't you?" The voice laughed, it had a low, hissing, malicious tone to it. "Weren't expecting to hear from me, were you?" The voice cackled again…
It's all in the head of whom you choose…
Just a spooky twist to freak you out there. Soo…did I leave you with an impact? I can't believe it's done! ::cries:: I can't take it. I've spent about two or so years on this thing! It's finally come to a conclusion though, and things are at peace. Don't think that there will be a third tale cause of that ending, it's just a wig you out sort of deal. ^__^' Heh. I named their baby Page Marie. I thought it fit. I got the ending phrase from a site when I was looking up mental disorders for my new fanfic. ::gets all happy:: I'll be posting that one up soon. Just as soon as I get a good amount of reviews! READ + REVIEW!!
I'll miss writing this so much, and thank you to the fans who have stuck through with me until the very end. ^_^ I love you all. *-*