Summary: Almost everyone knows about the colors of a rose. The symbolism behind them and their natural beauty. Rose finds out what they are through Scorpius. Set during their Hogwarts years.

AN: Hey guys! This is my first Harry Potter fanfic so please don't judge too hard :D Although Ron and Hermione are my OTP, Rose and Scorpius are a very close 2nd, and for me, easier to write for. Please enjoy!

First Year: Prologue

Scorpius Malfoy arrived to Hogwarts with a couple of things.

He brought clothes, products for hygiene, hair gel, parchment, quills, his owl, owl treats, etc.

Most importantly, he brought flower seeds. More specifically, rose seeds. Multiple colors too. He even brought full grown ones.

He was always fascinated with roses. With their meaning, with their beauty. His family and his few friends found it strange. Why would a Malfoy of all people, be interested in something as simple as a rose? To others, it was pointless. To Scorpius, it was magic. He didn't know how to explain it. It just simply was.

He exited the train with no one by his side. Scorpius was always a shy kid, never knowing how to make coherent sentences when having to talk to strangers. He usually tried at least, but always ended up making a fool of himself. While on the train however, he never tried to talk to anyone, and no one tried to talk to him either.

As the cool air hit him, he caught multiple glimpses of red hair mixed with some black at the corner of his eye. They were the Weasleys/Potters. Scorpius, (and every wizard and witch on the planet), knew of them.

Scorpius, remembering his father's words of how he shouldn't associate himself with the Weasleys, quickly turned away, but not quick enough to not get a glimpse of the most beautiful thing he has ever set his eyes on.

Her freckles. Her wild red hair. Her beautiful face. Her amazing smile. That was all on Scorpius's mind as he saw the person that he immediately fell in love with.

Rose Weasley.

AN: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I'm not entirely sure of how long this will be because there aren't many different colored roses I can work with here, but i'll try to make it last until their 7th year. Hope you enjoyed!