This is just a little story I thought about. Don't worry, The Way We Touch, will be updated soon. This story might just be a three or four shot.

I hope you enjoy! Leave me a review, tell me what you think!

The drone of the Oregon Ducks baseball game buzzed through the house. Sam was slouched in front of the TV on his recliner chair with a beer can in his hand. He was on his third beer that day and it was barely 2pm. Norman was off at school and Norma missed him so much.

Norma stood in the kitchen, idly wiping the already clean counter top. The kitchen was sparkly clean, but Norma definitely did not want to seem like she wasn't doing anything. Her feet started to ache from standing. Sitting down would look like she was lazy and Sam hated lazy.

It was ironic actually, how Sam hated laziness. He would come home from work and plop his ass on that chair until the next morning. Sam never helped around the house and the only reason he would get up was to eat. Or hit.

"Norma!" Sam bellowed.

Norma's shaky hands dropped the towel and she cleared her throat. Her wobbly feet walked towards Sam while holding her breath. "Yes?" Her voice barely above a whisper.

Sam's eyes snapped up, "Speak up."

"I'm sorry." She cleared her throat. "Do you need something?"

"I'm out of beer," He threw the empty can almost hitting Norma, "Get me another one."

Silently, Norma quickly made her way to the fridge. Her heart dropped as she searched for a beer. She inwardly cursed herself for forgetting to buy another 6 pack. Her frantic hands rummaged through the refrigerator and after a few more glances, she concluded there were no beers.

Norma's whole body shook as she walked back to Sam. His eyes scanned Norma's empty hands and his own finger clenched into fists.

"Why the hell are your hands empty?" Sam spat.

She fidgeted with her fingers, terrified to speak. "We're out," She said, "I'll go out and get you some more-"

Norma's breath was caught in her throat when Sam's fist met her cheek. Sam was standing in front of her and she lost her balance, but quickly regained it. Her hand clutched her reddened cheek.

"I told you to buy more yesterday!" Sam shouted as his hand slapped her across her face. Norma screamed in pain as she held her other cheek. "Shut up, you stupid bitch." He spat.

"I'm sorry…" She cried.

"You're sorry? You're sorry?!" He pushed her violently against the wall. Frames met Norma's back and shattered beneath her. "All you have to do is buy beer. Is it really that hard?" His fingers tightened around Norma's neck.

She made tiny choking and gasping sounds as her fingers clawed at his arms. "S-stop!" Norma tried to defend.

"That's all you have to do…" Sam muttered gravely as he focused on tightening his fingers. He watched as Norma's breath shortened and her defending hands became weaker.

Norma felt her heart beat slower and her vision became fuzzy. Her eyes trained on Sam's furious ones. Finally, Sam threw her to the ground and she collapsed on the floor. Norma coughed incessantly, trying to catch her breath with wheezy noises. Fearful tears streamed down her face and her neck stuck from his forceful grip.

Sam crouched down to her and grabbed her by the hair. "Get your ass to the store." He said in a dooming voice.

Norma quickly stood up, tears still down her cheeks and gasping noises erupted from her mouth. Black orbs filled her vision as she searched for her car keys. She could feel Sam behind her and her blood boiled.

"Go!" He shouted right in her ear. Norma jumped as her shaky hands yanked the house door open. Her chaotic feet scrambled to the car.

Once she was securely in the car with the door locked and close. Sam was back in the house unable to be seen by Norma. Feeling safe, Norma let out a sob. Her body shook with tears and she leaned her head against the wheel. The familiar self-hate filled Norma as she cried even harder. She hated Sam, she despised him. But what she hated even more was how he made her feel. How much control he had over her.

Norma peered into the mirror in her car as she examined her already bruising cheek. Handprints covered her porcelain neck leaving a nasty red color.

The bruises were so sickening, Norma couldn't look anymore. So she started the car and drove to the nearest store.


Turning the car off at some grocery store, she searched the backseat of the car for a hoodie or sunglasses to disguise her bruises. She thankfully found a zip up hoodie and quickly put it on.

Walking into the store, everything so far was good. She didn't run into anyone and no one saw her. That was until she bumped right into a strong male body.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The voice was kind and comforting.

"I-it's fine." Norma kept her head down even though she was tempted to see the man.

"Have a nice day." The voice began to fade away.

Norma made her familiar walk to the alcohol section of the store. The beer Sam likes was at the top of the rack and Norma sighed in defeat. She reached on her tip toes and struggled to grasp the six pack.

"Here," A male voice spoke as he grabbed the beer, "Let me get that for you."

Norma glanced up at the man gratefully and noticed how comforting and attractive he was. "Thanks."

"Whoa, what happened?" He asked. "Did you get that looked at?"

Norma knew he saw the bruises. "Yeah, I just fell pretty badly."

"I'll say," He muttered, examining her cheek. "I'm Alex. I think you bumped into me earlier."

Norma chuckled, an unfamiliar sound, "Yeah, sorry." She glanced at the hand that was waiting to be shook. Her cold, unsteady hand grasped his warm one and something happened. A warm wave of care washed over her but she quickly banished it from her mind.

"And you are?" Alex asked.

"Norma." She answered.

"Norma," He repeated in a dreamy voice, "Well it was nice to meet you, Norma." He smiled. "Make sure not to fall again, you wouldn't want to hurt that beautiful face."

Norma's face broke into a sudden smile at his words. Before she got a chance to answer, Alex was already gone.

It was so…strange, the feeling she had when she met him. Norma knew him for what, 2 minutes? But in that 2 minutes she felt so happy and good about herself.

She quickly shook her head, expelling the thought from her mind and made her way to the registers.

As Alex walked back to his car, there was a smile he just couldn't wipe off. That woman, Norma, made him feel some type of way. But what worried him was those bruises. He didn't want to push her any further, considering they met just a few minutes ago.

But beneath those bruises, Alex could see a true beauty that he had never seen in a woman before. The few seconds he saw her eyes, he fell completely head over heels for her. Those dazzling, electric blue orbs were beautiful, but he noticed there was a dull look to it.

Shaking his head and driving away from the store, he tried to focus on other things other than Norma.


The rumble of her engine signaled Norma was home. Sam was where she left him, reclining in that same, and smelly chair.

"I'm back." She muttered as she walked into the house.

Sam barely noticed her just put his hand out, waiting for a beer in his hand. Norma got his signal and quickly opened the pack and placed a can in his hand.

"About damn time." Sam spat in a grumbling voice. He gratefully popped the tab and took a long guzzle, the beer soothing his dry mouth.

"I'm sorry," Norma unzipped the hoodie, "The line was-"

"I don't give a damn." Sam interrupted. "Where the hell is Norman?"

"He's going to be at school later today. Some study session he is in." Norma explained.

"Dinner better be ready by 5. I don't care if he's going to be here. He'll eat when he gets back."

"Okay." Norma cleared her throat. "Do you need anything?" She bit her lip, brushing a piece of blonde hair from her face.

Sam took his eyes off the TV, an angry expression across his sour face. "Get the hell out of my face."

Norma swallowed a lump and backed away. She quickly walked to their bedroom and collapsed on the bed. A familiar feeling of loneliness seeped through her body. She longed for love and care. She thought Sam would provide that with her and he did, for a few years.

Sam Bates was charismatic and electric when Norma first met him. She met him while she was still dating John and she pursued him for more than just a one night stand. Norma sensed an alluring and captivating way about Sam. And he loved her, or at least he pretended he did for a few years. Then he would go out almost every night and come home drunk.

That's when the abuse started. It started subtly, with demeaning names and filthy words being spat at her. Then he started to get physical. Norma knew it was wrong, but every time, she crawled back to him, making up excuses for him. Apologizing for him.

Sam knew he had total control over Norma and he totally took advantage of his power. When he first met her, Norma was strong and didn't take 'no' for an answer. At the time, he admired that about her, but after a while, it started to frustrate him.

Now, they were both in separate rooms, almost in separate worlds.

Norma was so alone, longing for love that she would never have.