A/N: Oooookay… This idea's been sitting in the back of my head FOR AGES. Until now I've been hesitant to let it grow and flourish, though. (blushes) This whole idea is certainly something very different. But hopefully you'll still enjoy…?

WARNINGS: VERY mild alpha/omega, SLASH, MPREG, language, gore, adult themes… (looks around) Anyone out there…?

DISCLAIMER: MUAH-HAH-HAA! Yeah, as if I'd own anything… (pouts) I'll just have to be content with borrowing the characters for a while.

Weeeelll… If I want to get this started by chickening out I'd better get going now. I really hope that you'll enjoy the ride!

Little Wonders


There was a quite comical look on Dr. Spencer Reid's face when he sat in a doctor's office, staring boldly straight ahead like a prisoner preparing for their execution. His hands shook miserably and he tried to ball them to hide it. All he succeeded in was making his hands sore.

"So…" He frowned, still trying to process what he just heard. "There's nothing wrong with me?" This was becoming a very bad, repetative joke.

His doctor, a man in his mid-forties with kind brown eyes and hair of the same color named Gregory Wilson, smiled at his confusion. "That's right. I can assure you that there's absolutely nothing wrong with you."

Spencer's left eyebrow twitched. He could feel a headache seeking an opening. "But… I've been throwing up for almost a week now. And those dizzy spells…"

Dr. Wilson nodded patiently. "… are both very common in your current situation", the doctor reassured him. "You may want to take it a bit easier, though. Your line of job isn't exactly ideal for someone in your condition."

Spencer frowned. In what condition…? And then, slowly yet inevitably, it hit him. His eyes widened to a ridiculous size. "Oh…!"

Dr. Wilson grinned. "Congratulations, Spencer. You're pregnant." Then, seeing the pure shock and nausea on his face, the doctor's expression became hesitant. "Or should I congratulate you …?"

Spencer didn't even really hear those words. There was a cacophony of chaotic thoughts filling his head. His heartbeat at the moment couldn't be healthy. "I can't be", he sputtered feebly. "I… I've used… ah…" It was almost humorous that he couldn't bring himself to use the word 'protection' even under the circumstances.

"I have the blood test results here. So… I'm quite certain", Dr. Wilson pointed out. There was genuine sympathy on the man's face. "I'm taking it you and your Alpha haven't talked about having kids yet."

Spencer sighed. It shuddered far more than it should've and his eyes didn't feel entirely dry. Damned hormones…! "It's… not like that", he managed. He took a deep breath, as though gathering courage. "I don't have a Alpha. I'm not even sure if I'd want one."

Dr. Wilson's eyebrow bounced up. There was a hint of surprise in the man's eyes but no judgement. "I see."

Now that he thought about it Spencer knew exactly when he ended up being knocked up. A little over seven weeks earlier there'd been a case, so intense that it made him forget about his heat suppressants. And as luck would have it on their final night in the small town his heat came rolling in, with all the vigour of those he'd forced back medically. By the time there was a loud and demanding, nearly desperate knock on his motel room's door he was already stark naked.

One slip of control – a couple of careless days – and this was the result.

Even without meeting the gaze Spencer felt Dr. Wilson's eyes on him. "I know that this is a lot to take in, but… How do you want to go on from here?"

Spencer couldn't speak. Even a single word. Instead he grabbed a trashcan that'd been mercifully nearby and vomited loudly.

At two thirty that night Derek Morgan was still very much awake. There was a unreadable look in his eyes while he stared at the window, took in the raindrops crawling lazily down the glass. He inhaled and exhaled, then turned his head.

There beside him on the bed Savannah Hayes slept soundly, a soft and content smile gracing her lips. Clearly whatever she was dreaming of was pleasant. A barely noticeable shiver went across her naked form while her body still tried to process their earlier activities.

This was their seventh night together. And on some distant level Derek realized that this was the point where he had to start making some serious decisions. Savannah hadn't said anything out loud but he knew that she was starting to expect labels. She had, however, expressed a desire to meet his friends and family. Derek wasn't sure if they were quite there yet.

On paper everything seemed perfect. She was beautiful, intelligent and just as passionate about her job as he was. They had similar priorities and they genuinely had a good time together. She was even willing to look past the fact that he was a Alpha, despite the fact that his kind usually had rather disastrous relationships with Betas. She'd promised him that they'd make it work somehow if they really wanted to.

Savannah was willing to accept him for who and what he was – and Derek didn't have the slightest clue of what he was doing. Of course he cared about her, quite a bit. But he couldn't smother the small yet irritating voice in the back of his head that whispered dangerous things.

In the end Derek decided that maybe a glass of cold water was just what he needed. Careful to leave the bed so that her rest wasn't disturbed he got up and stretched. Savannah sighed but didn't stir.

As soon as he made it downstairs Derek downed two glasses of ice cold water. It didn't ease the searing sensation in his throat and chest. It didn't stop him from remembering things that he should've forgotten weeks ago.

Derek was so startled by the unexpected knock on his door that he almost dropped the glass. A frown appeared to his forehead. Who would want to visit at such an hour?

Derek's steps were tense when he approached the door, preparing himself for several things only someone with his job could come up with. Whatever there'd been on his mind faded away at the sight that met him. He blinked twice. The image remained.


Sure enough, the genius stood there at his door. Drenched wet, shivering, pale and looking like he hadn't slept in days. The younger man swallowed loudly and shifted his weight to another foot, his face a picture of discomfort.

"I, uh…" Spencer took a deep breath, barely daring to meet his eyes. "There's… We need to talk about something."


A/N: And so we begin. (gulps) It looks like the road ahead won't be easy.

Now… What are your thoughts? Was that any good at all? Please, do let me know. It'd make me insanely happy.

In any case, thank you so much for reading! Who knows, maybe I'll see you again some day…?

Take care!