I got this idea one hour ago... Hope you'll like it!

It was saturday morning. Clint was sleeping when someone knocked at his apartment door. He suddenly woke up, thinking that he was attack. Two seconds later, the person knocked again. Clint looked at the clock in his room. It was 11 o'clock. He sighed and get out of the bed. He put on a pant and went to the door.

''Clint, it's me'' Clint recognized Natasha's voice. ''Open!''

''I'm coming!'' grumbled Clint.

He opened the door. He didn't have the time to say ''Come in'' that Natasha was already sitting on the couch.

''I need your help'' said Natasha.

''Good morning to you too'' said Clint. ''You want coffee?''

''No time for that'' answered Natasha.''I need your help''

''For what? A mission?''

''No. Look, my sister is coming from Russia and...''

''Wait! You have... a sister?!'' exclaimed Clint.

''Да'' Natasha answered. '' I thought that I already told you''

''No, I didn't know that. Anyway, why do you need my help?''

''She is gifted. And because of that, she doesn't have any friend, because everyone thinks that she is a freak. I am the only one who ever loved her. I want her to stay here with me, but for that, she needs more than a big sister. She needs friends.''

''And you want me to be her friend?''

''No, I want you to help her to makes friends. She needs people around her... I'm going on a mission in three days. She's coming today. She will stay here at least two weeks. When I'm going to be gone, I want you to take care of her.''

''How old is she?''

''Two years younger than me''

''I'm pretty sure she can take care of her by herself...''

''Clint! You don't have any idea what she have gone through. No friends, no family... Nobody around her. She almost killed herself! I don't want her to try that again!'' She shouted out.

Natasha was shivering and was almost crying.

'' I'm... I'm sorry'' she said. ''I just want her to be happy''

''I'm going to take care of her, don't worry'' said Clint.


She hugged him.

''Her plane is supposed to be here at 4 o'clock. Would you come with me at the airport please?'' Natasha asked.

''Of course'' Clint answered.

''Thanks. You are a really good friend, Clint.''

''I know.''

I hope you like it! Don't be shy and send me a reviews! Have a nice day!