Gemini Ryder (17) District 10

How could that little boy be eligible for the Hunger Games? He hardly looks older than 8, and I just know he'll die in the games. Ever since my sister died a few years ago during the games when I was 11, I have always thought people were too young. Why not have the adults do it; the kids haven't lived nearly as long, so why cut their lives short? Anyway, after I said goodbye to my mom, Jackson and I were herded out to the train. I remember my mom's face as I was taken away from her. She was quiet and sad; it had been the longest time since she has looked at me like that in any way. When my sister died, she kind of just shut herself away. Well, once Jackson and I were at the station and about to get on the train, our escort walked up. He was an older man, about in his mid-thirties early forties, and he was just smiling like crazy as he led us into the main train car.

The room we were in was huge. There was a kitchen and a table full of food, there were three different couches. I could feel my jaw drop. Our escort chuckled.

"This is nothing," he said, "If you're impressed by this, wait until we get to the Capitol. Anyway, my name is Isaac Scott, and I'll be your escort from now until you are in the arena."

I just looked at him, how could he joke about the Games so casually? A lot of kids die in the Games. Oh wait, he was raised in the Capitol, of course he never had to worry about losing anyone he cared about in the Games. I feel the train as we pull away from District 10, and I look over at Jackson staring at the food on the table.

"Go ahead Jack," Isaac says," You can have some if you want."

Jackson looks over uncertainly and grabs some of the food of the table and starts eating it. I look past him and see an older woman standing on the other side of the car, staring at me. Isaac looks at me, and then to her and smiles.

"I see that you noticed your mentor. Gemini, Jackson, this is Tanya Tran, and she will be your mentor."

Jackson Roland (12) District 4

The girl from our District towered over me, she was huge. She had this look on her face of pain, so I knew that being here reminded her of something. Well, the food on this train is great, but Gemini seems to just like looking out the window. Anyway, our mentor Tanya walked up to us and gave us a weak smile.

"You must be Jackson Roland," she said to me, then turned to look at the girl," And you must be Geminiā€¦ Ryder."

I noticed how she hesitated over the last name, and suddenly it all became clear to me. Ryder was the name of a 13 year old girl from our District that died a few Games ago, and Tanya trained her. I started to wonder if Gemini was related to that girl, or if she was related to a guy with that same last name who was killed because he was caught hunting animals outside of the District. Anyway, Tanya nodded towards Isaac and he left the train car. Tanya sat down and I followed suit, sitting opposite of her.

"Well Jackson..." she started, but I cut her off.

"Call me Jack."

"Alright than Jack, tell me about yourself."

I told her about how I was the middle child, and how my 14 year old brother almost volunteered for me, but I told him not to. How my 10 year old brother Jared had told me to win the games and to come back. My parents had been very quiet, and how I knew they didn't expect me to come back. I also told her that I had somewhat poor health, but I was quick witted.

She smiled at me, and then she turned towards Gemini. There was silence in the room, and I'm pretty sure that Tanya knows a lot about Gemini already, so there wasn't much to be said. I looked at Gemini, and started to think about how if I hadn't been told beforehand, I would think that she was a Career based on the way she was acting. After a few more awkward minutes, Tanya got up.

"You all should relax until we get to the Capitol. We'll talk about training strategies after the Chariot rides," she said.

Tanya walked out, and I turned to look at Gemini. I was dying to ask questions, but I held my tongue. She looked at me and I quickly turned away. I thought I saw a hint of a smile, but when I looked back, it was gone.

"I know that you have questions kid," she said in a semi-quiet voice.

I felt my face turn bright red, but I just stared at her, took a deep breath, and asked my burning question.

"Are you related to that Ryder girl who was killed in the games by the Career Pack a few years ago?"

She turned away, and I felt sad. I knew that I shouldn't have asked, but I just couldn't help it. Seeing her face, I felt awful about asking. She turned and looked directly into my eyes.

"Yes I am," she responded," And I do know Tanya too. She came to our house after the Games to express her condolences. Now that I'm in the Games, Tanya looks even more determined than ever before. There is one thing that she doesn't know though, something that I'll tell you if you don't tell her."

"What is it?" I asked, not being able to help myself.

"That if I die in the Games, I'm pretty sure my mom is going to kill her."