It has been quite a while since I have updated this story, and for that I must apologize. Preliminary exams are no joke, and I'm just glad they're finally over. Like I said before, this story is AU, and the ages are way younger than they actually are, because I don't believe in the fact that Obi wan was a Padawan until he was 25.
Unfortunately, I do not own Star Wars or the characters associated with it, that honor belongs to Disney.
Anakin slowly opened his eyes, gradually regaining his awareness. Groaning, he pushed himself onto his feet and gingerly touched his head. He looked down and spotted Ahsoka and Mace coming to.
"Master, I feel as though I've been run over by a bantha. What happened?" Anakin shook his head, "we all passed out after that thing dropped us off here. Said something about learning why, why Obi wan did what he did." Mace brushed his tunic off, looking around the area in which they were in
"I think we should get moving, it's getting dark and we don't know where we are, or if we are safe." The other two nodded and exchanged glances with the Korrun Master before heading off in search of whatever the Force wanted them to find. They had been walking for what seemed like ages before a warning in the force stopped them in their tracks.
"Get down!" The three Jedi dropped to the floor, and instinctively reached for the sabers on their belts. Speeder bikes flew past them, each driven by two beings carrying blasters. "Why didn't they attack us Master?" Anakin turned to Ahsoka, and incredulous look plastered on her face. "Honestly, I don't know, it was if they were looking straight through us. It doesn't matter, come on let's follow them and see where they go. I don't like the feeling I have about them."
The Jedi took off into a sprint after the speeders. Unfortunately, they had lagged further and further behind as the terrain became tricky to navigate. "Blast, now how are we going to catch them." Anakin looked at Mace, as if urging the Master to come up with something.
"Well, why don't we follow that cloud of smoke?" Mace pointed to thick black smoke rising in the distance. Anakin stiffened "You don't suppose they attacked a village do you," Ahsoka and Mace stared at Anakin in realization. "Yeah I thought so, come on lets go."
It was near dark before the Jedi made it to the village, and the site that met them was not encouraging. People were screaming and sobbing around the village. Children lay crumpled on the floor, riddled with blaster wounds, parents lay next to them, having died trying to save their young. Houses were burning, the acrid stench of burnt flesh mingled in the soot filled air.
Anakin stared in horror at the sight before him, frozen in place by what he saw. The people they saw on the speeders were raiders, wiping out the village in order to plunder the belongings of the people they slaughtered. Mace finally stepped forward, determination flashing in his eyes. "We must help them; we can't just stand here and do nothing."
Seemingly coming out of his stupor, Anakin nodded and set off with the others to help the suffering villagers. The Jedi ran towards the nearest group of people they saw. "We are here to help you, what is going on?" Anakin frowned, the villagers hadn't recognized them. "Hello, can you here me. I said we are here to help you. Why won't you respond?" Frustrated, Anakin reached down to grab hold of the person, but instead dragged his hand straight the persons body. "What, that cant be, I..." Anakin waved his hand t5hrough the villager's body.
Mace looked off into the distance, "I would seem as though we are in a past event. We can't interact with these people because we aren't here, and this already happened. We are mere witnesses Skywalker." Anakin straightened. "That's what it said, it said we would see, but we wouldn't be able to do anything. Do you think the Force is showing us this for a reason?" Mace nodded, "the Force never does anything without reason, I guess we must see what happens."
Anakin hung his head, "Master Windu, why can we feel the force and the fears of these people as if we are here, but cannot touch them. I don't get it, why would the Force let us feel if we are too learn…" Anakin cut himself off. A piercing scream filled the Force, and the cry of a child echoed in the burning village.
At once, the Jedi sprang forward and headed in the direction the Force had prompted them. What they saw stopped them in their tracks once more. A child, no more than three was crying over the body of a dead female, a smoking blaster hole in the middle of her head. The child was streaked in dirt, the clothing he wore was ripped and tattered, and he was covered in light bruises. Anakin stepped forward, the boy seemed familiar, not in physical form, but in his Force presence. Although muted, he could sense power deep within the small child. He stepped forward, to take a better look at the child, when he heard him speak.
"Please Mommy, please wake up. Please wake up mommy, I be a good boy if you wake up. I pwomise mommy, please wake up. You can't sleep now, it s not sleep time yet. Please mommy, just wake up mommy I pwomise I be good." The child's words wavered, trembling slightly as he shook his mothers still form. He kept whispering to her begging his mother to wake up. "I'm sorry mommy, I'm sorry I was bad, I dint mean it, I sorry, please wake up, I be good."
The chills continued to gently shake his mother, his head never leaving her chest. Slowly, he lifted his head and looked at his mothers face. "Why you no move mommy, why you no breathe, you need to breathe mommy. It good for you, please just breathe mommy. Please, mommy, I need you, I'm scared."
Anakin felt his heart break; he yearned for his own mother, remembering the state he had found her in years ago. The little boy stopped shaking his mother and slowly raised his head in the direction of the Jedi. Anakin heard Mace gasp behind him, and felt Ahsoka stiffen in the Force. The little boy looked terrified, his light reddish-Blonde hair ruffling from the movement. But it wasn't the look he saw in the child's face that struck Anakin, it was the deep pool of stormy Cerulean eyes that stared through him. Only one person he knew had eyes that could cause the same feelings in him. This Child was Obi wan Kenobi.
"No, it can't be, it can't. How is this possible? Master Windu, please tell me this is some sick joke by the Force." Mace slowly shook his head. "No Skywalker, it is not a joke. I remember this planet now, although not at this stage. I was here, possibly a year or two from now, but I remember that boy. He is Obi wan, I know because I found him." Anakin's eyes seemed to bulge, "What, you found Obi wan; you brought him to the temple?" Mace nodded again, "Yes, but I almost didn't. I will tell you another time Skywalker, now doesn't feel right."
Anakin relaxed, but brought his attention to the boy once more when he saw the child rise shakily to his feet. Sensing the danger once more, all three Jedi spun around to see what terrified the child further. They came face to face with several of the raiders, their blasters raised and leveled at Obi wan's chest. "Now Now little boy, we wouldn't want you running off and telling others about what has happened here. I'm afraid were going to have to, prevent you from becoming a problem for us."
Obi wan had backed away slowly, his little body shaking from uncontrolled fear. It radiated off him in waves, the Jedi threw up their shields in order to block out the overwhelming feelings. The little boy fell backwards, tripping over the limp arm of his former mother. The leader of the group, descended on the downed child quickly, and pointed his blaster straight at the child's head. "Bye bye little boy, have a good trip."
The man's finger gripped the trigger, and pulled. Before Anakin had the chance to scream, Obi wan did it for him. The child had thrown up his arms in an effort to protect himself, the cry of fear echoing through the now smoldering rubble. The man found himself being thrown through the air, tumbling harshly; he crashed against a broken wall. He lay limp and unmoving; probing the Force, Anakin knew the man was dead.
The other raiders seemed to realize the new threat, and shouted at each other as they scrambled to get away from the child on the floor. The child simply stared at the still figure of his attacker, as if realizing what he had done. Slowly, he rose to his feet, tears streaking down his dirt covered face, the brilliant blue eyes shining as though a beacon in the darkness.
Slowly, people emerged from the devastation of their village. They seemed to converge around the young child. Instead of Obi wan being happy, as Anakin though he would, the child shrunk back further, fear evident in his expressive eyes.
"You, this is your fault. I knew this would happen, I warned you that this thing was the spawn of evil. You see how he uses his witchcraft. I told you he would bring evil upon our village, and look around you. This child was a curse placed on this village, to test our loyalty to one another. I say we get rid of him now. We must stop him from bringing further devastation to our people."
Anakin didn't know what disgusted him more, the fact that this man spoke about killing a child, or that the others agreed with him. The few villagers seemed to close in on the terrified child, anger and fear evident on their faces. "Grab him, kill him now." Anakin didn't know who said it, but it made him angry. The villagers seemed to storm the child, grabbing hold of him and yanking him forward. They dragged the hysterical child to the man who had spoken first.
He had picked up the blaster that lay next to the dead raider and put it against the back of the squirming child's head. "Now my people, we will end this curse once and for all." The Jedi were riveted to the spot, watching with disbelief as they were preparing to execute a child. The villager seemed to smile as he spoke the words that had sealed the child's fate. Obi wan stilled, only the soft hiccups from his crying could be heard. He lifted his head slowly; looking at his would be executor. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to be bad. I'm sorry." Having said his piece, the child lowered his head once more.
The villager stared at the child then lowered the blaster. "Go, leave this place. We will not kill you, that would make us no better than you. Leave, do not come back to this village, if you do, we will not hesitate to kill you. Now Go!" standing shakily, Obi wan looked around and met only hostile glances. Anakin caught the child staring at one particular face, and realization dawned once more. "no, it cant be, how could he?" Mace and Ahsoka stared at Anakin, then back at Obi wan. They too had realized what was happening.
"Daddy, please, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I…" the man that Obi wan was looking at shook his head. "I am not your father, and you are not my son, not anymore. Leave, you are not welcome here anymore." It was if it was a physical blow that struck the child. He stepped backwards, tears threatening to spill once more. He seemed to shake from the effort of walking. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be bad." With that, the child ran blindly into the thick forest that surrounded the village.
Anakin couldn't believe it, how could that have happened. He felt bad for Obi wan, all those time he screamed at him for not understanding what he went through when his mother died, he was wrong. Oh Master I'm so sorry, I never knew. What have I done. Ahsoka spoke first. "How could they do that? He was just a child, who just lost his mother and they kicked him out of the village. How can they do it, I mean his own father turned him away. What kind of parents would do that?"
"His apparently." All three Jedi turned to look at the voice behind them. Anakin seemed furious. "You, how could you let this happen? And why would you show this to us." The Force merely smiled, "my my Anakin, a bit touchy. I have no control over events that happen, but I can influence them. I helped Obi wan that day, and for many days that followed. It was only fair, it was my gift that made him an outcast. As I told you Skywalker, you wanted to see why Obi wan did what he did, this is merely a piece of his puzzle. And in time, you will see the whole picture. But until then, you must learn."
The force shimmered before disappearing, leaving the Jedi to think about the events that had just passed. Anakin simply shook his head. "I hurt him; I said he didn't know anything about love and compassion. I said he never knew his parents, and that he would never know what it felt like to lose a parent. I was wrong, in so many ways. It's my fault."
As if the confession was the key, the Jedi found themselves enveloped by light. Wondering what they would next see, the Jedi fell into darkness once more.
The Force smiled. "They are learning."
A/N: glad that's finally done. What will happen next, not entirely sure. Please Read and Review, it really does give inspiration. It might be a bit slow in updating, school and stuff like that, but it will be posted. Until then, May the Force be with you.