Chapter Ten

"You're trembling."

He whispered the words in her ear, and Ororo's limbs shuddered even more violently, the nervous tremors in her stomach fluttering in a wild staccato. She was sure he could hear her heart beating frantically against her ribs as he held her close.

"Are you afraid of me?" He turned her around to face him, holding her out at arm's length.

She shook her head. "No," she answered truthfully. "But I am afraid."

He put his palms to her cheeks, cupping her face in his large hands and gazing into her blue eyes. "What are you most afraid of?"

She inhaled deeply, her eyelids fluttering as she tried to even out her breathing and calm her heart. "The pain," she finally answered quietly. Her face flushed warm as she glanced quickly down at his body. "I've never-"

"I know," he interjected, smoothing her snow-white hair back from her face. "And while I cannot promise you that there will be no pain at all, I can promise you that I will be as gentle as possible."

She took another deep breath.

"We don't have to do this, Ororo," he said quietly.

"I know," she answered softly. "But I want to."

He searched her face for a long time. "You're certain?"

She nodded. "I want nothing more… I've wanted nothing more for a long time."

He chuckled, and just for a moment, the arrogant prince that she'd met when she first arrived on Asgard resurfaced. "You desire me so?"

She blushed again, nodding her head almost bashfully, and it was the most endearing thing he had ever seen.

"Then we are equal to the task, Ororo… for I desire you so, as well."

She looked up into his face, searching his eyes for any hint of teasing, any iota of insincerity. She found none.

"Do you trust me?" He asked, his breath ghosting over the shell of her ear as he leaned in close to her.

She nodded. "Yes."

"Then I promise to take care of you," he answered, smiling down at her. "But you must promise to do everything I say. Do we have a bargain?"

She smiled back at him, lowering her lashes playfully. "Surely, my master, you must know that is not a new task for me," she replied coyly.

He chuckled again, reaching around her waist to playfully swat her behind. "Go to the bed and wait for me."

She did as she was told, climbing up into his bed, the bed that she'd seen every day of her life for the last two years. The bed she'd watched other women climb in and out of, but had never been in herself. She paused at the edge of it, running her fingers along the smooth satin of his crimson and gold sheets, before stretching out on it.

He watched her lie flat on her back, her face turned up toward the ceiling, apprehension apparent in every muscle in her body. She was truly beautiful, lying in his bed, waiting patiently for him, the nervousness of an untouched maiden plain in her trembling limbs. He gazed upon her for a moment more before walking into his washroom.

Ororo tried not to think too hard about what was to come. Here was the moment she'd been wishing for, for so long now, the moment that she'd often dreamed about in her sleeping hours and her waking ones. The butterflies in her stomach fluttered with nervous anticipation, and she cocked her head to the side curiously as she heard Thor rummaging around in his washroom - for what, she did not know.

Finally, he emerged, a smile lighting up his face and a small flask in his hands. She sat up slightly, her eyes following his every movement. He'd removed his clothes, and even as she blushed, Ororo marvelled at how she never got tired of the sight of his beautifully bronzed body. He was truly magnificently built, truly a god.

He joined her on the bed, setting the flask down on the bedside table. He looked at her for a moment, his eyes roving up and down her form hungrily, like a man starved. He reached out, running his hands over her bare legs, and Ororo shuddered at the sensation of his calloused palms against her smooth skin.

"For so long," he remarked, "I have wanted to touch these legs, to feel this soft, beautiful skin beneath my hands."

"I should hope the reality has not disappointed your expectation," she answered quietly.

"How could it," Thor replied, "when it is everything I had hoped for and more?"

She blushed, smiling at him shyly.

He ran his hands up her hips, unfastening the ties there that held her wrap together. Carefully, slowly, he peeled the material away from her skin, his face lighting up when he saw how bare she was beneath it. His eyes met hers, and her face flushed even warmer. "Are you always…?"

Ororo nodded. "Beneath the clothes of my people, yes."

He couldn't help himself. He leaned down, pressing his face to that lovely center of hers, gently pressing his lips to her mound. Ororo squirmed beneath his attentions, and his strong hands held her fast as his tongue darted out to taste her, his stubble tickling the insides of her thighs.

"Oh," she cried out softly. "Oh."

Had his mouth not been so occupied, he would have asked her if she was pleased with his ministrations. As it stood, he didn't need to; the trembling of her legs, the breathless whimpers and moans, and the clenching of her muscles all answered his question for him.

She threaded her fingers through his hair, tugging gently as her release drew nearer and nearer. She writhed and squirmed on his sheets, her mind gone blank with sensation, stars exploding behind her eyes. She felt her climax start from deep within her, working its way out to every inch of her body, bursting free finally in a flash of white hot pleasure.

"Thor!" She cried out, and that one word from her mouth, his name as she called it out at the height of her pleasure, was the sweetest thing he'd ever heard. He kissed her gently, slowly, letting her ride out her climax, watching her over the curve of her abdomen, delighting in the sight of her flushed face, tightly closed eyes, and slightly parted lips.

"I've never…" She breathed heavily, trying to regain her composure. "I've never felt anything like that."

He smiled at her, licking her essence off of his lips as he slid up her body. "And was it to your liking?" He asked softly, reaching around her to undo her chest bindings.

She nodded, still unable to form the words she needed to describe the feelings he'd given her.

As the material fell away from her chest, Thor drew in a breath. "Truly, there is nothing so beautiful in all the Nine Realms as you," he remarked, sitting back to just look at her.

"You flatter me," she giggled. "I am starting to doubt the sincerity of your compliments."

"Don't," he rebutted, leaning down close to her. "I mean every word that I say, Ororo."

She opened her mouth to respond, but suddenly his mouth was on her skin, his lips latched to her left breast and his hand palming her right. She arched her back into his touch, gasping as he rolled one nipple between his fingers and lapped at the other with his tongue, alternating between her breasts. With every caress of his fingertips, every flick of his tongue, she could feel herself becoming more and more aroused as wetness rushed to flood her already-wet center. Beneath those sensations, she could feel the evidence of Thor's own arousal, hard and hot and pressed against her thigh, and just the thought of it made her moan softly.

He raised his head to look at her, letting her slip from his mouth with an audible pop, and Ororo thought she'd never seen so much lust in one man's expression. It terrified her, and excited her, and made her feel like a goddess all at once.

He slid further up her body, reaching over to grab the flask that Ororo had almost forgotten about. She gazed at him curiously, question marks in her eyes.

"You are wet," he explained. "So, so very wet… and I cannot wait to feel your tight, wet heat around me. But I want this experience to be just as pleasurable for you as it is for me." He opened the flask, squeezing liquid onto his fingers, and Ororo watched as he slipped those two fingers inside of her. She could feel his fingers, moving around inside of her, spreading the lubricant along her walls. Finally, when he was satisfied with the amount he'd applied, he set the flask back down on the bedside table, turning to her with a smile.

"Now," he started, reaching down to place a pillow beneath her hips, elevating her towards him. "I want you to promise me something, Ororo."

She looked up at him. "What… what is it?"

He leaned down to press a kiss to her lips, softly, enveloping her in his arms. "I want you to promise me, that at any time, if there is something I'm doing that hurts you, or that is too uncomfortable for you, you will tell me."

She swallowed around the nervousness she felt, trying to focus on the kindness in his face and voice, the way he was holding her, the tender way he'd dealt with her thus far. "I promise," she replied softly.

He nodded, looking at her for a moment more, before positioning himself between her thighs. He looked down, then, at the place where their bodies were to meet, watching as he slowly and carefully guided himself into her.

It was so unfamiliar to Ororo. She'd touched herself before, inserted fingers into that most intimate place on her body, but nothing she'd ever done to herself was anywhere near what she felt as Thor pushed into her, inch by inch. She could feel her body stretching to accommodate him, his intrusion of her made a little less uncomfortable by his careful preparation of her.

She gasped sharply as she felt his tip push up against the part of her that had never been reached before, by anything, and he stopped suddenly, glancing down at her with concern etched in his golden features.

Ororo breathed deeply, trying to focus on something other than the stinging between her legs. "I'm fine," she managed. "It doesn't hurt much… please don't stop."

He hesitated for just a moment, before pushing in until he could go no further. Ororo squeezed her eyes shut tight, biting her lip hard.

"You feel glorious," Thor breathed, before leaning down to kiss her deeply.

She held on tight to him, her fingertips digging into the skin of his shoulders as he began to move. He started slowly, withdrawing from her only a little before pushing back in. Ororo gasped at each thrust, still holding tight to him as her body adjusted to his length and girth. The stinging subsided just a little, and she felt less like bursting into tears. Still, it was a strange sensation to have a man between her legs, but her heart skipped a beat when she remembered that the man between her legs was the one that she loved, and she wanted to cry for an altogether different reason.

Thor watched her face greedily, taking in every expression, every change, every little nuance that showed what she was feeling. She'd lied to him about the pain, but he could see the exact moment when the pain gave way to something else, and that was the moment he chose to reach between them, putting his fingers to where their bodies were joined, and stroke that sensitive little button he knew would bring her pleasure. She gasped again, arching her back, her hips rocking in rhythm to his as he caressed her there.

"Thor," she panted, scraping her nails over his skin, scrabbling at his arms, his shoulders, trying to hold on as she felt herself falling over the precipice of a climax once more. "Oh, Thor, I can't… I'm going to-" And she did, before she could even finish putting the thought into words. She came, hard, her muscles clenching so tightly around him that it stole his breath away, and he let out a surprised yelp as he followed her over the edge and spilled himself deeply into her.

This, too, was unfamiliar to her, and Ororo blinked rapidly as she felt his release, felt the warm rush of his seed as it filled her. He squeezed her tightly to him, uttering her name over and over again like a prayer, peppering her face and neck with soft kisses.

He disengaged their bodies gently, and Ororo winced at how tender and sore she was. She squirmed, feeling his seed trickle out of her, and whimpered a complaint as he left the bed, taking his warmth with him. He returned shortly with a soft, wet cloth, and rejoined her on the bed, his concentration on cleaning them both. When he was done, he left only to discard of the cloth before coming back and sliding into the sheets, pulling her close to him.

"And how was your deflowering?" He murmured into her skin.

She smiled, and it was the smile of a woman who knows a secret that she will never share. "It was everything I hoped for, and more," she replied, echoing his words from earlier. She paused for a moment, watching as he linked their fingers together. "I love you," she added softly.

"I love you, too," he answered, firmly and without hesitation. Ororo smiled, then, thinking that she had never been so content as she was at that moment.

A sacrifice is not a sacrifice without pain.

Her mother's voice echoed in her thoughts, and she batted the words away, knowing in her heart that there was no longer anything painful in the sacrifice she'd given.