Danny Phantom was doing his usual night patrols over Amity Park. He was flying over the Park when he sees a ghost ahead of him. Curious he flies faster to see who it is. He is surprised to that it is Ember. He notices that she is holding her arm and is having a hard time flying. She then passes mid flight and starts fallling for the ground. Danny flies faster and catches her before she hits the ground.
Danny looks down at the guitar playing ghost that he has a crush on. He now notices her wounds on her arm and the stab mark on her abdomen with ecto-blood coming out.
Danny goes wide-eyed and he starts to panic. He rushes to his house and he soon sees the Fenton Works sign. He feels two arms wrap around his neck. He looks down at Ember.
"Danny? Please don't leave me. I love you." Ember says shocking Danny and passing out again.
'Did she just say that?' Danny asks himself.
Danny arrives to his house and phases through the wall to his room. He lays Ember on his bed then runs through the house looking for first aid kits. He finds two and runs to the basement to grab some things from the lab and grabs a few devices he then runs back to his room with everything to heal Ember. He walks in to see that Ember is awake and staring at Danny.
"W-where am I?" Ember asks starting to panic but then feels the pain in her arm and abdomen and doubles over in pain.
"Ember you need to relax." Danny says.
"Danny?" She asks relaxing, but she still feels the pain.
"Ember you are in my room. You are pretty messed up. I am going to fix you up." Danny says.
"Okay." She says. Danny starts to clean her wounds then puts bandages on. Danny gets more perroxide and applies to her wound on her abdomen and she cries out in pain. He pulls the cloth away. He grabs a needle and thread.
"Danny?" She asks a little scared.
"I have to stitch the wound closed." Danny says.
"Okay." She says. She watches as Danny stitches her wound closed and she winces every time the needle enters her skin.
Danny finishes and uses a device to read her ecto-blood level. He puts it next to her and is shocked at that it says she has lost a little over half of her ecto-blood.
'She needs a transfusion.' Danny thinks. He runs out of his room and comes back a minute later with some more things. Ember watches as he changes into his super hero alter-ego Danny Phantom and as he takes about two pints of his ecto-blood. He walks over and puts the needle in by her elbow and his ecto-blood starts flowing down the tube and into her body.
"Now this will take a while so you need to just lay here and rest." Danny says and without thinking he kisses her on her forehead and leaves.
'H-He just kissed me.' Ember thinks blushing.
'I can't believe I just kissed her.' Danny thinks going down the stairs to the kitchen blushing. He walks into the kitchen surprised to see Danielle at the fridge.
"What are you doing Danielle?" Danny asks scaring her.
"Ah! Danny! You scared me half to death!" Danielle says.
"Technically you are half dead." Danny says.
"You know what I mean." Dani says.
"Hey Danny can I ask you something?" Dani asks becoming quiet.
"Sure what is it?" Danny asks.
"I was wondering if you could be my dad since I don't have a family except for you." Dani says with tears running down her cheeks. This shocks Danny because he has been looking for Dani to see if he could be her father. She starts to worry since he has not said anything. The next thing she knows is is that she is pulled into a hug.
"Danielle I will be happy to be your dad because truth is is that I have been looking for you. My daughter." Danny says and Dani can't keep her tears back and she just cries. She cries for five minutes.
"Do you feel better?" Danny asks.
"Yes Danny." Dani says.
"Thats dad to you sweetheart." Danny says smiling.
"Yes dad." Dani says smiling that she now has a family even if it's just her and Danny.
"Okay now your age... we will vist someone to make you look your proper age." Danny says.
"My age? You mean as a five-year-old girl?" Dani asks.
"Yes, we will be going to the ghost zone." Danny says heading for the stairs.
"Where are you going daddy?" Dani asks.
"To check on my guest." Danny says.
"Okay." Dani says.
Danny walks upstairs to check on Ember. Danny walks into his room to check on Ember and upon entering what he sees shocks him. He sees that Ember's skin is changing color.
'What the hell is happening to Ember? She isn't human. right? My blood! I'll have to check later.' Danny thinks as he heads for the door but stops.
"Hmmm...Danny?" Ember asks tired.
"Shhh. Ember you need to rest. I will be gone for a while." Danny says.
"Okay." She says as she falls back asleep tired.
Danny returns to the kitchen
"Ready to go Dani?" Danny asks.
"Yeah I am." Dani says.
"Okay kets go then." Danny says. The two head to the basement and enter the ghost zone.
"Well here we are the Far Frozen." Frostbite will be able to help. Danny says.
"Daddy I'm cold." Dani says.
"Here honey." Danny says wrapping her in a blanket.
"Thanks dad." Dani says. The two walk up to the village.
"Hello O Great One. Why are you here?" Frostbite asks.
"Frostbite I require your assistance for something." Danny says.
"Okay. What can I assist you with?" Frostbite asks.
"I would like for you to change my daughter to her proper age." Danny says.
"Daughter? Wow she does look like you." Frostbite says looking at Dani.
"Okay that is no problem. So how old is she?" Frostbite asks.
"She is five but she looks 13." Danny says.
"That is no problem at all. Next question how do you want it administered?" Frostbite asks.
"What are the choices?" Danny asks.
"Digestion or injection." Frostbite says.
"Digestion." Dani says since she does not like needles.
"Here you go. Take in one go." Frostbite says handing Dani the vile. Dani takes it in one gulp.
"I don't feel any different." Dani says.
"It will take close to 24 hours to take effect." Frostbite says.
"Thanks Frostbite." Danny says.
"No problem O Great One." Frostbite says. Danny and Dani wave good bye to Frostbite.
The two arrive back at Danny's. Danny runs back upstairs to check on Ember. Upon entering he stops dead in his tracks. What he sees surprises him, he sees that she has more skin color, her hair is changing from blue to red and no longer fire and her hair reaches to her mid back.
'Wow my blood did this? Damn.' Danny thinks. He leaves so that she can continue to rest.
Danny walks back into the kitchen shocked to see that Dani is now a five year old.
"Dani want to help me make dinner for three?" Danny asks.
"Yes daddy. Why three?" Dani asks.
"Us two and my guest." Danny says.
The two work on making a meal for three.
"Ugh, my head is killing me." Ember groans. Ember sees Danny's alarm clock and it says 5:45.
"5:45 I must have been really tired." Ember mutters. She gets out of bed.
"Well lets have a look at myself in the mirror." She says. She steps in front of the mirror on Danny's closet.
"What the? Is that me? I look human again but how is that possible?" 'What will Danny think?' Ember asks herself shocked but the last question she is worried about.
Slowly and carefuly Ember makes her way down the stairs towards the kitchen since she smells the food which surprises her.
Dani and Danny were just finishing up making dinner when Danny hears foot steps on the stairs.
"Dani stay here and finish please." Danny says.
"Okay." Dani says.
Danny walks out of the kitchen only to freeze in his tracks and almost pass out when he sees Ember. He sees in Embers place a woman with blue eyes, red hair reaching mid back in a pony tail and a figure that is hotter than Paulina's.
"E-Ember?" Danny asks shocked.
"It's me dipstick." Ember says.
"How the hell did you become so damn hot?" Danny asks but covers his mouth and is almost tomato in color.
"I think it had something to do with your blood." Ember says blushing at Danny's compliment.
"Well would you like some food?" Danny asks.
Before she could answer her stomach growls and she turns redder than a tomato embarrased.
"It looks like I got my answer. Lets go into the kitchen." Danny says.
As soon the two walk into the kitchen Dani runs up and hugs Danny's legs.
"Daddy the food is done. Who is she?" Dani asks.
"She is my guest." Danny says.
"You are beautiful. Are you my daddy's girlfriend?" Dani asks.
"No I am not.' "I would like to be his girlfriend' Ember says.
"Come on Ember lets eat." Danny says.
"She is Ember daddy?" Dani asks.
"Yes Dani she is." Danny says.
"Hey Danny why is that cute little girl calling you daddy?" Ember asks confused.
"The reason is because she is my daughter Danielle."
"What? You mean to tell me that cute adorable little girl is Danielle?"
"That's right Ember. The both of us are a family. I am going to call Tucker to have him make a birth certificate for her."
'Wow Danny is so sweet. I really do want to be come his girfriend or even his wife, but how can I say it with out being awkard?' Ember thinks.
The three start eating. They start talking surprising Danny at how well Dani and Ember are getting along. The two look like mother and daughter which surprises Danny a little.
"Daddy what will we do tomorrow?" Dani asks.
"We will be going shopping to get you new clothes." Danny says.
"So Ember are you still a full ghost or human?" Danny asks.
"I-I don't know." Ember says.
"Well lets see. Try focusing on being a ghost." Danny says.
"Okay." She says. She focus's but nothing. She then thinks about Danny's ghost form. When she thinks this two rings of light appear. One goes up and the other goes down. Her eyes are still closed and she does not know what has happened.
"Uhm, Em you may want to look in the mirror." Danny says. She opens her eyes and walks over to the mirror. She looks and what she sees shocks her. She has something similar to Danny's ghost form. She has green eyes, snow white hair, and a A instead of an D.
"What?" She asks surprised.
"Ember you are a halfa like me and Dani." Danny says.
"Why do I have an A instead of an E?" Ember asks.
"What was your name before you died?" Danny asks.
"Amber." Ember says.
"That's why. Since you are a halfa you have your human name again. It looks like I need to tell Tucker for to make two certificates. What last name do you want?" Danny asks.
'I want Fenton' "Amber McLain." Amber says.
"Okay let me call Tucker." Danny says.
"Danny what's up?"
"I need a favor. I need two birth certificates made."
"Okay, why two?"
"One for Danielle my clone. I want her listed as my daughter. She is five."
"Okay. The other?"
"Hold on. Let me go into the next room. Okay. The other is for Ember."
"Wait! Ember? Why?"
"Technically she is Amber McLain now."
"What do you mean?"
Danny explains everything to Tucker and Tucker is shocked that she is a halfa and Danny tells him that he loves Amber.
"Alright Danny it will take five days to make the certificates."
"Thanks Tuck." Danny says hanging up.