A/N: Sup guys? So I decided that I wanted to make something sad.. Why? I don't know... Thus, Jack's Funeral twas born!

Disclaimer: I don't own Rise of the Guardians...Imma go cry in a corner now.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

All Jack could hear was his own heartbeat.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

All Jack could see were blurred figures, blocking the sunlight from his view.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

All Jack could feel was pain.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

All Jack could taste was blood.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

All Jack could smell was burnt flesh.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

The pain was blinding, blocking out everything else. He was so confused, not remembering where he was, who was surrounding him and why. All Jack wanted was for the pain to stop. The Spirit released the shuddering breath he had been holding in. He took another and held that one, clenching his eyes tightly shut.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

Jack groan and tried to lift his hand to swat away whoever was touching him, prodding at his chest.

Ba bum.

Ba bum.

Ba bu-

The people around him grew frantic it seemed, pushing on his chest, pressing hands to his throat and wrists.

All Jack could hear was silence.

All Jack could see were blurred figures, slowly fading to black.

All Jack could feel was cold and a numb tingle.

All Jack could taste was blood.



All Jack could smell was burnt flesh.

The numbness finally set in all the way and the darkness overtook his vision.

Tooth collapsed on her knees, sobbing into the ground.

North sat in shock, his eyes glazed over.

Sandy curled in on himself, shaking, rocking himself in disbelieve.

And Bunny stared at Jack's lifeless body, unable to look away, tears falling from his eyes.

The sight of his body would burn into their memories forever. Blood surrounded him, a charred sword stuck in his chest. It had killed him before they could remove it.

"It's okay guys!" Jack laughed.

He had been fine 15 minutes ago.

"I can take this guy!"

It was their fault.

"Besides, I have you guys to back me up!"

They let him down.

"Jack! Watch out!"

They should have been faster.


The flaming sword pierced his chest.

His eyes widened and he looked at them in shock, blood filling his mouth.

He crumpled to the ground, weakly reaching for them.




They held a funeral for him. The Guardians and their comrades stood next to his coffin. The spirits that cared came too, even Mother Nature, beside her, Pitch. Jamie and his friends stood beside the Guardians trying their hardest not to cry and failing. Baby Tooth sat on her mother's shoulder, miniature tears falling to the ground. The Wind curled around the coffin, moaning in pain. It was a sad sight.

The full moon stood high in the sky, outshining the candles they had placed in gentle grass. It was snowing lightly, dusting the field in light flakes.

They buried him in a field of forget-me-nots, the light blue flowers marking the beloved Winter Spirit.

North finally spoke up.

"Here begins the story of a frozen boy who possessed a heart warmer than the sun."

A/N: I made myself sad. Btw: Pitch came because first, Mother Nature pressured him into it and second, he respects his courage and fun personalty... '.' 3

You should review to let me know what you think!