A/N: I've had this ending scene in my head from the very beginning. I never like to leave my stories 100% finished - I always like to leave my readers dreaming of more and what would happen next.
And true story, the pen that I was using to write this story died just as I finished. I got it brand-new when I began last year. I figure that's something like fate, isn't it?
This scene follows very similar dialogue and actions as the ROTG film, but with some changes to fit my story (i.e. Elsa). Just know that it's not completely comparable.
And lastly, thank you to every single one of you who have liked, followed, and reviewed this story. It's been a long road over many months, but thank you to everyone for sticking with me! Whether you're really into ElsaxJack or ElsaxPitch at heart, Frozen and ROTG are such perfect worlds to mix and play with, and I hope you will continue to enjoy the fics by all the other great authors out there.
*A Beautiful Darkness*
Pitch watched from the shadows as Toothiana flew from one golden tower to another, completely oblivious to him or Santa's sleigh as it skittered across the polished mosaic floors in a bumpy landing.
"Tooth!" North called, hopping down from the driver's seat.
"They took my teeth! They took my fairies!" She took one more frantic look around, then flew to North. "All of them! Everything is…" She dropped her head into her hands. "Everything is gone."
Pitch smiled. Taking that as his cue, he stepped forward into the orange light of the setting sun. "I have to say, this is very exciting."
As one, the Guardians spun to look up at him. A mixture of shock and anger settled on their faces, and Pitch spread out his hands, gesturing to them. "The Big Four, all in one place. I'm a little star-struck. Did you like my show on the globe, North?" He snickered as North growled. "Got you all together, didn't I?"
The Tooth Fairy shot to her feet. "Pitch!" she screamed, flying straight for him. "You have got thirty seconds to return my fairies!"
"Or what?" He stepped smoothly into the darkness and appeared on a different spire. He laughed as she stopped short, looking comically confused. "You'll stick a quarter under my pillow?"
"Why are you doing this?" Santa roared, waving his swords from the tier below.
Could they really not guess? Then they were fools, all of them. His lips curled. "Maybe I want what you have. To be believed in. Maybe I'm tired of hiding under beds."
"Maybe that's where you belong!" The Easter Bunny snapped, whipping out his boomerang.
Pitch sighed, disappearing and reappearing behind them.
…only to see that there were actually five people there, instead of the expected four. Pitch arched an eyebrow. "Hang on, is that—Jack Frost?"
Jack's head shot up, but like the other Guardians he didn't know where to look. He stood at the back, clearly not a part of the group but not completely separate from them, either. North brought him with them on the sleigh, he thought. Interesting.
"Since when were you all so chummy?" he asked, watching Frost for a reaction.
His hands tightened on his crooked staff. "We're not."
Pitch pressed his chin into his hand and leaned against the woven grillwork of one wall. If the others fight, will he? "Oh good, a neutral party," he drawled. "Then I'm just going to ignore you."
Jack's shoulders tensed and he whirled around.
A soft spot. Pitch grinned, watching as Jack's eyes narrowed. "But you must be used to that by now."
Pitch appeared on another tower, but the Tooth Fairy was waiting for him. She drew her twin dueling blades and launched herself at him in a wordless shriek. She collided into the icy barrier with the sound of shattering glass. North lunged and caught her before she tumbled into the deep abyss below. All five faces stared up at Pitch's protector: Elsa.
She smiled and dropped her arm as Pitch came to stand behind her. She looked beautiful, the crystals of her ice-blue gown glinting like diamonds in the dying sun.
"Who's that?" Bunny asked, and North shook his head.
"She's strong," Tooth said, pushing herself uneasily to her feet. "She must be an ally."
"An ally? For Pitch?" Bunny jabbed the end of a boomerang up at them. "How does someone like him get allies?"
"By being loyal." Elsa's confident voice carried through the air as she stared down the Guardians. "By not making promises he didn't intend to keep."
"Promises?" North echoed.
"To comfort a little girl from her own curse." She straightened her back, and she looked so much like a true queen that Pitch grinned. "Not even you, Sandman. You never helped me."
The little man's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.
"Wait, I think I've heard of her." Jack Frost came to stand on North's other side. "She's a legend across the northern parts of Europe." His face turned up to look at Elsa. "People call her the Snow Queen."
Pitch chuckled. "At least one of them knows. You are infamous, after all."
She glanced sideways at him. "I suppose I am."
"So." His eyes flickered up to hers. "Have you changed your mind about getting revenge?"
Elsa looked out over the Guardians. Pitch saw her eyes drift over the Easter Bunny, to the tiny Sandman, then over to Santa and the Tooth Fairy, who stood with one hand still pressed against his arm for support. Then her eyes moved to Jack Frost, and to the whorls of ice that coated his staff. It was obvious that he had winter powers, though Pitch knew his weren't nearly as strong. Elsa would be curious to test her abilities against his. You'll destroy him, Pitch thought, recognizing the eagerness that was growing in her sharp gaze. Frost won't be able to stand against you.
No, against us.
Snowflakes began to swirl in the air around Elsa, and Pitch knew she was thinking the same thing. "Changed my mind? Never." She turned her head and gave him a slow, dark smile. "Let's give the world something new to fear."
The End
A/N: I imagine that Pitch and Elsa's world takeover will unfold a lot like how Pitch planned in the last chapter; with Elsa to help him out, Pitch is able to do so much more than he could in the movie. Jack is an interesting wrench in their plan, though. I think he would still be attracted to Elsa despite knowing she's doing some dark stuff, and he would appeal for her to stop and see what she's doing. He'd try to convert her to the Guardian's side, and depending on how much time she spends alone with him, her conscious might be torn.
Actually, that's an interesting story. Maybe I'll write it someday.
But as far as this story goes, you can pretty much assume that Pitch and Elsa are unstoppable and that they succeed beautifully. :)