DISLCAIMER: If it's recognizable from MTV's Teen Wolf, it isn't mine.

The slow song changed to an upbeat one, but it didn't mean a damn thing to Charlie or Isaac as the two remained connected at the lips. It was passionate and it was powerful but it was also sweet and it was soft and it was quite literally the kiss of Charlie's dreams.

And then it was over.

She was very suddenly yanked away from Isaac and into the arms of none other than Stiles. She was pushed into an upright position and saw that his expression was a panicked one. "Stiles? What's wrong?" She asked.

"Trouble. Come on. Now!"

Charlie stared at him. "What?"


She looked back at Isaac and gave him an apologetic look. "I-I have to go and I'm so sorry I-"

"It's okay." His voice was quiet and he gave a tiny smile. Charlie shook her head. "No, it's not. I'll be back, I promise. I just need to go help Stiles and then I'll come back and we can-"

"Charlie, now!" Stiles snapped. She gave Isaac a helpless look and he did nothing more than smile. "Charlie, it's okay. Go ahead."

"You heard the guy!" Stiles yanked on her arm and dragged her away. "Stiles, what the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Lydia's in trouble! Take your heels off so you can actually freaking run! Do it now!"

Charlie ran a hand over her face in frustration and kicked her heels off as she ran with him. The two sprinted out of the school and towards the lacrosse field. The large lights surrounding the field were all on and Lydia stood dead center, with none other than Peter Hale rapidly approaching her.



The two continued to scream at the redhead. She turned slowly, just in time to see Peter reaching her. Charlie shrieked, pumping her legs as fast as she could, but it was for naught. The two watched as the Alpha suck his teeth and claws into Lydia.

By the time Stiles and Charlie reached them, Lydia was on the ground, covered in blood. Stiles was there first, Charlie just behind him. The two crouched as they tried to get to her, but Peter stopped them, leaning over her. Lydia's blood dripped down his chin as he smirked.

"Don't kill her," Stiles pleaded as Peter growled at the two. "Please."

"Of course not." The Alpha's voice was low, his smirk never fading. "Just tell me how to find Derek."

"What?" The exclamation of disbelief came from both of the friends as they took in what he'd said. Peter ran a claw down Lydia's cheek as he repeated his request. "Tell me how to find Derek Hale."

"I don't know that! And neither does Charlie! How would I know that?!" Stiles was in panic mode, Charlie close to following.

"Because you're the clever one, aren't you? And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth. Or I will rip her apart. And then Charlie will be next."

Charlie bolted back a few inches, receiving another smirk from Peter as she attempted to put distance between them.

"Look I don't know, okay? I swear to God, I have no idea!"

"TELL ME!" Peter roared, the two words echoing throughout the field. The two teens flinched. "Okay, okay!" Stiles panted. "I... I think he knew-"

"Knew what?"

"Derek. I think he knew he was gonna be caught." He explained.

"The Argents." Peter whispered. "And?" He prompted Stiles for more information.

"When they were shot at... He's got... He took Scott's phone."

"Why?" Peter questioned.

That makes sense. Charlie took in Stiles' theory with a nod to herself. That would explain where Scott's phone is. It's a way for us to find Derek.

"They all have GPS now." Stiles answered. "So if he still has it, and it's still on, you can find him."

"The two of you will be coming with me." Peter stated, standing up. "You'll be helping me find Derek."

"W-Why me?" Charlie whispered, staying close to her friend. Fear positively dripped from her voice and she made sure to stay behind Stiles. She'd never been more afraid in her life. "I-I-I don't-"

"You're my leverage, Charlie." A cruel smile twisted onto the Alpha's face. "If Stiles doesn't do as he's told, Charlie won't live to grow very old."

"No. I'm not just letting you leave her here." Stiles motioned to Lydia. Peter pulled a napkin from his pocket and began to nonchalantly wipe Lydia's blood from his face. "You don't have a choice, Stiles, you're coming with me."

"Just kill me! Look, I don't care anymore!" Charlie stared at her best friend in shock. Is he serious?!

Instead of simply responding to Stiles' shout, Peter placed his claws under Charlie's chin, pulling her up off the ground. She let out a whimper as the claws dug into her skin.

"No!" Stiles bolted to his feet and Peter raised his eyebrows, but didn't let go of Charlie. "Call your friend. Tell Jackson where she is, that's all you get."

Stiles hurriedly pulled his phone out and Peter waited, not once letting go of Charlie as Stiles hurriedly dialed Jackson's number with shaky hands. When Jackson answered Stiles explained the situation, his voice shaking like his hands. He tacked a "Hurry!" on at the end and then hung up.

"Where is your Jeep?" Peter questioned quietly, still not letting go. "T-This way." Stiles answered, beginning to move towards the parking lot.

At last, Peter let go and Charlie let out the breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Come along, Charlie." His voice was low as he spoke and continued to follow Stiles to his Jeep. Charlie remained as far from him and as close to Stiles as she possibly could.

With Charlie in the back and Peter in the passenger's seat, Stiles began driving. Charlie looked out the window in time to see Jackson sprinting toward the lacrosse field. She glanced back at the school to see a few people leaving early. Her eyes searched the few people that were leaving. The face she looked for was nowhere to be seen. She wondered if he'd left already - while they were still out on the field - or if he was still somewhere inside the school.

Either way, he's probably cursing my very existence. Charlie couldn't help but feel awful for leaving him behind - but this was important. And also a matter of her life or death. She couldn't help but feel angry at Stiles for pulling her away from her perfect moment and into this mess. Now she was leverage. Peter's words echoed in her head.

If Stiles doesn't do as he's told, Charlie won't live to grow very old.

Other than Peter's directions, the ride was silent, up until Stiles let out a quiet huff and Peter broke the silence. "Don't feel bad. If she lives, she'll become a werewolf. And she'll be incredibly powerful."

"Yeah." Stiles' tone was flat and Charlie knew a sarcastic comment was coming. "And, once a month, she'll go out of her freakin' mind and try to tear me apart."

"Well, actually, considering that she's a woman... Twice a month."

Charlie scowled at the Alpha, who continued to smirk at Stiles. The Jeep was silent once more and remained so until they reached their destination: a parking garage. Stiles drove through until Peter stopped him. They were dragged out of the Jeep and down a few to another one, which Peter began unlocking the trunk on. Charlie shivered as her bare feet padded across the cold floor of the parking garage - she remembered leaving her coat at coat check and her shoes that remained abandoned somewhere on the school grounds, and inwardly groaned. Damn it.

"Whose car is this?" Stiles questioned.

"It belonged to my nurse." Peter answered as it opened.

"What happened to your nur- Oh my God!"

And suddenly Charlie's thoughts were no longer on how cold she was, for in the trunk of the nurse's car, was the dead body of Peter's nurse. Out of more surprise than fear, Charlie let out a small shriek and jumped away, moving behind Stiles once more. Peter reached into the trunk and moved the nurse's arm, picking up the laptop case that rested beneath it and throwing it at Stiles.

"I got better." He answered before slamming the trunk. "Now track the phone."

"I-I-I-I-" Stiles stuttered. Peter rolled his eyes and yanked the case away from Stiles, opening it up and removing the laptop.

"Good luck getting a signal down here." Stiles stated, only for Peter to hand him something small. "Oh, MiFi... And you're a Mac guy. That go for all werewolves or just a personal preference?"

"Turn it on, get connected." Peter instructed, ignoring Stiles' side-commentary.

"You're really killing the whole werewolf mystique thing, here." Stiles muttered, flipping over the MiFi so he could see the password needed to use it. "You still need Scott's username and password and I'm sorry, but I don't know them."

"You know both of them."

"No, I don't." Stiles denied.

"Even if I couldn't hear your heartbeat, I would still be able to tell that you're lying."

"Dude, I swear to God-" Stiles was cut off when Peter grabbed him by the back of the neck and slammed his head against the keyboard. Charlie winced, going to take another step away.

"Don't. Move. Charlie." The Alpha ordered, before he turned back to Stiles, his tone smooth again. "I can be very persuasive, Stiles. Don't make me persuade you."

Stiles went back to work and Charlie moved to his side, staying close. "Don't think, Stiles. Type."

"You're gonna kill people, aren't you?" Stiles' voice was quieter as he typed, his gaze not moving from the Mac.

"Only the responsible ones." Peter answered. Charlie looked up at him. The responsible ones? Responsible for what? The Hale fire?

"Look, if I do this, you have to promise to leave Scott out of it." Stiles negotiated, halting in his actions and looking up at the Alpha.

Peter's expression was almost exasperated as he began to speak. "Do you know why wolves hunt in packs? It's because their favorite prey are too large to be brought down by one wolf, alone. I need Derek and Scott. I need both of them."

"He's not gonna help you." Stiles muttered.

"Oh, he will." Peter corrected. "Because it'll save Allison. And you will, because it will save Scott. And Charlie."

Charlie's grip on her friend's arm was tight, but he didn't seem to mind as he moved to shield her a little more than he had before.

"Your best friends." Peter's voice was a whisper. "Charlie, whom you're willing to do anything to protect because she's practically your sister. And Scott, whom you know so well, you even know his username and password."

Charlie looked at the screen, which showed the two boxes for the username and password. Stiles slowly typed the username in and had Charlie not been so terrified, she probably would have rolled her eyes at Scott's choice in username.

"His username is Allison?" Peter's tone was flat.

Stiles began typing once more.

"His password is also Allison?"

"You still want him in your pack?" Stiles raised his eyebrows as he questioned, looking up at the Alpha. He hit enter, and the GPS began tracking Scott's phone, the destination quickly popping up on the screen.

"Wait, what- That's where they're keeping him? His own house?" Stiles questioned aloud as the three stared at the computer in confusion.

"Not at it. Under it." Peter corrected, taking the Mac and MiFi. "I know exactly where that is."

A roar was heard then. The two teens shared a look. Scott.

"And I'm not the only one."

Hello everyone! Allow me to explain myself?

This fic was on a bit of an unannounced hiatus. Allow me to explain why.

I had this written all the way up to chapter 15 - I was well into season 2, which is where it really gets juicy and I was having the time of my life (this was in January) writing this fic. I had so much inspiration and I was so excited and then it happened.

My battery died one day because I was too lazy to get up and grab the charger. I had everything saved so I wasn't extraordinarily concerned. When it charged up and I turned it back on, I opened everything back up to go back to work and I was shocked to find that the entire fic - all 15 chapters - was gone. It was all gone.

I did everything in my power to attempt to get it back, all to no avail. That was 8 chapters gone. So, out of anger and general upset-ness, I ignored the fic for 2 months. It was around March when I looked at it again and I decided that I hated the fact that this was in first person and that everything I wanted for future fics related to this one (cough - sequels - cough) I would have to use third person.

Well I didn't want to write an entire fic in first only to write the sequel in third, so over the course of the past four months (yes, it took me four months. I HATE editing.) I edited the first seven chapters and changed them from first person to third person and I also just tweaked them where I thought they needed tweaking.

I'll post a note similar to this (if not the same exact one) in the next update so that old fans can go back and read through to see if they missed anything. It's generally the same - just in third person, now.

I have huge plans for this fic and those to follow it. Trust me. I have not abandoned Fell For You (formerly Fall for You, which was formerly Heart Attack). This is the beginning.

Now then, how about a review or two? Xxx