AN: Hiiiiiii. So, I'm back. Here's chapter 1 of the not-so-long awaited sequel to my 10/Rose 30-Day OTP Challenge. This one is based off of a conversation I had with Truebluetardis via PM, so it's a bit... odd? Silly? Weird? Eh, I liked the idea for it. For chapter 3 I'm actually going to use a prompt, but I wanted to go ahead and write this for her. Hope you guys enjoy. :-)
DISCLAIMER: I know this may come as a shock, but I don't own Doctor Who. I know, I was surprised too. Also offended.
The Illustrious President
Dedicated to Truebluetardis
"ALRIGHT, ladies," the Doctor said, addressing his two beautiful girls. "Where do we want to go today?"
Quin, who had just turned seven, immediately responded, "I'll put in the coordinates. You and Mummy go get ready. The TARDIS and I can handle this, now go." She began pushing them out of the console room, instructing them to wear something bright and colorful. "Go, go, go! Daddy promised I could fly this time, and it's a surprise. You have to go!"
Though the Doctor and Rose were a bit wary, they obeyed their little Time Tot and made their way back to their room, with Rose changing into a bright green t-shirt and blue jeans and the Doctor wearing his blue suit with a bright red t-shirt to match his sandshoes. "Any idea where she's taking us?"
"Nope," the Doctor replied, joyfully popping the 'p'. "But it's so much more fun that way. Allons-y, Rose!"
They happily skipped back to the control room, trying very hard not to laugh as they saw their daughter dancing around the controls. She'd only just learned to fly, but her parents still hadn't let her drive by herself until today. The Doctor and Rose stayed halfway in the hallway, not wanting to make Quin self-conscious about her driving. It was hard to stay unseen, though, when all they could see half the time was her unruly brown hair peeking out from over the console. She had inherited her mother's honey-coloured eyes and her father's hair and love of Converse, but other than that her style was all her own. She was wearing a bright pink sundress with black leggings and a dark denim jacket. Her sneakers today were rainbow-colored and sparkly, and they lit up a bit with each step. Her hair was put in a high ponytail, mostly to keep it out of her face.
"I know you're there," she said matter-of-factly, though she didn't look at them. "You can come in if you want. We're about to land." She finally looked up at them now, and the slightly manic grin on her face perfectly mirrored her father's. That smile was immediately taken from her face, though, as her and her parents were thrown to the floor as the TARDIS shuddered. After the shaking stopped, they all laughed as they helped each other off of the grating. Quin was jumping up and down with excitement, so very pleased with herself for getting the time and place right (which was something her father still struggled with.)
"Mum, Dad," she said with a flourish. "Welcome to Unicornland!" With that, she threw open the doors, revealing a brightly-colored world filled with, you guessed it, unicorns. Hundreds upon thousands of unicorns. They were apparently getting ready for a big celebration, something about their president's anniversary. 10 years' presidency was a big deal in Unicornland.
They all converged in the main square, which had cobblestones of bright pastels and neons. The trees all looked like they were made of cotton candy, and the grass smelled like sugar. All-in-all it was pretty much sickeningly sweet. But the Doctor looked and saw the bright smiles on his girls' faces and that was enough for him.
"Doctor, why didn't you ever tell me that unicorns were real?" his wife asked him with a smirk.
The Doctor fumbled a bit as he tried to think up a good excuse, but soon gave up. "Cos I knew you'd want to see them and then you'd pick one that you loved and then we'd have a pet unicorn on our hands and they're such a hassle." Rose pointedly cleared her throat at that and nodded towards the Doctor, indicating that he should turn around. When he did, he saw a couple of very offended-looking unicorns. He gulped nervously, knowing how dangerous their horns could be. "Right, not you lot, though. You're all perfectly, erm, non-hassle-ish." The unicorns seemed satisfied with this, and they nodded briefly before joining the others in the square.
"Right. Well, if Daddy can manage to not get us arrested, there's going to be a parade in an hour or so. Then we can meet President Eduardo Sparkles! I hear he's very nice. We have lunch plans with him at the Unicorn Café." She leaned in close to her parents to whisper, "They're not all that original with their naming, are they?"
"Shush," Rose chided her. "You're being just as rude as your dad."
"And I'm just as non-ginger, too," she replied with a smirk before scampering off to the square. "Come on, you two. Allons-y!"
The Doctor took Rose's hand as they followed their energetic daughter. He chuckled a bit and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head. "I love it when she does that," he confessed with a deliriously happy grin. Rose only giggled in response, and before they knew it all three of them were surrounded by unicorns, all of them lining up on the sides of the street so they could watch the parade.
"This is just like when we went to Disneyland, don't you think?" asked Quin.
"Well, except for the unicorns and lack of person-sized mice, yeah."
Rose smacked her husband's shoulder and addressed their daughter. "Just like Disneyland, love."
They started chatting with some of the nearby unicorns, whose horns softly illuminated in time to their talking, kind of like the ear-like things on Daleks. They communicated with a kind of altered telepathy, that is to say that they used their minds to project their thoughts with perceivable sound waves. They discussed this and that, but things got strange when the Doctor got into an argument with a pale pink unicorn over intergalactic politics. Rose and Quin had to actually drag him away, but not before he could yell, "I still think the Ewoks would make better Prime Ministers than Degobans!"
Rose and Quin only laughed at him, and they continued down the way a bit. One unicorn, this one bright blue, had a long line of donuts on its horn, and the Doctor bought them each one. They were undoubtedly the best donuts any of them had ever had, and just as they were finishing them a golden unicorn announced the beginning of the parade.
It began with a rainbow of unicorns, lining up in a way that the colors seemed to blend into each other in a beautiful display. Much of the royalty of the planet came as well, with the King and Queen of Apendiga and the Duke and Duchess of Wilburton leading the aristocratic procession. Then several costumed unicorns came by, reenacting famous battles, victories, and key historical points. There was even one dressed in a red and white suit with a stalk of celery pinned to his lapel, which for some reason caused the Doctor to adopt a smug grin. Lastly, the cabinet pranced down the road, ending with a lavish float holding President Eduardo Sparkles. All of the unicorns cheered and whinnied, and the president nodded to each of them in a graceful and dignified way.
"There's the president," Quin squealed in delight, entranced by the unicorn's glowing white fur and piercing blue eyes. "He's so pretty."
The Doctor and Rose only chuckled at that and continued to applaud as the parade came to an end. They continued to chat for a bit with the various spectators, until another golden-furred unicorn approached them and announced that President Sparkles was waiting for them at the Café.
Once they arrived, the president warmly greeted them and invited them to sit down (for the unicorns had made the chairs especially for their guests). They ordered their meal and chatted about local politics and such, and this time the Doctor was conscious enough to avoid more controversial topics, such as theoretical Star Wars leadership. They enjoyed their meal, though it was sugary in the extreme, and only thought to wrap up once Quin began nodding off. The Doctor and Rose made their apologies to the president, promising to return for his 20TH.
The Doctor picked up a now-sleeping Time Tot, who only snuggled into his shoulder and began snoring softly. She gets that from her mother, he thought with a grin.
"Oi!" Rose said, offended. "I heard that, mister." She good-naturedly smacked his shoulder, careful not to accidentally hit Quin.
"Not my fault you sound like a buzz saw, love."
They continued their banter all the way back to the TARDIS, and Rose took them into the Vortex (she'd been practicing her driving) before they carried their daughter back to her room. They carefully changed her into her pajamas, able to do so without waking her. The Doctor tucked her in and kissed her forehead, and she grinned in her sleep. Rose came over a did the same, and the Doctor and Rose walked next door to their room hand-in-hand, already planning their next adventure.
AN: I finished another chapter of this, and I'll be posting it in about... 5 minutes? Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know.
How'd you guys like chapter 1? Any ideas for other chapters? Any random questions for me? How did you guys like slightly older Quin? Feel free to let me know on any of these. See you soon.