Disclaimer: I do not own Godzilla or any related trademarks.
Wisdom and understanding are what make a good King. It is these things that prevent his protection from turning to tyranny and his justice to vengeance….
Power, if I were human I would laugh at the absurdity of the word!
To every adversary, my fire asks them the same question, "Do you think you have power?" My stupid foe's lust for death, their tongues pant, thirsting for destruction, they ache to control, to be Kings! Destruction gives them power, and so they destroy!
In arrogance they challenge me. But their challenging roars turn to horrified screams as my fangs shred their flesh, my claws tear life away, and the question is repeatedly chanted in a mocking crescendo.
They do not know power. They do not know strength.But I, I know power.
Power, power, power… It throbs in my belly and twists wildly in my sinews, raging, painfully, unceasingly, shooting through my spines, pouring out of my throat. I ache with the power that fills me. I am more powerful than all of those beasts but I do not kill as they do.
The stupid beasts are born of evil, birthed by the mad lust for power that fills all creatures, but those beasts are young, I am old, older than even I can remember. I have seen so much. And I have learned.
I know what those stupid beasts do is evil, I don't know why, I just… know. The world is full of pretty life and they hurt it. They kill the creatures that have done nothing but flee, they turn the air to fire, burning the plants to ash and they take from the little humans, killing them. They will not stop.
That is why I kill them, so that they cannot destroy. They will not have power, they will not rule unchallenged. Not so long as I am here. They will never stand unopposed without a counter balance.
That is me, the terrible King.
I am the King of the Monsters.
Author's Note: This was based off the Legendary Pictures Godzilla (2014). I decided to give Godzilla a barely-above-simian level of sentience because it seemed like it fit with the portrayal of him in the film. I hope you enjoyed it!