It had been three days since they thwarted Zombozo's plan of taking over Bellwood by attacking people with illusionary monsters of his own creation. The deranged clown had gotten a taste of his own medicine when Ben accidently transformed into Pesky Dust and put Zombozo to sleep. Using Kevin and Rook's suggestions Ben controlled Zombozo's dream slowly turning it into a manic-happy nightmare that scared all his new powers out of the clown. The illusionary monsters disappeared and Zombozo and his goons were escorted to cozy cells at Plumber HQ.

And it was now a week since Rook, Gwen and Kevin went inside Ben's subconscious, and things still hadn't returned to normal.

Ben was spending the night with Rook, in Rook's apartment at Plumber HQ. He'd been doing that a lot more since the whole nightmare fiasco. The two were both fast asleep, that is un till Rook started tossing and turning which woke Ben up.

Sitting up Ben looked at his boyfriend and sighed. This was the third time this week. He started to shake Rook's shoulder. "Come on Rook, you're having another nightmare. Wake up!"

Rook awoke with a start, bolting upright. He blinked a couple of times so his eyes could adjust to the darkness. He then immediately pulled Ben into a tight hug.

"I'm alright dude," Ben assured, returning the fierce hug. "I promise." He didn't mind Rook's protective hold at all, it was nice to feel protected and loved.

The previous three nights he would let Rook hold him till his boyfriend calmed down again, but this was going on for too long. No matter how much Ben wanted to avoid talking about what Rook, Gwen and Kevin had seen in his 'nightmare', they needed to talk about what happened.
And if they were gonna discuss that, then he might as well do that in the one place in the universe where he felt safe. In Rook's arms.

"Rook," Ben started, his gaze downwards. "look I know what you saw in my... Nightmare is bothering you and I'm sorry you saw all that, but-"

"Please do not apologize for that."

"Huh?" Ben looked up, meeting Rook's troubled gaze.

"I saw a lot of things hidden in your subconscious that you otherwise never would have shared with me." Rook quietly told Ben, his mind back in that nightmare created by Zombozo and Ben's subconscious. No matter how hard he tried, Rook could not erase the image of Ben curled up, shying away from him out of his mind. The same went for Ben's words: 'It would be better if I was gone...'

If Ben truly felt like that then Rook failed as a life-mate.

Feeling a little bad about not telling Rook about his nightmares, Ben explained. "I just, never really liked to talk about them. The only person I talked to about them was Grandpa Max, but I stopped doing that when they got more intense. I guess I was kinda embarrassed about my own imagination getting the best of me."

"Your imagination?" Rook's tone was clipped as he tightened his hold on Ben. "Ben those things... Terrible memories and past experiences." Rook paused. "Vilgax, Albedo, dr. Psychobos, Zscare and Khyber have all tried to do horrible things to you and the people you care for. Only a fool would not fear them after what you have seen."

"Guess I proved them wrong..." Ben chuckled humorlessly.

Rook nodded. "You did."

Letting out a quiet sigh, Ben rested his cheek against Rook's furry chest. "I'm glad you're so understanding about my fears and all, Fuzzball, but can you tell me what you're having nightmares about?"

Rook hesitated for a few seconds before speaking up. "That I failed to protect you and lose you..." Ben gave his boyfriend a tight squeeze. "Aw Rook, you know that's not going to happen."

"You do not know that for certain." Rook protested.

Ben smiled, his hand going up to rub that one spot underneath Rook's chin that always made Rook melt like butter. A moment later Rook was purring softly. "I don't know that for sure." Ben agreed. "But I do know that we'll both try to keep each other safe..." He said, running his fingers through Rook's fur. "And maybe that's enough."

"Perhaps you are right."

"Lets make a deal. You tell me about your nightmares, I tell you about mine, and we can just hug each other until we feel better. Deal?"

Rook eased himself back down on the mattress, Ben still in his arms. "Deal." With that promise made his worries faded and Rook started purring louder.

Ben chuckled. "I'll never get tired of that sound." He continued stroking the fur on Rook's arm, the sound of Rook purring just as the comforting to him as the sensation of cool fingers going through his fur was to Rook. They fell asleep like that.

Neither of them suffered through any more nightmares that night.