Hi everyone, so this is my first chapter and also the first story I have ever posted. I start off from when Emma and Hook return from the past but I take it in another direction that I hope you will all like.
Emma picked herself up from the cold mud of Zelena's barn floor. Whilst unimpressed with the violent landing, she was relieved to be back in Storybrooke. She brushed down her jeans and leather jacket as she stood and removed the few strands of hay that stuck in her blonde hair. For a moment she had forgotten about her company and the task ahead suddenly dawned on her. She turned to see a rather broken Hook as he attempted to unravel himself from the body that landed upon him, shoving her off as he clambered to his feet with a huff. Emma gave out a little snigger as she watched the man amend his attire and straighten himself out. They both stared at the woman on the ground, contemplating what to do next.
After a few moments she began to stir, lifting her head with an ache to view her surroundings. The woman's eyes landed firstly on Emma, she looked her up and down, her face a wash of confusion. Then her eyes shifted to her right and Emma saw the recognition in her face, her features softened and her mouth twitched almost a smile.
"Killian? It really is you?" The woman began to pick herself off of the ground as Hook stepped in offering his arm as support.
"Yes Sura, why would I lie. All that I told you back there, me and Emma, we're from the future...the present...uh, now, we're in the future now, as are you...now."
Emma hid her grin as she watched the man fall apart in gibberish, he rubbed his temple and squeezed his eyes shut.
Sura, his twin sister looked on, sporting her confused expression once again.
"So what you were saying was true?" She turned to look at Emma, "You really are the daughter of Snow white and the Charming fellow?"
Before Emma got the chance to reply Hook stepped in. "Yes, that is also the truth. We used magic to hide our appearances so that no one would recognise us. Obviously it worked!" Hook shouted as he gestured with his arms exaggeratedly.
The mood then suddenly changed as if someone had flicked a switch. The barn fell silent as Sura seemed to get a grip of what was really happening.
Emma watched the woman as her eyes scanned her brother, taking in every inch of him. Only now did Emma notice just how identical the two were; dark hair, longer than her brothers that ended just above her shoulders, pale skin and deep blue eyes.
"Brother I..I." Sura's voice was quiet, she closed the gap between them, engulfing him in a tight embrace. Emma looked on at the rather tender yet still amusing moment between the two.
Hook stood awkwardly, patting his sister on her back as she hugged him tighter. Eventually he succumbed fully to the embrace, pulling his sister close.
Emma stood sheepishly, averting her eyes as the two reunited...for the second time.
The moment however was soon broken when a suddenly enraged Sura spoke. "Wait...did you hit me over the head?" Sura pulled away from her brother rubbing the spot on the back of her head.
"Actually, that was me." Emma mumbled quietly, shifting her feet on the spot.
Sura's hard eyes turned on the blonde. "You?" The woman scoffed slightly.
Emma couldn't help but hear the hint or sarcasm in the woman's voice, as if Emma Swan could never do such a thing. I think I should feel offended.
"With a log," she replied, trying not to smirk as she met the woman's gaze.
Emma couldn't tell if the woman looked impressed or angry at that information. Either way she didn't care, she just wanted to get back to her family already.
Hook then stepped in in Emma's defence. "Sura you wouldn't believe what we were telling you. You refused to come with us, so Emma..." Hook trailed off, gesturing with his arms the motion in which Emma swung the log to the back of her head.
"Sorry for that by the way." Emma said as she scratched the back of her head. "I, uh...Just...really wanted you to shut up."
Emma instantly regretted her words as she was met with yet again another cold look from the blue eyed woman. Maybe YOU should just shut up Emma huh?
However, she was surprised when the woman's icy glare soon warmed and there appeared to be what Emma thought a slight smirk at the side of her mouth. Huh, maybe she likes your honesty...orrr she's decided on which way she's going to kill you and she's really enjoying it.
Emma decided against discussing this issue further and instead thought about getting the hell out of there. "Well I think I'll leave you two here to sort out...ermm, whatever this is. I'm gonna go check in with the family so," she said as she motioned behind her with her thumbs, slowly moving backwards and away from the twins. Christ, mama and papa Jones had some strong genes.
"Wait. Your mother, i'd like to see her once more. How does she fair? And your father?"
Emma was surprised by the other woman's sudden showing of concern for her parents but then remembered that this woman had played a part in their history now. She is a part of my story now too..
"They are both very well, amazing actually." Emma said with a huge smile, her mind flashing back to those scenes she witnessed not long ago; her parents falling in love.
"They have just became parents once more, a baby boy." Hook interjected, holding his arms out wide as if revealing the information to a crowd of people.
"Well then I shall very gladly give them my congratulations." Sura smiled, nodding her head towards the blonde.
"Well then." Hook clasped his hands together. "Let us find you something to wear and we can meet Emma at Granny's with the rest, yes?"
Emma noticed the sudden confusion on the other woman's face. Something to wear?
"I am already wearing garments brother, why would I need to find other clothing?"
"Surely you will want out of … this." Hook moved his hand up and down, gesturing to the woman's ensemble of clothing. Brown leather pants and a white tunic, tucked in at the front. Covered by a leather waistcoat which had probably seen better days in Emma's opinion. She couldn't see the problem with what the woman was wearing however, it was no different from what her own brother has been known to wear. I think they're even wearing the same boots.
"I do not understand brother? I look a fine lot better than yourself. When was the last time that vest of yours had seen fresh water?"
"It's just..they're not you. You look like, you...you're not a pirate Sura."
"Says the pirate." Sura shot him a confused look.
"I'm confused, how did you even end up like this? You were going to be a doctor, you're smart and you were good! Not...not a criminal."
Sura let out a heavy sigh, obviously there was more to this discussion than they had time for. "Look brother, it is like I said when we met. The Evil Queen imprisoned me and my crew, under the suspicion that I was harbouring the Snow White she so venomously loathed. But the reason I was there, the reason I've been traveling these seas all this time was...well it was for you. I was looking for you, brother."
Once again the mood in the barn shifted and Emma's heart went out to the woman who sounded so desperately lost in that moment.
Hook let out a long breath as his shoulders slumped. "Why?" He asked.
"Why? Because you were all I had left. Liam was dead and father was forcing me into marriage with the Dinklage boy." The woman's face was a picture of disgust at that and Hook mirrored her expression, obviously the Dinklage boy wasn't quite the catch.
"You were the only one I could ever trust and you...you left me." The woman looked heartbroken.
Hook held an ashamed look, guilt covering his face. "Why didn't you tell me this, back in the Enchanted Forest?"
"You were all but a stranger to me there. You didn't really think I would believe your time travel story without proof did you?"
Hook nodded in agreement with that, "Yes I suppose, I can only imagine how disillusioned we must have sounded."
"It is probably for the best that you knocked me unconscious." The woman smiled, easing the tension in the barn both shared a laugh that brought a smile to Emma's face, they were both truly identical.
"Huh hum" Emma let her presence be known again, now that the tension had seemed to simmer. It wouldn't surprise her however if the two siblings had completely forgotten she was stood there.
Both turned in sync with surprised expressions etched across their faces. Yep they forgot.
"Right so I'm going to goooo...erm, I'll see you two in a bit?" Emma slowly crept backwards as she waited for her reply.
"Yes, go see your family Miss Swan. I think me and my brother may have some things to discuss."
Emma felt like she was being dismissed like a teacher does a child; she didn't dwell on it though. She turned and exited the barn, her stomach a mess of butterflies as excitement coursed through her veins at the thought of seeing her loved ones again. She so desperately wanted to hold her son again, feel his warmth and breathe in his smell that she treasured. She wanted to say so much to her parents, how she cares for them, how she forgives them. Then her thoughts drifted to Regina; the very woman who had held her hostage. She pictured Regina in her head, not as the Evil Queen but as the mother of her son; the loving woman who would do anything to protect her child. Emma was surprised at the feeling of warmth that radiated inside of her at the thought of Regina Mills. This was new. This was different.
Granny's was filled with laughter and conversation; the people of Storybrooke all gathered in celebration of the new prince. People sat in awe as Emma told all of her adventure to the past, the obstacles her and Hook faced, the Evil Queen, the Dark One and so on. Her mother shed a tear as Emma recited the moment she watched her parents fall in love as she hid behind the bushes; witnessing the start of her very own story.
Henry held on tight to his mothers side. Emma assumed this act of closeness was out of fear of losing his mother once again had she failed in the Enchanted Forest. Henry's book was laid out across the table of their booth as Emma, Henry and her Parents read and reread Emma's journey.
"Where has Hook gotten to? He did come back with you didn't he?" Mary Margaret asked from across the table, looking up from their book.
Emma's brow furrowed, unsure how to answer the question without alarming her mother about their guest. "Erm, Hook had some stuff to sort out...but he said he'll make sure to stop by."
Mary Margaret quirked an eyebrow at her daughter who was doing a terrible job at acting cool, she could tell Emma was withholding information on the topic. She didn't push it though, much to Emma's benefit.
The ring of a bell caught Mary Margaret's attention and Emma followed her gaze to the door of the diner. There making her way through the doorway was Regina Mills shortly followed by Robin Hood. Emma felt the effects of the mans presence in the pit of her stomach, and not in a good way. The blonde was perplexed by her bodies reaction; Hood was nothing but an acquaintance.
Mary Margaret must have noticed the change in the blondes presence as she felt the warm hand of her mother place itself softly on top of her own.
"Emma?" Her mother's voice held slight worry, Emma turned to meet her mothers concerned eyes.
"You're not mad at Regina are you? She wouldn't-"
"No, no of course not," Emma cut her off, covering her mother's hand with her own in an attempt to comfort her concerns. It did bring a smile to her face to see her mother defending Regina: a show of how both women had grown in these past years.
"I'll speak to her," Emma was certainly looking forward to that.
Mary Margaret gave her daughter a loving smile as she held her gaze. The contact was broken when the woman turned to her husband. "Where is our son?"
David sat up higher, joining his wife in their search for their son, eyes scanning the people of the diner.
"There!" David pointed towards the couple in the far corner. "Belle has him."
"And she doesn't look like she'll let go easily," Henry chipped in, which caused a round of laughter from the table. The laughter soon died when the sound of a new voice reached the booth.
"Did I miss something?"
"Hi mom!" Henry let out as his laughter subsided.
Emma turned to find Regina stood before her.
"Hello son," the brunette said lovingly.
Regina's eyes then dropped and met with the blondes, Emma couldn't help but notice the change in them; from loving to questioning in seconds. Uh oh.
"Miss Swan, do you care to inform me as to why a dwarf told me to, as I quote 'stay well away from Emma Swan or you'll be sorry'." The brunette held the blondes gaze and Emma suddenly felt like the smallest person in the room. Jeez how does she do that.
Mary Margaret made a quiet tut which caught the brunettes attention. "Regina I'm sorry about Leroy," Mary Margaret slid out from the booth and closed the distance between herself and Regina, holding a sympathetic look.
Emma was rather amused by it all, whilst she appreciated Leroy's concern, she really could handle herself when it came to Regina.
"Yeah, there's something we should probably talk about." Emma looked up to the tall brunette who's brow furrowed at her words. Emma then turned to and noticed the expectant faces around her. "Ermm..actually, maybe we should go outside."
Regina followed the blondes gaze and nodded in agreement after realising that the whole diner now had eyes on them.
"You escaped?...how?"
"Seriously Regina? Out of everything, that is what you're going for?" Emma wasn't surprised to be honest. She half expected the woman to throw the table over upon hearing of the blondes escape. Still, Emma couldn't help but be amused by the brunettes expression.
"Nobody has ever escaped those cells!" the woman yelled, throwing her hands up in the air. "So how does a neanderthal like you succeed in doing so."
"Hey!" Emma shot back, a hurt look crossing her face. Again, she didn't expect any less from the woman.
"The security of my castle is of high importance Miss Swan," the brunette declared, glaring at her with deep brown eyes.
Emma was alarmed by the sudden increase in her heart rate as she found herself lost in those eyes, so lost that it took a moment longer to process what the brunette had said.
However, she didn't need long, the woman before her seemed to hear her own words before the blonde could even think. Regina let out a sigh and brought a hand to her head, rubbing her temple.
"uh, I mean it was of high importance. Was" she trailed off, removing her gaze from that of the woman opposite her, probably embarrassed by her slight outburst.
"yeah...erm, yes." Emma responded, sitting up straighter in her chair, rather perplexed. She also felt slightly embarrassed about being so distracted that she had missed the entire thing. What is wrong with you, Emma? Jeez.
Emma cleared her throat, "So look, there's something else I haven't mentioned about my escape."
That got the brunettes attention. Her head whipped around and Emma was immediately met with yet again curious eyes. However, this time there was some concern there too.
"Go on."
Emma placed her hands on the table in which they sat outside of the diner, spreading them across the cold metal as she cleared her throat once more, the feeling of unease began to swell in her stomach.
"In my escape I may have altered-" Emma was cut off before she could finish.
"It's her!"
Both Emma and Regina turned to see the two figures of Hook and Sura stood on the pavement outside of Granny's.
"That's the Evil Queen," Sura declared with a dismayed look.
"Excuse me?" Regina brought herself up from her seat, her voice riddled in distain. Emma followed suit, stepping forward to put herself just in front of the brunette.
"Seriously Hook?" Emma held her arms out wide, "You didn't think to mention Regina at all? Not even a little?"
Hook simply bowed his head in reply, rubbing his chin and averting the woman's gaze at all costs.
You idiot
Emma felt a hand on her shoulder, turning her around to face Regina.
"Emma, you know this woman?" Regina nodded her head in the direction of the pirate who stood just metres before them, sporting a rather resentful expression.
Emma let out a sigh, god I need a drink.
"Regina this is Sura, Hook's sister, twin sister I might add."
"oh, "
Emma took in the woman's confused expression, she obviously doesn't remember the pirate.
"She was a prisoner in your castle, Regina. I was put in a cell next to Sura, she escaped with me."
The brunette's eyes shot to the female pirate as a hand slowly reached up to cover her mouth, shock and regret lingered in those browns eyes.
However, Regina's eyes were soon on the blonde again and worry was all that Emma saw there.
"Wait, Emma. This means...this means you've altered the past. Who knows-"
"You were going to kill her Regina, I did what I had to." Emma cut her off, then instantly regretted her choice of words. "I mean the..I mean the Evil Queen was going to kill her. I had no choice Regina."
The woman was silent for a few moments, Emma held her gaze, seeing saw the worry in the brunette's eyes begin to ease as regret once again washed over them.
"You did what you had to," the brunette echoed Emma's words, her voice quiet. She couldn't help but feel sorry for the woman who seemed to only be constantly reminded of the past she could never escape.
A few more moments passed and Emma was surprised by Sura's silence. She half expected the pirate to charge for Regina but yet there she stood, eyes only locked on the woman she resented most. Hook and Emma shared awkward glances at one another, both obviously as uncomfortable as the other.
Eventually the torture of silence ended as Regina stepped forward, closing the distance between herself and the pirate. Emma could feel the tension increase inside of her, her stomach knotted with each step closer Regina took. She held her breath as the brunette came to a stop within reaching distance of Sura. She watched with bated breath as Regina straightened her posture and cleared her throat, only then did she speak.
"Sura, my past will be something in which I will never escape, a fate that I deserve." The brunette dipped her head at those words. "You were a victim of my actions and for that...for that I am truly sorry," she faltered slightly and Emma felt a tug in her heart at the woman's words.
Sura bowed her head as the woman spoke, Emma took that as an acceptance of Regina's declaration. She was an honourable woman, Emma could tell. She had no doubt that the pirate would find it within her to give Regina a second chance.
Regina gathered herself again, taking in a a deep breath before continuing in her apology.
"Some people here, they still see me as the Evil Queen. But there are those who..." Regina turned her head to look at the blonde behind her, "...those who gave me a second chance, those that see me as Regina." The brunettes smile caused a burst in Emma's chest that felt like nothing she'd ever experienced before. whoa
Thankfully Regina turned back to the pirate and Emma could once again reign some control of her body. This change within her made her anxious, her blood now pumped faster through her veins and she could hear the pounding of her heart. Since her return her body has been acting oddly, has it always been like this? What the fuck is happening.
Emma was brought out of her thoughts by the voice of Sura.
"Emma, do you trust her?"
Emma didn't even need time to think it over, her answer was immediate. "I do," she said with a smile, locking eyes with the pirate. "I'd trust Regina with my life."
Emma hoped the pirate would hear the sincerity in her words, after all, she meant them. Regina has saved her countless times and Emma wouldn't know who else she'd trust more if her life were in the balance.
Emma could feel the brunettes eyes back on her, it ached not to meet them. She kept her eyes firmly on the pirate as she processed it all. This was going a lot more smoothly than it could have, she thought. What Regina did to the pirate was something that cannot be forgiven lightly, but Emma kept optimistic that this could be put to bed...eventually.
"I believe you. You don't strike me as a woman who would trust easily Miss Swan, I know what that's like. So I trust you." The Pirate turned to face Regina, the hardness of her eyes had simmered and Emma could only hope the Pirate was now seeing Regina with a different perspective. "Maybe one day I could trust you the same." The Pirate stuck out her hand towards Regina who returned the favour.
"I would like that," Is all the brunette said.
Emma let out a sigh of relief and the tension within her subsided. However, the moment was quickly interrupted as Henry came bursting through the diner door calling for his mothers.
Both women immediately snapped their attention to their son.
"Mom's?" Sura whispered to her brother.
"Long story." He replied with a roll of the eyes.
"You two have been out here for ages. What's tak- Whoa who is that?"
So that's the first chapter and I hope you enjoyed reading it. I plan to carry on this story for quite some time, depending on how it is received by those of you reading. So please leave your thoughts, I would love to hear from you and any prompts, questions, ANYTHING you have to say. Also I do apologise if there are some grammar errors or spelling errors, I'm terrible at double checking. So if you spot anything annoying, do let me know and i'll get on them.
I'll most likely update this within the next few days. Cheers guys!