A/N: Hey folks, so yeah. just to get the ball rolling, I'm posting this. I know the Disney!au cycle doesn't start till after another update of the Nightmare Games, but since this is a prologue, the story doesn't officially start. So yeah. Here it is.

Hiccup - Kiara

Jack - Kovu

Stoick - Simba

Valka - Nala

Drago - Scar

Pitch (but no romance) - Zeera

Manny (but not Stoick and Drago's father) - Mufasa

North - Rafiki

Astrid and Fishlegs - Timon and Pumba

Snotlout, Aster and Dagur (selected scenes as well for Snotlout and Aster with Betany's role) - Nuka and Betany

Gobber and Thiana (shared roles, selected scenes for each) - Zazu


Berk. Twelve days North of hopeless, a few degrees south of freezing to death. It's located horribly at the Merridean of Misery... Or so they say. But the Vikings, also known as the Berkians and the Hairy Hooligan tribe, love the place. It snows nine months a year and hails the other three. In a word, sturdy. It's been seven generations since it was first founded. But all house are relatively new because of the constant repairs needed to be done in a daily basis due to Dragon attacks. It was hard to appreciate even the charming views of the sunsets back then.

Back when Dragons were the enemies.

Stoick the Vast, Chief of Berk when a great turning point has occured. He is considered the greatest Chief of Berk by far therefore earning him the title. And he was still alive and kicking. While he was known to be a marvelous Chief with astounding leadership, it didn't make dealing with Berk's problems any easier. Not only did he have to deal with Dragons, the chief's family has brought personal concerns to business matters.

His uncle, Drago, didn't like it that Stoick had to become the next Chief when he comes of age all because he was the son of his brother. He killed his brother the night of Stoick's ascent to becoming Chief and tried killing Stoick as well but the regent proved to be more formidable than his uncle was. Drago was defeated but Stoick didn't want to stain his hands with the blood of a relative, even if his uncle did the exact same thing. And so instead he was exiled. Vengeful, Drago swore he'd return. By recruiting some men, he sparked up a rebellion. Aside from the few Berkians who sided with him, he even secured an alliance with Alvin the Trecherous and his people. Berk was in war for several months not only against the fatal weather, but against both Dragons and the rebels. To make matters worse, on the night where it was reported that the rebels were going to execute a crucial strike, Stoick's wife, Valka, had given birth to their first born. In fact, it was for this very reason that they attack was going to be executed.

To the Chief's horror, Drago had somehow figured out a way to manipulate the Dragons and therefore the attacks intensified, men and women were dying everywhere. The only reason his wife and child was still alive because they were hidden. But that won't last forever. So when the first call of his name from his wife, he rushed towards their home while slaying any rebels who got in his path.

When he stormed through the door, what he saw knock the wind out of him. Valka looked just as shell-shock, cause while still in her arms, their babe was laughing amidst the mass destruction outside. Not only that, but he puny arm was outstretched and his hand rested on something dark. Only when Stoick's eyes adjusted to the dark, he realized what it was.

The Legendary Nightfury.

At that moment, Stoick saw that Dragons weren't what they thought they were. Because if a fierce creature can be tamed by an innocent, laughing infant, how can they be the same as the blood-thirsty devils they always assumed. He had no time to continue marvelling at the scene for Drago stormed in and they were locked in arm to arm combat, his wife and child helpless. And if he were to die, they would be defenseless...

The next thing that happened reformed his beliefs completely. When realizing the enemy, the Nightfury attacked Drago when he had Stoick pinned down. Drago struggled but it was to no avail because once the creature launched a plasma blast directly at him he knew he would be done for so he begged for his life. The Nightfury gave it to him, flyign him away from Berk an island. The Nightfury led the counterattack, siding with the Berkians with the purpose to protect the child. The Hairy hooligan tribe subdued the enemy and sent them packing, exiling them to the same island Drago was dropped to, with no means of leaving the island. Not enough trees to make boats and only enough to eat bark to survive.

And the war came to a close... But that's only what everyone knew on the surface.

A/N: Like it, hate it? Please review constructively. Yes, I did not put the Alfa here. You'll find out why later. Next and official first chapter will be both Hiccup's presentation and the meeting with Jack.

^_^ A smile can save a life