Ok so before I begin, I would like to say thank you to Deltahalo241 for giving me some good advice on how to make my stories a little easier to read and understand better so thank you for that. I'm sorry about the time difference between both chapters I was with some family and friends today and its now almost 11, but I told myself that I would at least get the new chapter out before I go to bed. So here is the second chapter, I hope you enjoy.
Chapter 2: Whereabouts unknown
Hunter awoke to his head throbbing in pain, the last thing he remembered was falling through that hole that somehow magically appeared. "Ugh" he groaned to himself when he stood up. 'Did I hit my head when i hit the floor?' he thought to himself. "Wait a second, where am I?" he said aloud.
Just then, a blue flame lit the room up as it appeared. "So you are one of the ones who just got sent here I presume?" the flame said.
"GAH!" Hunter shouted as he fell back on the floor startled at what the flame said to him. "Okay, so the last time I checked, flames couldn't talk so what the heck is going on here?" he asked the ghost. "And also where is here?"
The flame chuckled and replied, " You are at Heavenly Host Elementary a school built where the school Kisaragi Academy now stands, and I am not a flame a spirit that died in this wretched place."
A little shocked at his answer, Hunter asked the spirit, "What do you mean by you died here?"
"It means that I died here in this very school that you are standing in right now, and I am forbid to leave this cursed school." replied the spirit.
"Well what do I have to do to get out of this school alive?" asked Hunter.
" You don't. "But maybe if you wander around a little bit, you'll find the answer your looking for." said the spirit.
"I guess so, it couldn't be any worse than just sitting around and waiting. One more thing before I head out, whenever you said that I'm one of the ones who got sent here, who were the other ones?" asked Hunter.
"Well I don't know any of their names, but I sensed a total of twelve people including you get here at the same time" replied the spirit.
'Twelve?' Hunter thought to himself. "Well alright, thanks for the help." he said to the spirit.
"Anytime" said the spirit and then disappeared into thin air.
'Well, I better start to get a move on.' thought Hunter as he exited the room.
"No... Ms. Yui... Please don't go!" shouted Ayumi through sobs.
"I'm sorry Ayumi but I just can't sit down and wait, what happens if one of our friends is hurt and needs my help, I can't stand to think one of them might be in trouble. Said Yui trying to calm her down. "Yoshiki, can you please keep an eye on Ayumi?"
"Can do teach." replied Yoshiki.
"Thanks Yoshiki" said Yui as she smiled and walked out of the classroom.
Yoshiki walked over to the still sobbing Ayumi and knelt down next to her. "Hey come on Ayumi she said she would be back in a little while so there is nothing to worry about alright?"
Ayumi looked up at him and yelled, "What do you mean everything will be okay?! We are in a school that was demolished years ago and is now haunted by spirits, how is everything okay?! Get away from me you jerk!"
Yoshiki backed away and sighed, 'I don't know what I ever did to her but for some reason she seems to hate me' he thought to himself ."Look Ayumi, I know things may seem bad at the moment but we will get through this, all of us."
Hearing his last words she thought to herself, 'How can he be so sure of himself?' "Whatever you say Yoshiki" replied Ayumi glumly. "We should go and look for Ms. Yui, we'll leave a note saying we went out looking for her in case she comes back." she suggested.
"Sound good to me." says Yoshiki. He couldn't find any paper so he just wrote the note on a desk and then he and Ayumi went out into the hallways to search for their dear teacher Ms. Yui.
I'm afraid that's all I will have time for tonight it is getting pretty late. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I hope that you will have equally as much fun reading this. Just a heads up I more than likely won't be able to update this weekend sadly enough sense I'll be at my dads and he doesn't have WIFI, however I do have a hotspot on my phone so maybe I can upload at least one chapter this weekend. (fingers crossed) But other than that thank you for reading and I will see you in the next chapter :)