Hello everyone! It's been years since this account has been used so my writing might be a little rusty.

Little bit about me: I only just got into the Tolkienverse and got the opportunity to watch the Hobbit movies recently due to living in the middle of nowhere and have quickly been filling up on fics to pass the time until BOTFA comes out, so I thought "What the hell" and decided to write my own. I'm a HUGE fan of video games and Skyrim is one of my absolute favorites. At some points I was thinking about how cool it would be for Skyrim and the Hobbit to go together and once the idea for this fic buried itself into my head, I simply could not let it go.

I hope you enjoy the first chapter of this lovingly crafted fic and I look forward to updating it as often as possible!

Characters and Worlds belong to their respective owners (J.R.R Tolkien and Bethesda). Skyrim OC Refridís belongs to me.

This chapter has been UPDATED & EDITED :)

Refridís slumped in a chair of the Archmage's Quarters in the College of Winterhold before trying to work out the slight chill that had settled in her bones after her long trip from Riften. She had to deal with some trouble that had aroused from the Thieves Guild and had to convince several of the town guards along with calling in a favor from the current Jarl in order to sort it out.

Honestly, she loved most of her members like family but they could use a little more self control with their sticky fingers or, preferably, better training after she had to rescue three junior members from being loaded onto the execution cart. There had been quite a racket at the Ragged Flagon that night when she came down to visit. Livid and dragging the freshly freed young thieves by their cloaks, she demand to see who was responsible for their overview and training. To put it kindly, the thief who had stepped forward had received a tongue-lashing that would go down in the guild's history and was currently missing his pinky.

The raven-haired Bosmer's troubles hadn't stopped after her departure from the city however. She had stopped in the woods two days prior to her arrival to the College to set up camp and hunt for her supper when an unusually large pack of wolves had ambushed her and her horse. While the brave stallion normally fought to defend his rider, it had bolted on this occasion; clearly seeing that to get involved would have disastrous consequences. After Refridís had wiped the wolf blood from her blades and finished cursing at the Divines, she began to trudge through the icy, barren wasteland, not bothering to stop at Windhelm to borrow a ride and was unlucky enough to be caught in a blizzard just in the outskirts of the old ocean-sprayed town. She was not worried about how her horse fared and was certain that at any moment a messenger would arrive to tell her that Frost had made it back on his own at the foot of the college.

Refridís sighed, rubbing her face in an attempt to ward of tiredness before glancing with crimson eyes towards the beautiful glowing center of the room. The small indoor garden, which housed numerous valuable alchemy ingredients, was quickly getting overgrown due to lack of attention it was receiving from its owner.

"At least I will be able to have all the ingredients I need for my experiments this month," She thought to herself.

It was with these thoughts that she heard a quiet, hardly noticeable noise and her attention diverted to a sheltered area on the other side of the room. With a dramatic groan, she got up from the chair and walked towards its direction. After looking around for a few minutes, she found that the source of the noise was coming from under a worn carpet. Swiftly pulling it revealed a trapdoor.

"Seems like old Savos still had some tricks up his sleeves even after all these years," Refridís thought, smiling sadly at the memory of the former Archmage.

With skilled hands, she quickly picked the lock that kept its contents hidden from any prying eyes and slowly opened the door just in case it set off any trigger traps. When the Bosmer wasn't set ablaze or poisoned by darts, she descended slowly into the hidden room, keeping her guard up as the noise got louder. The room was unsurprisingly small as it should have been in order to keep it hidden from the rest of the mages, rectangular, and long tendrils of ivy crept along its walls reaching towards a small grime-covered window. It was sparsely decorated with several bookshelves, all filled and some fallen apart due to age, and a rickety desk with a dried-out inkwell, old quills and about a dozen rolls of yellowed parchment scattered on it. What really caught Refridís' attention, however, was the pristine white fountain that seemed to resist the tests of time located in the center of the room. It was filled with smoking water that stood undisturbed and pulsed with a faint calming blue color accompanied by a slight chiming noise.

Refridís approached the fountain cautiously, staring at it before carefully touching the surface of the water. The water rippled for a few moments before the image appeared.

"Savos Aren?"The figure in the fountain asked, an old man with a long beard and a pointed grey hat.

"No, I am sorry but the former Archmage has been dead for many centuries. I currently hold the title. May I help you?" She responded suspiciously. No one knew of Savos personally except for her, his memories having faded with time, and all that was left for others to remember him by was an old tome that collected dust at the back of the Arcanaeum, which listed his accomplishments.

"My condolences. The news is most troubling as I would have liked to ask him to repay a favor he owes me," the figure said tugging slightly at his beard.

"Whatever debts or favors the former Archmage had, I am willing to help repay. May I ask who you might be and what it is that you need?" Refridís responded politely.

"I am Gandalf the Grey, Wizard and one of the members of the famed Istari order. I did not so much need his skills as I am in need of his advice. Words have reached me from across your Padomaic Ocean that a dragon slayer of legendary proportion currently roams your lands. I would have asked him if he knew such a character and, if he was in good graces, could pass along the message that a great dragon who goes by the name Smaug currently plagues the people of Middle-Earth and must be dealt with as soon as possible." The man explained.

Refridís looked at the fountain with a narrowed gaze and frown, "I know of the slayer and their skill though they are very difficult to track down. This news however will interest them greatly."

The old man smiled through the water, "That is a start at least. If you happen to be lucky enough to find them, could you pass along my message to them? Also, how rude of me, I never asked for your name?"

"It seems that luck shines upon you Gandalf the Grey for I am Refridís Silduaan, the dragon slayer which you seek and I will help your cause," Refridís answered with a smile.


Refridís: Made up of the two ancient norse words; Refr- meaning fox and idis/dis- meaning lady/maiden. Disír in Norse mythology was a ghost, spirit, or deity associated with fate who can be both kind or cruel towards mortals.

Hopefully you guys enjoyed that little peek of what is to come, I'll try weekly updates but don't hold me to it. As always, reviews are very much welcomed and I enjoy feedback!