A/N: hey guys so the song 'sailor to siren' by meatloaf seems to be heavily blocked (at least in the US), the song shows up on two of Meatloaf's cds 'Bad Attitude' and 'Rock 'n' Roll Hero' but I wouldn't go buying the cd just for that song, I love and grew up with the music, but if you're not a fan you're not going to like the music.

~Chapter 37~


Zechi glanced over at his brother and couldn't stop his smile at the shocked expression. "Little brother grew some balls didn't he?"

Rohku glared at Zechi. "When he get's off stage I'm going to kill him."

Zechi exaggerated a shiver. "Ohh scary! Nice of you to wait to finish the song."

Rohku turned to look back at Iroh who was still looking at him smirking like an idiot. Rohku gestured for Iroh to 'come here' and Iroh shook his head. Zechi snorted as Rohku gestured aggressively pointing to his feet, and Iroh shook his head and kept singing. The Fire Lord pointed to his crown and Iroh pointed to the sky…with his middle finger.

Zechi burst into laughter.

"You find this funny brother?" Rohku growled. "Since when did you become a fan of Iroh?"

Zechi smirked. "That moment I realized all the things you said about him were lies." He clapped his hands together making the chains around his wrists jingle. "And really he is adorable when he dresses like a woman!"

"General L'ten." Infuriated Rohku turned and left the box. "He dares to stand on that stage a mock me? I'll show him. There's a reason I won the war."

Zechi leaned back. "Oh dear, seems our water bender is a bit hot headed." He looked over at his parents who just gaped at him. "What? I'm chained to a chair and have been forced to listen to that racquet for an hour! The sooner it stops the sooner I can get rid of this headache…also Rohku sucks at fighting when agitated."

Stasia stood up and glared down at Zechi. "What game are you playing Zechi? I heard stories of your lust for power, is this another ploy to gain the crown back?"

Zechi shook his head. "No, this time I'm just a pawn but there is something I do want."

Stasia leaned forward. "And what is that?"

Zechi moved in a fluid motion and grabbed Stasia locking her arms and placing a blade to her neck. "I want my sister back."

"I thought you were chained to that chair."

Zechi shrugged. "Well I was but my boyfriend taught me this neat trick on how to get out of them."


Iroh could see some kind of commotion in the royal box he craned his neck to see better. Suddenly, he was hit from his left side by a wave of water. Iroh turned to see Rohku walking on the stage, rage filling his eyes. The Fire lord formed two icicles and threw them at Iroh who dodged the first and used fire bending to melt the second. The audience was silent unsure is this was part of the show or something else.

Rohku was seething. "You shouldn't have come back little brother!" He pulled the water from the fire suppression system and slammed Iroh with a wall of water. "You should have stayed dead!"

Iroh sent a fireball at his brother. "I didn't really have a choice, not after what your wife did to Korra!" He volleyed another blast of Fire, "Give it up now Rohku! You've already lost this fight!"

"What fight? There is no fight! You can't beat me! You might be the fire bender but I've always been the better bender!" He made a wave that crashed down on the stage shattering parts of it to splinters.


Korra could see the confused people in the audience. "Come on people, you need to leave or your going to get hurt." She bit her lip and than whistled.

Nix flew over, landing on the roof of the stage and the people below screamed and started to flee. Korra smiled and did the dragon breath move, which Nix mirrored. The result being that those below quickly evacuated the area, leaving only the two men dueling and the guards who seemed to be completely unaware of their surroundings.


Zuko looked at Karrem as Stasia was escorted out of the box. "Where did you get the dragon?"

Karrem shook his head. "That's not part of our plan." He cringed as another attack shook the box. "We need to get out of here, the boy's are going to destroy this place!"

Zuko nodded. "Never like this theater anyway."

Out in the hall Stasia yelled for guards to come to her aid. They walked like tin soldiers and pointed either their weapons at the group. Zuko braced himself for a fight when a fireball knocked a few of the guards over. Izumi summoned another ball of fire and glared at Stasia. "Tell your puppets to stand down or they will burn."

Stasia chuckled. "You don't have the guts."

"Try me, I will set them all a blaze if you don't tell them to stand down."

Stasia smiled a little too widely. "Then let them burn!"

Out in the distance there was an explosion that shook everything.


Varick jumped up from the outcropping of rocks he head been hiding behind. "Woo! Now that's what I call an explosion! Took out half the cliff too! Zui Li, make a note of that!"

Bolin looked over at Asami who was breathing heavily. "I can't believe that worked! I can't wait to tell Opel!"

Asami smiled. "Yeah, I bet Link is going to love this as a bed time story." She turned to see soldiers sporting armor from past ages approaching. "That is if we survive that!"

Bolin cracked his knuckles and smirked. "I've always wanted to play bowling for undead fire nation soldiers!"


"I was a child will a good imagination, just let me have this!"


"What was that?!" Rohku asked.

"I believe big brother, that was your spirit cannon going up in smoke." Iroh said, calmly dodged a wave attack and making it freeze. "And you're not the best bender, anymore bother. Now surrender!"

"Never!" He summoned more water and the two clashed agian.


Mako ran up the stairs only to almost be hit by a flaming soldier. He looked at Karrem who was water slicing another guard away.

"What happen? Why are you attacking guards?" He moved away as one tried to bite him. "Oh, never mind. So what's the plan?"

Stasia laughed. "You all die!"

Mako gulped. "And what is plan b?"

"You need to get back to the palace." Said a woman walking up to them. Mako gulped, She looks just like how Iroh described Mi'tem. The woman looked at Stasia and smirked. "If you're looking for the souls of the living she has they'll be locked away in gems." She looked at Lafey. "Shatter them and they should return to their original bodies should they still be alive."

Mako nodded. "Thanks, um?"

The woman sent a fireball as a group of approaching soldiers. "Mi'tem, now go! Should the Fire Lord win before you can reach the palace all will be lost. Trust me, I've see it before."

Mako nodded. "Of course you have. What are you going to do?"

"I shall make sure that no one interferes with their fight." She pointed to Iroh and Rohku's battle. "The prince needs to win this with out help."

Mako nodded. "Good luck!"

She gave him a smiled. "You too."

Mako gestured for the group to fallow him. Karrem quickly caught up to him. "Do you think that was her? Or some type of phantom? Or a girl with the same name?"

Mako shook his head. "I don't know, but right now we have bigger issues." He looked at the new crop of soldiers. "This is going to be a long night."


Korra jumped on to Nix's back and watched the duel from the air, Iroh's fire and the moon giving her all the light she needed to see. The two brothers dueled below her with Rohku using his waterbending and Iroh switching depending on which suited him best. They clashed and as the full moon rose overhead the water bending became stronger. The fight itself took on a life of it's own and moved like a dragon crawling down the side of the cliff, down to the sea.


Rohku gasped standing on the plate of ice floating in the sea. "Why'd you come back? Really? Why!?"

"Because your wife to Korra's soul! She took my Mi'tem's soul and I have to make sure she's finally at peace!"

Rohku laughed. "So you didn't come for the crown? You didn't come for your people? You came for your wife's soul? How selfish a man are you little brother?"

Iroh summoned a giant wave and held it there. "I have never had wish for grandeur or fame but just to be with the woman I love and yet fate has seen fit to rob me of that time and times again and now all I will see that she is at peace!" He sent the wave and pushed Rohku on to the cliff and let it freeze. "If that is selfish to you then so be it." He took the crown form Rohku's head. "But what brought me here and what I intend to do are two different things! I will mop up the mess you and my siblings have made and make the Fire Nation strong once more and you can rot in a cell just like great-grandfather."

He slid down the frozen wave so he was back at sea level. He looked back up at Rohku. "If you know what's good for you, you'll stay there until some people come to collect you. This battle is over and you lost."

Rohku scoffed and made parts of the ice wave to ice spears and sent them at Iroh. "This battle is far from over! And it will only end when one of us is dead!" Iroh suddenly felt his body move and contort one it's own. "Did you forget brother? Tonight's the full moon the night for blood bending!"

Iroh moved his arm breaking it free of Rohku's bending and sending a block of ice into his stomach knocking the wind out of him. "No, but even with that I'm still better than you!"

Rohku growled and launched himself at Iroh and used his bending to send them both deep into the dark waters.


"No, no, no." Korra gasped seeing the two disappears in the waves. She urged Nix lower to the water's surface, her eyes looking for any sign of life. Then a little ways off someone broke through the surf and gasping for air. The man swam to shore towing another along. Korra watched as Iroh collapsed on the beach while his bother lay there asleep or dead, it was hard to tell.

Nix landed on the ground and curled around the group, his breath warming the cool winter air. Korra pulled Iroh close and used her own bending to keep him warm. She watched as he opened and looked into hers.


She smiled. "Right here, my love." She moved a lock of hair out of his face. "Rest, now you've won."

He pulled her close and then became limp as the last of his energy gave out and he fell asleep. Korra kissed his forehead and she took the water tribe necklace off and wrapped it around his wrist.

"Please, remember this." She whispered giving him one last kiss. She could hear people approaching and sent up a flair to flag them down.

~Two months later~

Fire Lord Iroh sat out side while Sona and her new best friend Link played some kind of game with Sona's pet artic panther Minky. Nagga sat at his feet having decided that he was her new master and barely left his side. He looked at the ancient water tribe necklace in his hands running his fingers over the carved beads. He sighed Rohku was locked away along with Stasia. Zechi had moved back to Omashu and taken over his job as Fire Lord Ozia and was reportedly loving it. Izeem had gong with him. And those who Stasia had trapped?

Lafey tapped him on the shoulder and smiled. They had freed all those trapped by the former fire lady. "Still trying to figure out where those came from my lord?"

Iroh smirked. "You're my sister, it's Iroh and will always be Iroh."

She chuckled as she sat next to him. "That's hardly special your body guard calls you Iroh too. By the way he's in the closet."

"You think so too?" He rolled his eyes.

"No, I literally mean in the closet, with his ex-wife, they've been there for quite awhile now. I hope they're not tangled up in anything important." She tapped her chin then shrugged. "Did you get his request for time off?"

"Yes, his brother is getting married in three days so I gave it too him."

"You're not going?"

"It's a small ceremony, just family." Iroh chuckled. "This ceremony is a bit rush if you get my drift."

Lafey chuckled. "Oh, well. So how are you doing brother? You look good, you know for a man that's been putting a country back together while also helping another country put itself back together. You've been sleeping yes?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I have." He smiled. "It's gotten quite easy of late to do that."

She looked at him. "You know that Sun Warrior woman you appointed as the minister of war? The one that found you and Rohku on the beach?"

"Yes, Mi'tem what about her?"

"I don't like the way she looks at you."
Iroh took a sip of lemonade. "Is it because she doesn't look at you like that or?"

"You're a widowed man, Iroh, it seems in poor taste for her to look at you like that and the looks you give back are…questionable. You don't want to start rumors."

"Everyone already believes I'm having an affair with my bodyguard. Rumors about my love life are the least of my concern." He looked up at her face. "So if I did perused her you would not approve?"
Lafey shook her head. "As temporary Fire Lady, until you find someone else to do it, and thus the keeper of propriety I would just caution you to wait a year before doing so publicly. This country needs to see a leader who is more interested in their problems and not who's occupying his bed."

Iroh nodded. "And as my sister what do you have to say?"

"Just don't let her get caught sneaking into your room at night." Lafey tiled her head. "Oh, look who's coming to visit."

Iroh looked at his daughter. "What happened to you?"

Sona, covered in mud and soaking wet, climbed up on Iroh's lap. "Boys are mean, Link pushed me in to the pond."

Iroh rubbed her back. "Now why would he do something like that?" He could see Link hiding behind a bush.

"He says he did it because my dress was on fire."

"Was it on fire?"

"Maybe a little." She looked up at him. "I can still be mad at him right? I mean he still pushed me."

Iroh patted his daughter's head. "I think that's a little unfair to Link." She pouted. "But as long as you're sitting on my lap you can be mad."

She rested her head against his chest. "Then I'm not ever leaving, cause I'm always going to be mad at him." She sat there for a few seconds then jumped back off. "Ok, I'm board. Link? Where are you?"

Iroh watched as she ran off again and looked down at his now muddy clothes. "Well these clothes are done for."

Lafey chuckled. "You're such a good father, I'm pretty sure dad wouldn't not even let her near him." There was a short paused. "Is it just me of is Sona a little spooky?"

"Oh, no Sona is very spooky and her other best friend is the ghost of grandpa Sokka."

"So it's not just me?"

"Ok, next question, what happened between dad and chief Tonraq in Omashu? Cause I've heard stories." She turned to look at Iroh. "And you're laughing." She took the drink out of his hand and took a sip. "Well I guess I'll just wait for you to stop." She took another sip. "And I'll drink all of you lemonade."


It was dark in Iroh's room when someone slipped into his bed and kissed him. Gold eyes looked up at him and fingers ran through his hair. He kissed back.

"Lafey has noticed the way you look at me." He whispered in her ear. "She does not approve."

Korra chuckled. "Too bad, I can't help the way I look at you."

"We could tell everyone it's you."

She sighed. "But they would expect me to be the Avatar again which I'm not." She snuggled against him. "I'm just me now, but we can tell at least our friends who I am. I'm pretty sure Mako already knows, he's always winking at me."

Iroh snorted. "I'll have to talk to him about being subtle." He pulled her close. "So was thinking, this summer we could go to Ember Island. You, me, Sona, just the three of us away from prying eyes." He kissed her neck. "What do you think?"

"Sounds like paradise."


~one year later~

Asami popped the cork on a bottle of champagne and poured a few glasses. She handed them to those who weren't already drinking lemonade. She held one up. "Here's to actually being back here! It might have taken almost seven years, the addition of some kids" she looked at Korra, "And a new body, but we're finally back at this grave yard, having a picnic. Together again!"

"Here, here!"

The other's clinked their glasses and drank. Bolin smiled as he drained his glass and looked over at Korra who was still cuddling his child.

"Um Korra you've been holding Eevee since Opel handed her to you. You can give her back now."

Korra held the little girl close. "But I don't want to, she's so cute!"

Bolin rolled his eyes. "She needs to wonder around and explore a little." Off in the distance they could hear Sona playing hide and seek with Link and Azulon (visiting from Omashu).

"Fine." Korra put the baby down and let her crawl around. She took a sip of lemonade and looked over at Mako and Asami. "So not that I'm trying to be mean but congratulations on being married again."

Mako snorted. "Thanks Korra…congratulations on being the Fire Lord's mistress."

"Hey!" Korra held up her left hand. "It's fiancé now and soon Fire Lady so be nice."

Mako chuckled. "I will be once you are."

"I was being nice!"

"No you weren't!"

Iroh shook his head. "Play nice you two." He looked over at Asami. "We can't take them any where can we?"

She chuckled. "Nowhere nice at least."

Bolin poured himself another glass. "So Korra, when is the wedding? Where is the wedding?"

"It is set to be in a few weeks, and it will be back in the Fire Nation. You all are invited of course."

Opel nodded. "Of course, so are your parents coming? Do they know? What are Sona's feelings about this whole thing? Does she know?"

"Woah, one question at a time Opel. Yes my parents are coming and yes they know. Sona is ecstatic, and she knows, heck she knew the moment she set eyes on me. I guess sometimes it's good to have the child that seems to know everything." She laughed. "Let's just hope this time Iroh doesn't have to jump through a window."

Iroh nodded. "I'll drink to that."

Mako nodded. "If you would avoid that, as your body guard and still in charge of your well being, that would be great! Also please avoid moving to Omashu and starting a new life, that really makes it hard for me to do my job."

"Well ok, if only to make your life easier." Iroh said laughing a bit.

"So a few weeks, huh?" Asami looked at Korra. "That eager to be married again? No ulterior motives?"

Korra took a guilty sip of her lemonade. "Yeah, that's it! No ulterior motives what so ever."

"Korra!" Asami practically spit out her champagne. "How long?"

She blushed. "I'm only a few weeks late but you know." She made a gesture with her hands. "Better safe then sorry."

Bolin looked at Iroh. "Son of a gun, you excited to be a dad again?"

Iroh gave Mako a look. "I never stopped being a dad, but yes, I am excited at the prospect of having another child and Sona having a little brother or sister."

Asami moved over and gave Korra a hug. "Congratulations, second times got to be easier right?"

"I don't know, but Iroh sure thinks the pregnancy part is going to be easier."

Asami gave Iroh a look. "Do I sense over confidence over there?" She asked smirking.

"No, you're sense a man who has servants to get Korra, her crazy food cravings at three in the morning."

Asami gave Korra another hug. "Well either way, congrats! To both of you."

Korra hugged Asami back. "Thanks."

Asami moved back to sit next to Mako. "And thank the spirits it's not me! I can barely handle Link."

Iroh snapped his fingers. "Darn! I guess we're going to have to take you off the baby sitting list." He looked over at Eevee who was now sitting next to her father drinking out of a Sippy cup. "So, Bolin, any ideas if little Eevee's a earth or air bender?"

Opel chuckled. "The great debate. I think she's an earth bender and he thinks she's an air bender." She gestured a thumb at Bolin.

Bolin shrugged. "What? No one else sneezes with that much power!"

Opel rolled her eyes. "And I say she's an earth bender, I swear I've seen her make rocks move."

Bolin crossed his arms. "Yeah, with air."

Iroh cringed and looked back down at Eevee. "Sorry I asked."

Korra smiled and smoothed out the white sundress she was wearing. "I'm sure which ever element she bends if she's a bender she'll do wonderfully."

Opel smiled. "Thanks."

Just than Eevee sneezed and set the blanket on fire.

~The End~

A/N: It's done! I can't believe it! This was the first story I started on this site and now its done and published! It's really been great guys! I hope you all enjoyed it because I did. There are no plans for any sequels at the moment but I may write a few one shots with this universe in the future. As always comment if you feel so compelled, it's been a blast guys! I'll see you later! ~ Clockwork Captain.