Author Note: I will be completely honest with you, when I first written this I didn't think of a story idea but more of a one-shot between Rin and another character (is Iblis considered OC? Tell me if you think so, I can change some things on the story description) so I have looked at the Reviews and rating and decided to make this a three part story. I have consulted this with a friend who have read the story gave me a few ideas (PS: She likes Bon/Rin) so I have decided to go the opposite way and do this…So please tell me what you think and if this chapter gets popular I will post the final chapter…So thank you oh and sorry for the Grammar, I'm not really good at it.
Courting an Incubus
Rated M
It had been six months since Rin has awakened as a lust demon and have been wondering around Gehenna. However, when he walks around one of his half-brothers come along to protect him from any demons that have ill attention towards half breeds in general or his father keeps him cooped up by snuggling with him or making him study about demons and the royal family or inner circle demons.
A yawn escaped the dark haired male as he walked through the highly detailed hallway of the castle centered in hell's circles. The walls were cavern from key history points of hell as well those who have become kings or prominent figures during it with Latin written along the sides of it from the history of the prominent figures and the events that proceeded. Rin was memorized by these images and he even spent hours trying to decipher the dead language to understand who the prominent figure was or what have happened during Gehenna's growth. Even now he is amazed by how well detailed such wall sculptors are and how he managed to decipher it.
Rin then placed his hands behind his head and closed his eyes to contemplate, his wings twitched as a sign of wanting to stretch out and take flight, his tail swaying around and the hairs on it stood up as if it was going to release a sweet scent to seduce a lucky someone to have fun with. Then he bumped into someone and he fell back and landed on his ass. Snapping back into reality, Rin snarled thinking it was one of his older half-brothers deciding to interrupt his little peace time. Looking up to yell at someone Rin stopped to stare at the demon before him.
The demon stared back through golden irises that are laced with ruby coming from the pupils. The male skin is unblemished and is sun kissed with well defined muscles bare before the elements. Spiked horns curved from his forehead starting from the natural bone white to an interesting royal purple. Rin eyes then wonder to the hip down and he blinked finding the other's legs resembled a fawn or a goat of some sort and a long tail with what seems to have a spade at the end. The stranger tilted his head as he examines Rin, allowing the messy short hair to cover a portion of his beautiful face.
Stepping forward slightly he lend a hand out to reveal sharp claws that is the same coloring as his horns.
"My apologies, I wasn't paying attention of where I was going." The older male said and Rin shivered at the voice, its calm with a hint of power behind it, smoother than Iblis silky voice. Rin tail twitched and he took the offered hand and felt himself being lifted up to his feet. Then the two eyes connected for the first time and they both felt time froze around them. Both of their eyes flashed a lavender color, the contact of their flesh burned and Rin was quick to withdraw his hand and fidgeted uncomfortably. However, the stranger stood there, still looking at Rin before a smile slowly settled onto his face and what seems to be peace.
"Oh, uhmm…sorry…" Rin said as he avoided eye contact with the pure breed in front of him. "W…What's your name?" the stranger continued to smile, finding the little display from the half demon adorable by all accounts.
"My name is Asmodeus." The demon said, staying calm while the other was starting to go into a hysterical fit of what just happened. He lifted up one of his hands and moved the reddish hazelnut colored hair from his face and Rin saw it moved a bit as if it has a mind of its own and appeared ghost like. Rin blinked and he tilted his head as he tried to remember where he has heard or seen the other name before, then he remembered he have read it from a book about the Princes of sins.
"You're the Prince of Lust!" Rin suddenly shouted and his wings tucked in a bit and his tail seemed to curl slightly in between his legs.
"Yes I am…and who might you be little one?" Asmodeus asked as he continued to study the half breed, feeling his soul reaching out towards the confused one and his skin becoming hotter as he imagines the small incubus fingers gliding down his sun kissed skin.
"I'm Rin Okumora sir." He replied a little too fast for his liking and still he avoided eye contact.
"Oh, so you're Satan's youngest addition?"
"Uhmm, Yes. Though my little twin brother is technically the youngest." Rin said as his heart clenched and missing his intellectual sibling. It saddens him that Yukio hates demons and is in denial that he didn't get the demon blood but lately he has smelt it coming from him, growing stronger every single passing day. Rin lowered his head as he recalled last month encounter with the Esquire and to tell them that he was okay, only to have his brother pull a gun out on him and shouted at him about him being a monster.
Asmodeus sensed the other emotional distress at the mention of his younger twin, he watched as the adorable expression he held slowly shifted into one of sadness then regret. The Demon Prince of Lust stepped forward and lifted up the younger demon head. Rin blinked as he looked at the demons eyes once more and felt his entire being screaming at him – but he didn't know what to do.
"You shouldn't harbor your emotions like that little incubus." Then a subtle kiss, the two felt time froze once more as Asmodeus saw the memories the other was pondering on about. He saw a group of teenagers through the half breed eyes, one slightly taller with three moles settle on his face and wearing glasses to enhance his poor eyesight. He felt words escape the younger ones mouth but it was all muffled then the memory began to speed up. Asmodeus felt the younger ones body freeze, his sights settle onto the drawn gun, the younger twin mouth moving and anger and disbelief is clear on his face. The other group of teenagers was screaming at the younger twin to put down his gun and Rin's body finally moved or motioned in a non-threatening manner. Both of his hands up as muffled words escaped him. Tears streaked on both of the twins faces as they traded words and then a loud echo.
Asmodeus felt his body lock and for a moment he thought he was shot in the heart by silver bullets doused with holy water but when the younger teen opened his eyes he saw short blonde hair moving in front of his vision and a curvy silhouette falling to the ground. The smell of blood entered his senses and Rin's body finally moved to catch the falling beauty. Asmodeus felt anger, the first time he have ever felt so much rage and the thirst for vengeance but his logic told him to continue watching from Rin's eyes. The female was cute by human standards, her eyes filled with innocence's that Asmodeus haven't seen in so long, blood started soaking through her tacky yellow shirt and a small hole is on the center of her chest. The female slowly blinked, shock still having its hold on her and Rin acted quickly while the younger twin stood there, mouth agape and in shock.
Then the memory ended abruptly as Rin finally pulled away, his face red and his breathing harsh in attempt to get oxygen. Asmodeus chest hammered and he shivered when his breathtaking eyes hid behind his eye lids from the mixture of feelings coursing through him. When he opened them he saw the smaller male running the opposite way and leaving the passionate Prince behind to contemplate of his feelings and actions.
Rin just kept running, leaving the other behind and his very being screaming for the other. Of course he had lustful cravings to feel good and to touch the other but this wasn't one of those occasional one night stands. No, this desire is different from those little quickies from his random needs; this desire was…he didn't know what to call it!
The next thing Rin knew was that someone caught him and he was lifted off his feet and was embraced. Deep purrs emitted from the other and all too familiar warmth helped him relaxed.
"Dad…?" Rin said and Satan licked his second youngest son on the forehead and placed him down, the smell of confusion, fear and lust came off him as a beacon. Satan tail curled and he slightly growled thinking that someone attempted to harm his son, the next heir of Gehenna and bearer of the royal blue flames.
The two heads looked down the hall and Rin felt his heart speed up as he hid behind his father.
Click-Clack Click
Satan raised an eyebrow as an all too familiar scent reached him; slowly he physically relaxed when he saw the familiar figure entering the fire lit room.
Asmodeus stopped, a look of hurt plastered on his face as his golden eyes laced with ruby looked towards Rin. Satan saw the way the Prince of Lust looked towards his son, the smell of need reeking off of them but this wasn't the normal 'I want to fuck you' scent, no, and this was a mating scent. Satan looked down at Rin and he now understood the confusion but the older demon across from them needs to prove himself if he wants to court his beautiful child. Satan cotton white tail wrapped around Rin waist as a sign of protectiveness and Asmodeus looked up, determination etched on his face.
So the courting dance has begun. Satan thought as the other ventured forward but he pushed the thoughts aside as he remembered the two needed to meet about the developments of the Lust circle of Gehenna and the recent damages from recent damned souls being claimed by lust demons.
"Rin, why don't you go find Iblis – I believe your studies are about to begin soon." Satan said, his head starting to pound and his pants getting too tight to handle this mating scent any longer. Rin nodded and ran down one of the hallways behind them to find his older half-brother and leaving Satan and Asmodeus alone. Satan looked at the passionate demon and he can still see the determination from those captivating eyes.
"Satan…" the other said, breaking the silence and Satan couldn't help but smirk.
"It appears God has created you for two people…" Satan started and the powerful demon eyes looked elsewhere before back at the Impure King and nodding. "Well, you are a powerful demon, a Prince of sin much less but I am finding it hard believe that God…my brother made two people for you. One of his Archangels and now my son…but considering he even allowed them to even exist still baffles me, however, I am still happy." Satan said and Asmodeus nodded, understanding the questionable actions of the other older twin.
"You have forgotten the part where Gabriel has thought I was giving him impure thoughts and recoiled." Asmodeus said and Satan nodded, he remembers the rejection well and if it was a weaker demon being rejected from their soul mate they would have destroyed themselves. However, Asmodeus didn't do that but the consequences and damage have left a half broken hearted demon Prince that decided to hide while his sin ran wild. The other demon Princes were mad by this because the Archangel had the audacity to harm their brother but they surprisingly set aside their vengeance to help fix their sibling.
"My brother doesn't do anything without a reason…" Satan said and he stepped closer to the Lust Prince, "If this is an apology to you for one of his greatest warrior's rejection then I want to know his aim but of course he does like to be mysterious."
"Just like you." Asmodeus said as he slightly smiled at the memories of when the Impure king was a child, running through the halls and chasing coal tars. His black angel wings fluttering as he tried to take to the air but it proved difficult because they were smaller than normal to lift him up. But now those wings are cotton white along with his tail and hair, he have stopped being a demon ever since Yuri Egin died and Asmodeus wish to see the happiness that filled him to come back again.
"Yeah will, I do it for the greater good." Satan said, his scarlet eyes flickering to the side as he crossed his arms before landing onto Asmodeus. "Let's get this meeting underway, you have been hiding for a while and now coming out of despair." Asmodeus nodded, his golden eyes laced with ruby meeting Scarlet with specks of gold and azure. Satan led the way to the throne room and knew a series of events will follow if his brother is planning something.
Rin have managed to find Iblis and the way his older half-brother was looking at him with a large smile and the look of pride creep him out. Also his other half-brother Eign, the demon king of water seem to scowl at him but Rin found out quickly that Iblis little twin brother is an envious demon and the half breed tried his best not to induce to much Envy from the Water demon king but right now it seemed pointless.
"What?" The small Incubus asked and the two brothers glanced at each other. Eign arctic blue eyes shifted a bit, envy clear in them as he barred his sharp teeth. His long hair moved a bit and Rin saw the dark navy covering the top slowly became water-like and they seemed to move about as if they had minds of their own, ready to attack anything. Iblis looked to his twin and he sighed as his blue furry tail wrapped around his jealous brother Navy blue one.
"Don't tell me to calm down brother!" Eign hissed and he looked at Rin, anger apparent and the half breed wondered what he did this time. "This little brat has only been awakened for nearly two years and he has already found his soul mate!" the demon king of water shouted, his arctic irises flashing into reddish slits.
"What do you mean by 'found my soul mate'?" Rin asked as he watched the kimono wearing demon snarl at his lack of information and glared at his own older twin brother. Iblis only looked at him, secretly telling his brother to calm down before he harms someone or himself by his uncontrollable emotions.
"You haven't taught him that?!" Eign growled, his sharp canines nearly taking his tongue off, the strained look on his face made Iblis pout before he took his brother face and kissed him. Rin tail curled at this and he watched Iblis method of calming down his envious brother, the sight of the two tongues fighting and slight moans made Rin close his eyes and imagine a threesome. However, the image of Asmodeus came in along with another shadowy figure pleasuring him. Rin's eyes snapped open and he groaned in annoyance of the images that infiltrated his fantasies.
"A Soul mate is your eternal partner Rin." Iblis said and the half demon looked up to see Egin has a pout on his face but Iblis held a small smile. "God has created someone just for you-"
"-Or you for someone else…" Eign said and Iblis nodded.
"So who is the demon that is trying to court you, you must have met him or her earlier since you started smelling differently." Iblis said, he smiled wider to show his sharp canines and his cobalt blue eyes sparkled from the flaming torches.
"Asmodeus…" Rin said and the two froze. Eign looked over at Iblis and Rin saw the fourth oldest have paled considerably. Iblis is now frowning and he repeatedly said the demon Prince of lust name over and over again. "What did I do now?" Rin asked in a whine and the Water demon king sighed and tried to help his older twin brother.
"Asmodeus is a very passionate demon, he gets attached to anything and if he feels abandoned he will destroy or kill anything you ever loved. Then God felt to make his next Archangel Asmodeus soul mate and when the two met Asmodeus only became fixed on that Archangel but when the holy being rejected him he fell into…well withdrawn."
"Withdrawn?" Rin asked in a small voice.
"Is when a demon has experienced a trauma they can't handle and go into a sleep like death where they create their own hell. From there the demon needs to traverse their own hell and collect their shattered psyche before awakening. Sometimes this process takes hours, days or even centuries but since Asmodeus is a very powerful demon he has taken a lot longer to gather his psyche before leaving his withdrawn state." Eign then looked to his older brother. "During that time, the Lust base demons have gone wild and many were harmed or kidnapped by the other demon Princes of sin in order to fix their broken brother…Iblis was one of them." Rin recoiled at the information and he looked at the demon king of fire who had a look of horror on his face.
"I thought awakenings were supposed to be scared…"
"They are…but it's an eternal nightmare when you're forced to awaken…" Eign said. "Asmodeus needs to prove to our father, as well us that he is worthy to be your soul mate just like he did to the other Archangels…but you have a decision, however, there are deadly consequences if you deny him Rin."
Rin had to get away so Eign can calm down his panicked older twin, the young half breed sighed and he turned the corner and paused. Asmodeus stood there in front of three of his older half-brothers: Astaroth, Lucifer and Azazel. Rin held his breath, afraid if he gave any indication that he is here then something bad would follow.
Lucifer, the third oldest and named after an angel that fell because of his pride snarled. The male wasn't like the humans have depicted him; in fact he looked more angelic like than the pictures of angels Rin have seen around the hallways and during his studies. The King of light tilted his head as if he was thinking, his fingers twitched and his pristine emerald orbs stared down the older being. Lucifer tail swayed about in a protective manor and he constantly looked to see Astaroth was still shaking in what seems to be trying to control his rage.
"If this is about Rin…" Then Azazel spoke, his pale grey eyes staring at Asmodeus and his voice light. The sixth eldest hardly spoke and when he does his voice is raspy and the platinum blonde being prideful only uses spirits or telepathic abilities to get his words across. So it was strange for Rin to hear his half-brother voice for the first time. It sounded strained and slowly falling apart. The demon king of spirits pale eyes seem to glare at the demon Prince. "Then you do…not need to worry." He slowly got his message across, his face twitching in frustration that he will never admit. "We, the Demon Kings…respect you and we…know that you are…not going to do anything to him…but it is not us…that you need to prove to…it is him." Then Azazel looked at Rin.
Rin felt the shivers; Azazel can see souls of all beings. He can tell when something is wrong, when someone is about to die, when someone is lying to him but most importantly he knows how to destroy them. Azazel hasn't been openly hostile to Rin like Eign but he have kept tabs on him and helped him train his body to control the blue fire but Azazel have touched Rin soul several times making the two relationship uncomfortable well Rin thought it was.
Asmodeus looked to Rin; his eyes seem to sparkle with too many emotions for Rin to decipher. Lucifer snarled, his ruby eyes flickering between the two. For the moment Lucifer looked like he wanted to protest but a glare from Azazel kept his mouth shut. Rin eyes looked at the wall, his thoughts running as he recalled his conversation with Iblis and Eign. He heard the Lust Prince walking towards him and Rin had to swallow his nerves and look at him.
He couldn't deny that Asmodeus is handsome and he have heard all of things he did but demons are born to separate the pure from the impure, to tempt man and women in order for heaven to shelter the ones that have been following the silent laws.
The half breed has decided what he is going to do now. "Before we start…" Rin started and Asmodeus looked at him with curiosity etched on his face. "I want to know who the Archangel is."
"I can do that…" Asmodeus said with a sad smile.
Yukio Okumora have been in grief for a month, he have shot Shiemi because he couldn't handle his brother being what he is. A half demon that have awakened and Amaimon have always came back with reports on Rin development. Yukio is even confused about his rising desires, his demon features have even came out and he have tried everything to keep them hidden and now he knows the struggle that Rin had to go through.
The first class exorcist sighed as he looked at the recent book reports, the Esquires have benefited greatly from Rin being in Ghenna. Somehow his older brother have managed to swipe books from Gehenna and got Amaimon to walk into their class and drop the books on the table with a large bag of what appears to be different flavors of candy from all over the world then walked right out before anyone could react.
From that the students thought it was a good idea to have a book report on each of the books, but apparently they have to study Latin and multiple languages of lesser demon dialect to the demon king dialect (who fucking knew there were fifteen different dialects of the demon tongue!?) and each of the students would switch books the following month and do the entire routine again. Yukio slightly smiled, at least his brother is being considerate and from the reports he has taken an interest in his studies with the older half-brothers.
Yukio then picked up Bon book report and read the ten pages and found an intriguing discovery. Each of the demon kings are related to Satan, that much everyone knew but the Vatican assumed the mother was the same and directed from Lilith but it was several key females from several country's history. All of the demon kings are only related through their father but each of them has different features, fall under a different sin, their abilities differing from each other which granted them immunity from the powers they rule. Yukio continued to read this interesting find of who each their mothers were. Yukio blinked in surprise he never knew Iblis and Eign were fraternal twins and their mother was Cleopatra, or that Samuel was adopted by Satan when he found no female being able to bear his children, or that Lucifer was named after Satan grandfather who fell to what the Vatican believed to be the result of his own Pride but he fell because he wanted to free the demons and led an revolution and the birth of Gehenna.
Yukio put down the paper, he thought for a minute and he highly doubt that the Vatican would copy these books and allow exorcist to read them so they are being kept as a secrete study in Blue Cross Academy which Mephisto seems anxious for Gehenna history to be told in a demons perspective. The younger Okumora twin then looked at Shiemi paper and found it only six pages long which are considered rare for the girl to write more the one and half.
The paper was about soul mates which Yukio thought was strange for demons to have a book about it. He skimmed the paper and he came to another interesting find, apparently God is Satan older brother and he creates those destined for each other as well how the world or actions of men will lead people to certain things.
"Yukio I presume…" the younger Okumora twin looked up and his eyes widens. Before him a male stood before his desk, his eyes resembled stars and his face was calm, his hair a dark bark brown color hair is messy in a way it reminded him of Rin. "I have some news for you…" he eyes soften as he opened his mouth.
"Hello Gabriel." The two then looked at the door to find a demon standing at the door. His reddish hazelnut tail wrapping around another form waist and Yukio eyes widened.
The proceeding events have been interesting with the Archangel bearing his blade at Asmodeus and shouting at the demon Prince in a dialect that Yukio or Rin have never heard and the Demon Prince of Lust replying in a demon dialect that Yukio didn't have time to decipher since he spoke to fast. Rin was watching them, trying to think of what to do and was surprised the two didn't destroy the clown's precious playground. Asmodeus looked hurt by whatever Gabriel was saying, causing that other male some harm. Gabriel even a few times motioned to Rin and was probably calling him the same thing (if he understood what he was saying) but Rin felt hurt regardless.
"I will not let you tempt me again!" Gabriel shouted but this time in a dialect the two Okumora twins can understand.
"I didn't tempt you! I have told you as well as you older siblings that your father has created you for Rin and I!" Asmodeus replied and Yukio blinked. He was just reading about this and the consequences of rejection are very violent to demons and slowly Yukio looked over at Rin and saw him shaking.
"Lies! I don't know what dark magic you did to find some way to tempt me or even managed to find a way past my immunity to Lust demons magic but I will find out and I will make sure you can never corrupt my thoughts again!" this made Asmodeus growl in frustration, pain etched on his face and Rin suddenly fell off the chair he was sitting in and started screaming in pain. Gabriel wings twitched and stared in shock, he have felt that feeling when Asmodeus and his own eyes first met. The feeling of time stopping and his very being pulled the half breed as well the demon Prince.
Gabriel covered his ears to stop the echoes of screaming, the smell of musk emanating from Asmodeus and rare spices coming from Rin. Soulmate. The echoes of his older siblings whispered in his head until he fell in the sweet embrace of slumber. Asmodeus looked confused and caught the other as Yukio tried to calm down his brother that's when he saw Lucifer standing there and a look of anger and fear on his face.
"Archangels are more stubborn then we are…" he said and he let go of what appeared to be a thread of hair and Asmodeus knew he was the one who rendered one of his soul mates asleep. "You won't make him see by talking to him…you need to fuck him if you want the results you need." That just Lucifer, being blunt and going right into the truth that no one wants to venture into. Asmodeus bit the inside of his cheek and looked down at the slumbering Archangel and then at Rin who have managed to stop screaming and was staring at him. "Well?"
"Let's do it…" Yukio then looked at his brother in shock; this Rin has changed so much.
Gabriel felt cool air hit his chest and he slowly opened his eyes to find himself in velvet colored room, much like the ones in brothels. His star colored eyes took in his surroundings and soon he found himself in a location that houses lust demons. His wings flexed making the soft feathers appear sharper then daggers and he abruptly sat up, expecting demons to swoop down on him. Instead he came face to face with the half demon, the one who bears Satan fire. The male looked at him with intense, cobalt blue eyes staring up at his blend of greens, browns and yellows.
The Archangel swallowed, seeing the look of want present on the young incubus but he couldn't ignore the smell of spices that rolled off the other and when the younger male closed the small gab, their bare skin touched made the Archangel stop all movement. The contact made their skin burn and Rin sniffed Gabriel neck to find the Archangel smelled like freedom. The air, the ground, water and fire blended together in a peaceful mix that told Rin that opposites don't have to fight.
"Stop…" Gabriel started in a small voice, Rin only looked at him. Gabriel opened his mouth again, trying to control his urges, to get away from the lust demons that know how to break his immunity that god have crafted him to fight. Then he felt a pair of hands slowly rub up his back and Gabriel look to find Asmodeus. "S…sss…" Gabriel couldn't make the words come out, Rin and Asmodeus scent was overwhelming him and he felt his wings fluffing back out from the shoulder blades being message.
"Sshhh my mate…" Asmodeus whispered and it made Gabriel shiver, "We will show you that you should fear nothing." Then the nipping began and slowly Gabriel felt his will slipping. This had happen once, when Michael encourage him to speak or at least give the Lust Prince a chance. He did and the experience was frightening even now he can feel his stomach muscles coiling from the subtle touches that humans yearned for; an acceptance of his missing pieces.
A gasp escaped Gabriel and his eyes snapped open no knowledge or recollection of when he closed them but before he could look down to see what the half breed was doing, Asmodeus managed to turn his head and kissed him. The two figures tongues fought for dominance, Gabriel felt the other trying to cheat; the rubbing of his wings and the sucking of his manhood made the Archangel light headed.
The two separated and a thin piece of saliva was their only connection. Rin look up and a sinister idea snaked it's way into his mind, taking his mouth off the hard member and then his skillful tongue licking up from Gabriel's throbbing muscle to his chest. Gabriel groaned, his legs giving small tremors and he looked at Rin for a moment before the younger male pecked his lips. "Sneaky little demon…" Gabriel murmured and Rin felt a shiver crawl all the way down his spine to the tip of his tail.
Then Gabriel grabbed Rin's ass, shivering from the touch of their skin making fireworks, he kisses his younger partner even more passionate. Rin purred, his tail wrapping around the Archangel leg as the dark haired male depend the kiss. Asmodeus licked his lips as he sneaks behind Rin and slowly pushed the two down where Rin is sitting on top of the Archangel. Rin grinds into Gabriel pelvis as he smirked when he received a pleased groan. Asmodeus tail gave feathery touches on both of his partner's thighs, his hands placed on Rins hips moving him so he can sit on top of Gabriel member. The kiss was released and Rin face is redder than a tomato, looking back at the Prince of Lust, his jet-black tail moved so the fluffy fur brush over the other demon's neck and made a caressing motion on one side of the cheek.
Asmodeus only smiled at the playful gesture then pushed Rin's hips down so the Archangel member is now fully inside him. Rin back arched and his wings spread open when the unprepared entrance has been roughly violated. Rin hissed a bit from the burning feeling and he felt Gabriel buck a little from the unexpected action. This made Rin's toes curl and he looked back at Asmodeus who had a wide smile, showing off his sharp canines. Gabriel groaned, his wings twitching when pleasure filled his very being. Gabriel's callous hands gripped Rin's skin even harder that would eventually leave bruises on him. The Lust Prince purred at the sight, his two beautiful mates are the way he like them, together in a passionate embrace. The oldest of the three sandwiched Rin and not allowing him time to adjust before his own member slide in.
Rin gasped, tears welding up in his eyes from the new found pain conflicting with pleasure. Asmodeus then bit Rin's neck, forcing him to lay somewhat flat against Gabriel. The next thing Rin knew is Asmodeus starting to thrust; moans escaped him as Gabriel tilted his head slightly to see what the Lust Prince is doing. After a few minutes of studying the simple action, Gabriel mimics it causing Rin to arch his back even more.
Asmodeus spade tail tip lightly touches Gabriel's leg and when the Archangel looked at him with lust filed eyes and curiosity. Asmodeus shivered as his tail slipped inside of Gabriel. The Archangel bucked forward along with a gasp, Rin whined slightly, his body shook from the immense pleasure but somehow he knew the other lust demon won't let him cum just yet. Gabriel shallow breaths come out in puffs, his head moving back to bare his neck before the two demons. Asmodeus let's Rin's neck go and his forked tongue licked at the half breed blood. His smooth tail secreted clear liquid that smelled like roses as it pounded in Gabriel virgin hole.
"Ah…ha~" Gabriel moaned a bit too loudly, feeling the other two shift a bit where a forked tongue licked his throat.
"So beautiful…" Asmodeus whispered, scraping his sharp canines on Gabriel shoulder before biting it. Asmodeus purred, he has marked his mates and he is sure no one will take them from him. Pulling back the demon thrust even harder, making the youngest of the three give a cute squeak. The first to give was Gabriel and the two watched as his body shivered and his wings flexed open and closed repeatedly. His beautiful blend of color in his eyes seems to unravel a galaxy before they closed. Rin moaned louder when the Prince grabbed his tail, his skilled hands rubbing it and casing the youngest to see stars in his vision. His wings pressed against his back when his entire body shook when he finally released.
Gabriel slowly opened his eyes and the orbs fearfully glanced at his pearly white wings, as if he expected them to be gnarled with blood and bone sticking out of the flesh or their coloring has changed into a onyx one to signify he has fallen from god's grace. He seemed to give a breath of relief when he relaxed.
"See…" Asmodeus said pulling out of Rin, his tail moving a bit to catch his angelic partner gasp before it pulled out, "God made you for me…and Rin made him for us." The Lust Prince said and the Archangel only seems to nod.
"I guess you right…" Gabriel said, his breath still short. Rin purred as he rubbed himself against the Archangel.
"But were still not done…" Asmodeus said and the beautiful blend of colors in the angel's eyes stared at him, trying to unravel the hidden message. "We have a lot of catching up to do."
Mephisto quietly sips his tea, his ears twitching from the loud moans coming from one of the doors to his right and he looks slightly bothered. The demon placed the cup down and his green eye flickered upward to see another Archangel with sand colored hair and is staring at the door with what seems to be a subtle smile. "I am so glad to have helped." Mephisto said, his voice laced with sarcasm.
"At least my little brother isn't harming himself anymore as well his soul mates father so carefully put together." The angel said and looked back at Mephisto. The demon couldn't help but freeze under those eyes. They seem to pick out every little detail about Mephisto, making him feel like an open book once again.
"I assume you are here for a reason Michael?" Mephisto asked.
"Indeed, it's a message from my father to yours." Michael says and the greedy, purple hair demon paused and looked at him. God have always been discreet in what he does and whenever he calls on Satan means something is going to happen. Hopefully not another apocalypse… Mephisto thought as he recalls the arguments between the two. "My father is visiting Gehenna in seven days time…he wishes to have meeting with Satan to discuss over certain topics."
Author note: Here are Satan Children/Demon Kings from oldest to youngest along with their sins.
-Mephisto/Samuel - Greed
-Beelzebub - Gluttony
-Lucifer - ?
-Iblis - Lust
-Eign- Envy
-Azazel- Pride
-Astaroth- Wrath
-Amaimon- Gluttony
-Rin Okumora – Lust
-Yukio Okumora - ?
Suggestion's on what Yukio's sin could be? Because depending on it may influence the final chapter a bit. Thanks for reading and reviews are welcomed.