Author's Note: I do not own Fairy Tail or make a profit off of this.
Yay! Aren't you glad I have this up so soon? And I'll have chapter one of Stubborn Fairies up tomorrow!
This is just a short prologue to get the ball moving. I recommend reading both 'Thank You Juvia' and 'Rain' before this story so that you have some background on Gajeel and Levy's relationship.
Prologue: How To Propose To A Bookworm
Levy unlocked the door to Gajeel's house and let herself in. "Gajeel!" she called out, wanting to see if he was there or not. When there was no response she frowned. She was hoping that he would be there, and had no idea where he could be.
She threw her bag onto the couch and was about to make her way up the stairs when she noticed a book on the coffee table. She hadn't left any books in that room, so it was definitely strange. She had to find out what it was. Had she somehow convinced Gajeel to indulge in some reading?
She picked up the book and gasped in response to the title.
'Levy & Gajeel's Love Story'
Written By: Gajeel Redfox & Lucy Heartfilia
Illustrations By: Reedus Jonah
Levy's hands shook and she forced herself to sit down on the couch before opening to start reading.
I hear over and over again about 'Love At First Sight'. I'm not exactly an expert on love, I like to believer that I know it when I see it. And because of that I know that love at first sight isn't mandatory at all. All that is needed is for the two soul mates to meet, and no matter how bad their first interaction might've been, everything that happens after matters more. I've never seen this illustrated better than with two of my dearest friends, Levy McGarden and Gajeel Redfox….
The book continued on, explaining in detail the relationship between the two. Clearly Gajeel had helped in writing it. There were several things mentioned that Lucy had no way of knowing without his help. On the third page was a picture of Levy and Gajeel right before leaving to Tenroujima. Levy knew right away that Reedus had drawn it. On the fifth page was another portrait, this time of Levy and Gajeel when their relationship was first known throughout the guild.
But the picture on the seventh page was what took Levy's breath away. Gajeel was dressed up, like he was on their first date. And down on one knee. And in his hand was a small box with an engagement ring.
"Levy." his voice interrupted her, and she looked up to see the same exact sight right before her. Tears threatened to escape her eyes.
"Will you marry me?" he asked. Levy squealed in delight before jumping forward to hug him.
Please Review! Thank you
So, what did you think? Was it a good idea? I'm going to include the scene where Gajeel comes up with the idea and begins to ask for help during GAJEVY LOVE LOVE FEST! So look forward to that! (more information on my profile page)
Chapter One: Loss
The cramping was much worse than Levy expected. She winced in pain, cursing her body for making her feel this way. It wasn't good at all. And to be honest, it made the small woman worry. She'd never heard about pregnant woman cramping in this way, like she would during her period except worse. The books she read said that some was normal. But this was more than just 'some'.
"Hey shrimp. You okay?" her fiancé asked. Levy shook her head, telling him 'no'.
"I hurt and I don't think this is normal." she answered.