Zero sat in the back of the black SUV, staring at the tinted window that he couldn't even actually see through. He was lost in thought about all of his plans, and the failure that became of them.
His hands curled into fists, his bruised wrists pressing against the edge of his too-tight handcuffs. He hated Newton, he hated Giratina, but more importantly, he hated those children that stopped him. Specifically that strange boy with the black hair and the Pikachu. Why did Giratina trust him so much? No, not just Giratina, but that Shaymin seemed to as well. Why was that?
The SUV came to a sudden stop, and he jerked in his seat. Though he couldn't see into the front (they could still see him in the back through that stupid one-way window), he could hear a door opening and closing, and the sound of concerned, angry voices. It didn't really matter to him though.
What did concern him was the distinct gunshots from just outside. He heard screaming and yelling as gunfire was traded, until everything went silent.
He jerked back as the door flew open, revealing a rather young woman with twisted blonde hair hidden beneath a red and white cap. She regarded him coldly before asking, "You go by the name Zero, correct?"
"My name is Zero," he snapped back at her, jerking his head to get his white fringe out of his golden eyes.
She sighed and put a hand on her hip. "Whatever works. I'll get straight to the point. My boss has been watching you for a while, and he is very interested in your machine that was destroyed back there."
"Well it's destroyed, like you said." He didn't want anyone else to taint the Reverse World. It was so pure, and it was his. "I won't help you rebuild it to get back there."
"Back—oh no, you misunderstand, we have no interest in the Reverse World. It's a world of nothingness. We like this one." A smirk spread across her lips. "So, here's the deal, you give us your blueprints specifically for the part that can scan pokemon and copy their abilities, and you get to go free."
"If I don't?"
Her smirk turned into something that even made him feel a little sick. He recognized the sadistic pleasure behind it. After all, they say that psychopaths and serial killers are often the best profilers. The blonde nodded her head to someone else, and two men dragged Newton into view, their uniforms containing the same bright red R on it.
"Don't give them anything, Zero!" Newton yelled as he struggled. "It's much too dangerous!"
The woman moved, pulling something out of her belt. Zero winced at the gunshot, the sound so much louder when he wasn't protected by the car. His eyes went wide as he watched Newton fall to the ground, a puddle of red liquid pooling around his head.
"What have you done?!" Zero yelled as he jerked violently. He could wallow in his hatred of Newton, but seeing his mentor unmoving on the ground was something else all together.
"That's your other choice. You give us the blueprints that we know still exist, or you end up like that. I know he's the original creator, he'd be so much for valuable, but he's gone." She pointed the gun at him. "Don't think I won't do the same to you."
Zero slowly nodded his head, eyes locked onto Newton's still form. "They took my hard drives but my laptop was put in the truck following me. It's all on there."
"Good boy," she said, as if speaking to a small child. She nodded again to someone else, and two other grunts ran off. Zero could hear banging and shouting, and a few moments later, a man came back with his laptop.
"It's on there," Zero assured her.
"Show me." She turned on the laptop and shoved it towards him.
Though Zero's hands were clapsed together, he had enough mobility to type in his passwords and sift through his files to show her the blueprints of his machine. "Here, see?"
She eyed it for a moment before nodding and taking the computer. She passed it to another person, dressed with more white, much like herself, rather than the other people milling about in almost completely black suits. "Make sure it gets to the Doctor right away. Understand?"
"Yes ma'am!" The man hurried away and she turned back to face Zero, unlocking his handcuffs and helping him out of the car.
Zero looked around at the slaughter of the police and their pokemon around him. They clearly didn't stand a chance against this group, whoever they were. He'd been too lost in his own work to bother learning who all these different crime organizations popping up these days were.
He heard a click of a gun's safety, and paused in his steps, not bothering to look around at the blonde. "You're going to kill me now, aren't you?"
"Yes. It'll be quite the tragic scene. Everyone underestimated you, you and the corrupt cops that were here to help you. Everyone died in the shootout, even poor, innocent, Doctor Newton Graceland." It was so obvious that she getting enjoyment out of this, her tone left room for nothing but.
"Who are you?"
"Me? You can call me Black Tulip."
There was a bang and a split second later, everything went dark.
-The End-