Hey guys, sorry for posting another AN insread of a chapter but a reveiw i read brougt up good point ( sorry for the bad grammer but im tuping this on a phone at work). i have too many ideas going on in more then one story, so to fix this ive been rereading my stories and noted down the ideas/charaters/weapons and are going to wirte them into new stories or rewirte old ones. the effected stories are going to be Shades of Insanity, beatiful Ends chapters 11-23, Thors Blessing, Birth of the Legend, Loves son,

zues redeption whos evil, beautiful consequences, Revenge of the gods, and the beginning. some of the ideas will become one-shots or short stoeies set in the story Tales from the multiverse or become new stories. i will be rewirting chapters 11-23 in beautiful ends(update on that coming later). im bout half way done with it, the first story to go up will be tale from the mutliverse set in The Beginning (thors blessing rewirte) then a new chapter for some other story however that will come after this year ends as work is going to get very busy soon (within a week) so i see you soon. check my tettwer or my bio for more after tomorrow.