The Good Girl and the Bad Boy Boys
By Lady of Spain
Chapter 1: School Is OUT
Disclaimer: S. Meyer owns Twilight
A/N: This is a departure for Lady of Spain. This Jake is not the sweet, sympathetic character that I usually portray him as. In this story, he's a naughty boy, a big time player. Also, he and Bella are the same age. Enjoy!
Summary: Jake couldn't understand it. "What was the matter with her? His charm always worked on the other girls." And now, Paul had stepped in, and Bells was buying the freakin' womanizer's gentleman act. Jealousy and love were foreign concepts to Jake, but he was learning his lessons fast-the hard way.
Man, the wind was really blowing out there, rattling my windowpane, that and the damn thunder kept waking me up. Another crack shook the house. Uh-oh, that seemed awfully close. Soon I heard fire engines wailing in the distance, then they seemed like they were right on top of me.
It was no use shutting my eyes; I was wide awake now. I got up and padding out to the kitchen, went searching for a snack. I heard my dad snoring peacefully in his bedroom. I swear, a bomb could detonate, and my ol' man'd sleep right through it.
I made myself a sandwich from some leftover tuna, and carried it with me out to the living room, plunking down on the couch. An orange and yellow glow caught my eye, as I looked though the front window. I swallowed the bite that was stuffed in my mouth, and my eyes widened. Jeez, flames were reaching clear to the sky. It was some building on the other side of town right near the High School. Whatever it was, it was totally engulfed in flames.
When the last mouthful had passed down through my gullet, I shrugged my shoulders and went back to bed. None of my business; I had my own problems—girl problems—Gwen wasn't talking to me, but did I really care …nah! There were plenty of other fish in the sea.
That morning I got out of bed to get ready for school, and Dad was already up, talking on the phone. That was weird. He motioned to me, and I sat at the kitchen table, my knee bouncing in impatience. If he didn't get off the freakin' phone, I was gonna be late for class for the second time this week.
I sighed, and placing an elbow on the table top, rested my chin on my fist. He kept right on talking. I finally straightened in my seat and snapped my fingers. "I'm gonna be late," I mouthed at him.
He gestured again for me to stay seated. What the hell was goin' on? He hung up the phone—about time!
"Dad, wh—"
"Don't worry about school."
"But I'm gonna get detention again."
"There is no school, Son."
"Whaddya mean."
"I mean it burned down last night. Lightning strike."
School is out—all riiiiight!
Dad shook his finger at me. "I know what you're thinking, but the council is making a deal with Fork's High to see about taking all the La Push students in. Probably by Monday, you'll be back in class. So, don't go making any plans with those buddies of yours."
I slumped down in my seat. School's back in session—damn. Then a thought occurred tome. Wait a minute … hold the presses. That means I'll be at the same school as Bella. A grin settled across my face—yeah, things were certainly lookin' up. I was rising from the ashes.
Flashback, January:
Bella brought me some crippled dirt bikes to resurrect, and at the same time, repair her broken heart. Her boyfriend of eight months—whom I found out later was in fact, a cold one—moved away, leaving her devastated. I guess it was her way of avoiding thinking too much about him, because I couldn't imagine her actually riding on one—Carrie or Jan, yeah—Bella, no.
I'd had a crush on that girl … in my younger years, but that crush kinda changed when I got older and the girls on the rez took notice of my hotness. I soon discovered that they were putty in my hands and would let me do just about anything I wanted with them—and believe me, I wanted a lot!
It was fun, and I had no qualms about kissin' the girls and making them cry … first in ecstasy, and later in despair. But to get back to the subject at hand, it was nice getting a little closer to Bella. I minded my P's and Q's during the first few weeks, seeing as she was so depressed and all, but when she finally came alive again, it was hard to keep my hands off her. Didn't want to either.
We were walking along the beach, when she turned to me, that little frown line between her brows popping up. "Jake …please … can't you behave yourself for once?" She slapped at my arms.
"What? I just want to put my arm around you." That and a million other things related to skin contact.
"I know!"
"So, what's the problem? I'm not gonna try anything." Not today, anyway. Jeez, I'm not that desperate … yet.
"You just don't understand."
"I guess not. I don't see what's so freakin' bad about putting my arm around you."
Bella pushed me away. "How many times do I have to say this? Jake, you're my best friend, but that's all."
I smirked at her. "Yeah, you keep telling me that, but I know differently."
"In your dreams."
I brushed a loose tendril of hair away from her face. "You poor girl; you are sooo in denial."
My fingers got brushed away with a sharp smack. "And you, mister, are an egotistical jerk."
"Jeez, remind me to wear a suit of armor the next time I see you."
She huffed loudly, and started tramping toward her truck.
"Bells—wait! I'm sorry. I'll be good." But only for today. Cease fire ends at midnight.
Trotting after her, I spun her about to face me. "I gotta ask though, aren't you the least bit flattered that I find you attractive?"
"I can appreciate that. I just wish you'd act more like a gentleman."
"What'd be the fun in that?"
Her breath escaped in a great big puff. "You are incorrigible, you know that?"
"Yep, pretty much. But you can't deny, I'm pretty much irresistible too." I winked at her wickedly. "One of these days, Bells, one of these days ...
"In the meantime, let's go back to the house. I'll order us a pizza." I flashed her my puppy dog eyes. She answered by rolling hers.
I was back to my old tricks the next day, and she was performing evasive tactics … like a pro, I might add. Had to hand it to her though, she was good. She was also a puzzle to me … a challenge … and I loved challenges. I was a pillar of unflagging patience too. Sooner or later, my irresistible charm would wear her down, and her surrender would be sweeeeet.
We played attack and defense for the next week, and I hadn't gained any ground at all—not even an inch. Man, I never had this much trouble even with Gwen, and she was a holdout for quite a while. Come to think of it, I never did hit a homer with her … or did I? My list of conquests was so long, I was losing track.
Gwen … it was obvious that she was in love with me, but I didn't feel the same about her. She was just a distraction. I was up front with her. She knew where I stood; maybe she was hoping I would change my feelings. I didn't see that happening though. Right now, she was giving me the silent treatment, for all the good it did. She'd seen me with Bella, and her shoulder was ice cold ever since. I was too busy plotting my advances on my soon to be next in line, Bella Swan, to care.
At the end of the week, Bella had to go to Jacksonville during spring break to visit her mom. I was surprised at how much I missed her. Man, was I getting soft or what? That'd never happened before. Jan was gone a whole summer once, and that was when I took up with Carrie.
The two weeks dragged on, and I found myself feeling lonely. Jacob Black, lonely? Carrie dropped in one day, but I actually was annoyed that she came by. I told her I was busy, and didn't have time to spend with her. Maybe, that was impolite to put it mildly, but I was in no mood to hear her blather on about her new shoes, or the TV programs she was watching. The clueless girl even brought me some homemade cookies to soften me up—they were burnt—freakin' burnt. If she was gonna bring me cookies, they should've at least been edible.
Bella's cookies on the other hand were perfect in every way. Now, if only I could just make her pop her cookies.
I was really looking forward to Bella's arrival back in Forks. I enjoyed talking to that girl. It was fun to banter back and forth, and see how far my hands could encroach on her territory, if you get my drift. And yet, she wouldn't let me get away with a thing.
What was going on? Any other girl, I would've dumped by now, but there was just something about her. I couldn't stay away from that little brunette. Was I falling for her? If I had any sense, I'd erect (oh that word), a wall around my heart, or beat it pronto.
There was a great deal of drama during the last part of that time span. My wolfish ways around her became a reality, but she was pretty good with weird stuff, and accepted the fact that I was pretty shifty. I redoubled my efforts the first week she was back. That's when it all hit the fan.
A DVD was playing, and I guess she must've been cold or something, 'cuz we were snuggled on the couch … hey, she did the snuggling, so don't be pointing your fingers at me. Anyway, I tried to warm her up, by slipping my hands under the hem of her blouse. Jeez, you would've thought I was trying to get fresh. Okay … I was being fresh, but she would always call me on it. It was a game we played. Bella was the good girl; I was the bad boy. She'd huff and get all flustered, and I'd apologize. That was our routine. Not this time though ...
She stood up suddenly, knocking me sideways onto the sagging couch. "That's it," she shouted at me, her eyes shooting fiery darts at my head. "Jacob Black, you are such a jerk. I am not an international sport. You are not going to score with me. I am sick to death with your Roman hands, and your Russian fingers. You want to be naughty? Dial sluts R Us. Better yet, go hook up with Jan or Gwen, or that stupid Carrie. They're still drooling after you, and won't even put a dent in your piggy bank."
Glaring at me, she taunted, "You think I didn't know about them, or any of the other girls you've got on the side?"
Pushing myself up onto one elbow, I retaliated with, "Oh, c'mon, Bells. Don't be like that. I'm sorry. I'm just a guy. I'm always gonna try to push the boundaries; it's normal and natural. You need to let your guard down, and relax a little. And don't give me that holier than thou look either. I see how you devour me with your eyes. You can't deny it. I know you have hormones tucked away somewhere in that uptight body of yours."
Her lips formed a taut line, and she spouted. "I may have hormones, but I'm not a whore, and I don't intend to do any moaning around you. So go get a more cooperative female to satisfy your needs, because I'm leaving."
She started walking toward the door, then looking over her shoulder for a second, tossed out. "You are such a jerk."
Jiggling my head, I countered, "You already said that."
Her hands were on her hips in what she thought was a threatening pose. Phft! "Oh yeah, well I'm saying it again. Goodbye, Jacob!"
Phew! I could practically see the sparks flying. And dat was the name of dat tune.
Bella grabbed her sweater, and stomped off to the driveway. I yelled after her when she d slammed the door shut, "Go home to daddy, little girl. See if I care!"
I slumped back against the cushions of the couch. The problem was, I did care, more than I was willing to admit. I tried calling her several times that day, but she was curt, and hung up every time I got out a single syllable.
That night, I didn't sleep a wink. I kept thinking and thinking about Bella. What was wrong with her? My charm always worked on the other girls. Why was she so different? Paul once said that if you put a bag over their heads, they'd all be the same. Not this one! If I lived to be a hundred, I'd never figure her out. Jeez, I had to shut down my brain and get some shut eye.