One Piece: The Sting of Betrayal

This is my first time writing a fanfiction so I hope you guys like it. It's a Luffy x Nami fluffy story with a bit of drama mixed in. I am figuring this to be about 4 – 6 chapters long. Enjoy.

Inspired by: Cold words can make a cold heart by Flame-Fist-Ace

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or any of the characters.

Chapter 1: Secret Shared Feelings

It was another warm and sunny day on the Grand Line as the straw hat crew continued their journey. Their ship, The Thousand Sunny, shined like a jewel as it cut through the clam waves.

It was a quiet day for the straw hats. Since they departed Thriller Bark over 3 weeks ago, they had encountered no major obstacles or threats save the occasional rough spot or storm on the endless and chaotic sea.

Sitting atop the lion figurehead was the captain of the straw hats, Monkey D. Luffy. He was sitting in his favorite spot on the entire ship watching a school of dolphins swimming along in front of the Sunny. He tried a few times to grab onto one of the larger dolphins with his rubber arms but failed and eventually grew bored. He decided to return to the ship and see what his crew was up to. 'No, not my crew, my family.' He thought with a large smile on his face. This was true: everyone on this ship had a special bond with one another. However, there were a couple of people whose bond had the potential to become even stronger than that...

Luffy climbed to the top of the lion's head and surveyed his ship. He smiled grew even larger when he saw everyone. Zoro, the swordsman, lay snoring on the grassy lawn of the Sunny. Nearby Sanji, the love sick cook leaned against the stairs smoking a cigarette and hopelessly flirting with their archaeologist, Robin. She was mostly ignoring the cook while lost in one of her many books and stealing the occasional glance at the sleeping Zoro. Further up on the ship, on one of its balconies, stood the sniper Usopp and the ship's doctor Chopper. Chopper was in his deer form and Usopp was outfitting him with his latest invention, a chopper-sized slingshot called the Chopper Cannon.

Franky, the shipwright, was up in the crow's nest fixing a hole that Zoro had made in the wall and Luffy could hear the latest edition to the crew, the musician Brook, laughing somewhere on the deck near Usopp and Chopper. Finally, Luffy's eyes came to rest on the navigator Nami. The young woman was sitting on a folding lounge chair not far from where Luffy stood. She had dozed off while she was sunbathing. As he looked at her sparkling orange hair shining in the sun, he felt his heartbeat increase and a shallow blush come across his face. He stood there just looking at her for a long time. He knew that he had feelings for the young navigator. Every time he looked at her, he felt his heart race and he got a weird feeling in his stomach. Whenever she talked to or was near him, he felt happy. At first he wasn't sure why he felt this way but he got some advice from an unlikely source. Sanji and even Franky had helped him realize that he liked her as more than a friend. After the initial beating Sanji gave him for having "perverted thoughts" about his precious Nami-swan, Sanji had been very patient and helpful in helping Luffy understanding his new feelings. It took some time, but Sanji begrudgingly accepted the fact that his captain had a crush on his Nami-swan and he had more than enough respect for his captain to accept Luffy's feelings.

Luffy felt a small smile spread across his lips as he looked at Nami. He still wasn't entirely sure what love was but it if meant he got to spend more time with Nami, he was okay with it

'She's just so...pretty' he thought. In his eyes she was perfect.

His focus on Nami at that moment couldn't be broken. Not even by a loud voice screaming "INCOMING!"

Nami had spent the entire day lounging around doing nothing, and she loved it. The weather was perfect so she was able to kick back and take the day off. After double checking to make sure that they were still on course to the next island, Nami leaned back into her folding lounge chair and closed her eyes. The crew was pretty quiet this morning and she was taking full advantage of it. It would have been easier if she could get her mind off of Luffy.

She had been thinking about her young captain a lot lately. It started right after they left Skypeia and had gotten gradually worse as time went on. After spending breakfast sitting next to him and just watching him for most of the morning she was ready to relax. But she still wanted to be near him. So she picked up her chair and moved it to a sunny area next to his favorite seat. She secretly hoped he wouldn't notice and even more secretly hoped that he would.

She felt so safe and happy when she was near him. Like no matter what happened, as long as Luffy was there, everything would work out in the end. Sure she was mean to him and sometimes she hit him when he really didn't deserve it, but her heart melted every time he threw her his trademark smile. 'Come to think of it,' she thought 'His smile is one of the things I like most about him'.

She finally managed to doze off. She had a dream about the first time Luffy had come to her rescue. He had saved her home island and freed her from a life in servitude to the Evil Arlong. Even after she betrayed him and demanded he leave her alone, he risked his life to save her asking for nothing in return. He was her knight in shining armor, as long as he wasn't too distracted by the smell of cooking meat. That was his flaw: he was a moron and extremely childish. But he could always make her smile. Maybe that childishness was one of his best features?

She woke up in time to see Luffy standing on the top of the lion's head looking in her direction. 'Was he watching me sleep?' she thought as her face turned red and heart began beating a bit faster. She was about to say something when a loud noise broke her focus. It was a scream and it echoed across the ship: "INCOMING!" She blinked just in time to see a rock fly through the air and slam into the young captain's head. She watched in horror as Luffy's half-conscious body fell from the figurehead. "LUFFFFY!" she screamed as she jumped from her seat and tried running to the railing. All of her nervousness forgotten, she knew she had to see if he was okay. Instead, her foot got caught in her chair and she fell making a soft thud as she slammed into the deck. She quickly realized that the rock hit Luffy with such force that it knocked him right off the ship. Her eyes widened in terror as she knew he could swim. She screamed again as Zoro and Sanji appear out of nowhere ready to jump into the water after their captain "LUFFFYY!"

Dazed, Luffy didn't realize what happened at first. He heard voices that seemed very far away but one voice in particular stood out. "N..Nami...NAMI!" Her voice quickly brought him back to his senses and he extended his arm and to grab a hold of the side of the ship. His hand found purchase and he bounced against the hull of the ship as he hung there still dazed. "What the..hell was that?" was all that he could manage to mumble as he hung there. He suddenly realized that someone was pulling on his arm dragging him back up onto the deck of the ship. He was pulled up back onto the ship and was laid on the deck. He was vaguely aware that there were multiple people around him. He could hear voices but like Nami's they were very far away. He laid there for a moment before his senses finally began to return. He blinked a few times and the voices seemed to come closer.

"I think he's okay" one voice said as another one a bit more high pitched said "Thank goodness!" He finally pulled himself together and saw all of friends standing or kneeling around him looking down at him. 'Not my friends' he corrected himself for the second time 'My family.'

He sat up and saw Chopper standing in front of him. "Luffy. Are you hurt? Can you see alright?" The young reindeer was examining his head for any serious wounds.

Luffy smiled looking at the doctor. "I'm fine Chopper. That just caught me off guard a little." he laughed giving everyone his big goofy smile. "Umm... what caught me off guard anyway?"

The crew looked around. Franky, Brooke, and Zoro were already looking around for any kind of enemy ship but their search stopped when Usopp spoke up.

"Uhh... That was me.." He pointed to Chopper.

"WHAT?!" The reindeer exclaimed defensively. "How was it my fault?! You're the one that fired the shot!"

"Well you're guilty by association Chopper. Besides you WERE the cannon." Usopp pointed out as he laughed nervously as he laughed picking the cannon ball sized rock up off the deck. "Sorry about that Luffy. I didn't mean to hit you with it."

Nami couldn't believe her ears. She was kneeled next to Luffy with her hand on his arm. She tilted her head down so the shadows of her hair blocked out her eyes and moved her hand to the deck.

"Sorry? Sorry! Is that really all you can say Usopp?" she scolded in a soft tone.

"Nami?" Luffy asked as he looked at her. She looked into his innocent eyes and became even more enraged. She stepped in front of Luffy and glared at Usopp. This could have been disastrous and all he could say was sorry? What if Luffy had fallen overboard? What if Zoro or Sanji couldn't get to him in time? HER captain could have been hurt or even killed! She looked up at Usopp with fire in her eyes.


Sanji spoke up first. "Nami-swan please its okay. Mosshead or I would have gotten to him in time. Just calm down you are so angry that you're crying..."

She hadn't realized it at first but she was. She was in tears. She felt herself blush a little but she quickly wiped her tears and tilted her head down before anyone could notice. She was about to say something else when a calm voice from behind her appeared: "Nami." She felt a warm feeling engulf her head and she fell silent. It took only seconds for her to realize that Luffy had put his precious straw hat onto her head.

"Nami, it's okay." Luffy spoke calmly and with a big smile on his face. "Usopp didn't mean it and he said he was sorry."

"But Luffy..." She said quietly as she turned to face him.

He smiled and put his hand on her shoulder. Chills radiated through her body from where is hand touched her. "its okay." he repeated as he walked past her. "Usopp! I want to see the Chopper Cannon! It looked so awesome!"

Content that their captain was fine and a bit shocked at the navigator's outburst, the crew disbanded and went about their business. Nami stood there for a moment feeling the warmth of the straw hat on her head. She smiled after a moment. She LOVED having this hat on her head. She reached up and touched the brim of the hat. 'Luffy's most precious treasure...' She thought as her face turned even redder than before.

It took a moment before she realized that she had called him HER captain. 'My captain huh?' she thought as she walked back to fix her seat. She sat with a giggle running her fingers along the hat, "Yeah, I can live with that." she said aloud as she laid on the seat watching Luffy gawk at the Chopper Cannon.

She sat there for a moment before a tear rolled down her face. 'Oh who am I kidding?' She thought bleakly. He's too stupid to understand her feelings let alone share them. He had never shown the slightest interest in her as anything more than a friend and he probably never would. He had two loves in his life: His brother Ace, and his dream of becoming the King of the Pirates. There simply wasn't any more room for her.

She laid there for a while thinking about their past adventures until yet another loud noise broke the quiet aura of the ship. This time it was Franky who was back in the crow's nest.


Nami stood up to see. There was indeed an island on the horizon. That was their next destination. She could make out what seemed to be a decently size city on the beach of the island. 'Good.' She thought to herself as she packed up her chair. 'Maybe some shopping will help me get my mind off Luffy for a while...'

End of Chapter 1

There's the end of Chapter 1. If you are wondering, the Chopper Cannon is a little more powerful that a standard naval cannon. Chapter 2 will be up soon. Please review and I am always open to constructive criticism.
