Ch 4: Ripped shirts and promises

WARNING: IT GOT A LITTLE STEAMY I'M SORRY (not sorry). You should probably expect to see another chapter of this later on today. I mean I did get them a little frisky and i left off not so nicely, but oh well. It's halfway between PG-13 and R. Soooo teens are strongly cautioned. It gets a little risqué down at the bottom there.

"You smell like shit, Zoro!" Sanji held his nose with his finger and his eyes were misting with disgust.

"Fuck you, curly brow! You try working out for an hour and see if you stay smelling like a princess!"

"At least I bathe on a regular basis, you neanderthal."

Zoro crossed his arms and glared at the cook. "I bathe!"

"Yeah," Sanji's laugh was a little nasally from him holding his nose, "weekly. Maybe." His left hand reached for the orange hoodie Zoro was taking off.

The swordsman gave him a wary, unimpressed look.

Sanji titled his head back and shouted, "P.U.!"

Zoro growled, furious. An idea popped into his grass-covered brain. He grinned evilly. The marimo darted forward, grabbed the cook, and twisted him so that now Zoro was behind him.

The swordsman grabbed the collar of the cook's blue and white baseball tee and tugged gently. "Now what, cook?" He sneered into the blond's ear.

Sanji blushed. "A-asshole! Don't even think—"

Zoro tore the fabric, now exposing a pale arm and rosy nipple. His shit-eating grin grew wider.

"Bastard! You'll pay for that!" Sanji screeched with his blush now staining his ears.

Though that's what the cook was saying, he yanked on their chain and rushed into the bathroom. He threw Zoro forward and then slammed the door shut.

The kelp-brained idiot raised an eyebrow.

"Turn around, shit-head." Sanji had turned around to face the wooden door.

A voice whispered huskily into his ear, surprising him and sending a chill down his spine, "What if I don't want to?"

"G-gah! Bastard! What the fuck you think you're doing?!"

Zoro put his body flush to Sanji's back and growled sensually into the cook's ear again, "Taking your clothes off... What does it look like?"

Zoro noticed that the cook's neck was red now too. The pale, thin neck suddenly looked appetizing so the marimo suckled on it.

"A-ah! Knock it off shitty swordsman!" Sanji's spine arched into Zoro's back.

"Why?" The swordsman's hands travelled lower and unclasped the cook's jeans.

"B-because! I need to make dinner!"

Zoro smiled into the cook's deliciously pale neck. "And if I make you late...?" His hands started working the jeans down those slim hips and round ass.

"No booze!" The cook threatened weakly as he tried to keep sounds from escaping his lips.

"Hmm... No booze..." The swordsman voice rumbled against Sanji's sensitive skin.


Zoro's big hands kneaded at Sanji's thighs and even caressed his butt. The cook keened. "M-marimoooo—" he moaned.

The swordsman chuckled and lightly bit at Sanji's earlobe as he lifted up the cook's legs one at a time to slide the jeans off.

"No, seriously—"

Zoro pressed his lips against the vein at Sanji's throat, an erogenous zone for the cook.

The blond's hips thrust back unintentionally as Zoro's hands ran over the lower part of his body and teased at the waist of his boxers.

"So, cook, we haven't done it in a while..."

"Bastard..." Sanji groaned.

"Wanna do it now?" He grinned mischievously.

"No!" The cook squawked, "Not in here!"

The swordsman pouted. "Then when?"

"L-later! When we don't have this chain in the way!"

"Promise?" The hazel eyes narrowed.

Sanji angled his head to look back at the marimo. "Yes, yes, I promise! Now let go already, you big oaf!"

Zoro pouted some more. His hand left Sanji's boxers to grip the cook's neck. He leaned forward to smash their lips together.

Zoro licked the cook's lips for permission. The lips opened and Zoro stuck his tongue in to map the blond's mouth. Their tongues fought shortly, before Zoro won out and continued memorizing the inside of Sanji's mouth.

"Ngh... Nnh..." Sanji panted heavily when they broke for air, a thin trail of saliva connecting their mouths.

"P-promise..." The blond moaned.