Inspired by art/Handcuffed-266913316

It all started with a dare.

A dare, in retrospect, that Sanji should have refused on the spot. Even if it was his lovely Nami-swan that dared it in the first place.

Because being handcuffed to Zoro for 24 hours was just simply not an option. Ever.

The gang sat in a circle on the lawn of the Sunny playing Truth or Dare. So far, Sanji had been going with truths. Come to think of it, ALL of them were going with truths.

Who could blame them, though? Nami-san was playing after all.

"Alright, Usopp," Nami grumbled tiredly (she was having no fun with all this honesty), "truth or dare?"

"Truth," the long-nose replied unsurprisingly.

Nami sighed. Suddenly her face lit up and a cat-like grin spread across her face.

Usopp gulped.

"When all of this is all over, are you gonna ask Kaya to marry you?" Nami smirked.

Usopp had her desired reaction, however. His face flushed beet red and he started sputtering.

"Come on, Usopp," she teased, "tell us."

"… I…" The long-nose blushed even deeper if that was possible, "I would like to marry her, yes."

"Ah-ha! I knew it!" Nami cheered.

Uh oh, Everyone else thought.

Before this, all the truths had been innocent, non-embarrassing questions. Now, it seemed, that Nami was stepping up her game to the VERY embarrassing questions.

Usopp swallowed and looked over at Sanji. "Sanji…?"

The cook shrugged, "Let's change things up a bit; dare."

Nami squealed excitedly and whispered into the liar's ear.

Usopp suddenly looked VERY nervous.

The cook raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"I— um— I give my turn to Nami," the long-nose said shakily and without looking at the cook.

"I dare you to do a bet with me," she drawled. Her face was the picture of pure evil.

Sanji paled.


"But, not yet," she smirked, "Zoro," she practically sang.

The marimo looked at her with suspicion. "What is it?"

"I'll cut your debt in half if you do this bet with Sanji-kun and me."

"… What's the bet?"

Nami smiled. "I bet you two can't go 24 hours handcuffed together without killing each other."

Zoro raised a brow. "Sounds easy enough," he shrugged and took a drink from the saké bottle in his hand.

Sanji stared at him with his mouth agape.

Oh hell to the no.