The final piece, sadly.
"Mmm. Korra."
"You like that?"
"Don't stop."
"How about this?"
"Oh, yes! Faster!"
"I don't think I can!"
"Don't you dare stop!"
"I'm sorry, but I can't keep this up." Korra collapsed onto the ground spread-eagle, her cheek pressing into the cool wood of the bedroom floor. Sweat was pouring down her shoulders and face, dripping with soft sounds. She ached to remove her bindings which kept her upper half from being bare but she couldn't find the energy to move. She'd have to move her girlfriend as well.
"That was only three hundred! You said you could do six easily!" The heiress was still perched on the Avatar's back, her legs crossed. She took a swig from the bottle in her hand, her eyes still raking over Korra's slick muscles.
"You kept telling me to go faster!" The water bender was still out of breath, her voice rather hoarse.
"You gave no stipulation and you acted like you were some sort of push up champ. This should have been no challenge for you."
"You're just mad because you can't watch my muscles anymore." Korra didn't even have the energy to look back and wag her eyebrows. Her voice was muffled by the floor.
"I was enjoying the show. I'm not mad though. I won the bet." She grinned triumphantly before draining the rest of her drink, tossing it carelessly behind her. It didn't break however, made from some sort of new material that could handle impact better than glass. The Avatar groaned beneath her girlfriend.
"C'mon! That's not fair! You made me go faster!"
"Fine, you big baby. If you can do ten more, we'll call it a tie."
"What do I get out of a tie?"
"I'll take a day off from work on any day of your choosing and you can plan the whole day."
"What do you get out of it?"
"Besides a wonderful day with my girlfriend?"
"What do you want, Asami?"
"You have to be my date for the Cabbage Corp gala next month."
"I hate those things. You know I do. Those old men are awful. And the food is bad."
"Take it or leave it, Avatar." Korra sighed, causing the nonbender to grin. The water bender struggled back into position, her arms and legs shaking. The alcohol was really taking its toll this time. She was drenched from head to toe in sweat, a headache beginning to throb behind her eye. She managed three rather pathetic push ups before having to rest a bit, bending her knees as much as possible without breaking the form. Asami grinned wickedly, running her hands up and down the younger woman's back. Her touch was light, her fingernails scraping with purpose. The bender nearly slid and hit her face when the heiress' hands began to creep forward and down, crossing her collarbone and then the top of her bound breasts.
"You're cheating."
"I don't know what you're talking about. My hands slipped." Korra managed three more before Asami struck again, this time abandoning the accident pretense entirely and boldly grabbing her girlfriend's chest roughly from behind. The move sent the Avatar to the ground entirely as she groaned. Pleased with her victory, the young tycoon began to press kisses up and down the long expanse of skin before her. She switched positions, throwing her legs out behind her as she moved up the waterbender's back.
"What was the original bet?"
"I don't remember. I'll settle for a prize right now though."
"More drinks?"
"I was thinking of more of a mutually beneficial prize."
"Body shots?"
"You're awfully close."
"Why are you still smart? Drunk people aren't smart." Asami laughed, pressing a final kiss to the Avatar's shoulder before rolling off of her. She nearly hissed as her overheated body hit the cold floor. "Just tell me." The heiress sighed deeply, stretching an arm up to grab another bottle, knocking over several empty ones in the process. She took a long drink, still staring at the prone bender. "Tell me." The engineer kept drinking, her lips turning up as Korra became increasingly irritated. She was half way through her second bottle before the Water Tribe woman pounced, yanking the drink out of Asami's hand as she straddled her. She just barely avoided banging her shoulder on the table.
"What?" Korra finished off the new, strange fizzing drink before throwing the bottle on to the table. She leaned close, her nose brushing Asami's.
"You're warm."
"You're burning up."
"No, you idiot." The Avatar barely had time to screw her face up in anger before the heiress gave a dazzling, albeit dopey smile. "You're my idiot though." The drunk bender took a moment to process but quickly relaxed, moving to settle in the crook of her girlfriend's neck. Asami had other ideas, however, wrapping her arms around Korra's neck and pulling her into a searing kiss. The nonbender had switched her attention to the side of her girlfriend's face, lavishing attention on Korra's ear when the twenty five year old stiffened.
"OH! I get it!" Asami couldn't help her eye roll as she continued to nip and lick at her favorite spot. Her ministrations sent Korra back to shivering.
"Took you long enough." The businesswoman managed a quick grin as she realized that her breath against the bender's damp skin had made her finally snap. Korra groaned deeply before standing, pulling her girlfriend with her. Asami wasn't sure how she had been picked up off the floor but she found that she didn't care as she landed rather hard on the couch. Korra didn't even bother walking around the table, opting to leap over it after the engineer, settling again over her hips. The Avatar wasted no time, ridding herself of her bindings as she burned kisses down the nonbender's throat. "Mmm. Korra." The waterbender slid down her girlfriend's form, giving herself access to the heiress' lower half. Her hands settled at Asami's hips before she began to release the taller woman's hips from her pants, too impatient to bother with the rest of her clothing. Korra had barely begun to undress her girlfriend, however, when she found herself on the floor and covered with a blanket as Asami stalked to the door.
"What are you doing?!" Though rather peeved and confused, the waterbender was still entranced as her girlfriend walked, her pants hanging loosely from her hips.
"Answering the door of course."
"Did you drink cactus juice when I wasn't looking? There's no-" Korra's mouth hung open as the heiress opened the door, revealing a gangly airbender. Jinora stiffened as she took in Asami's appearance. She was free of her usual makeup and clad in a tight fitting tank top, her pale hipbones visible as her pants sagged. The flustered teen blushed further as she looked back up, catching the older woman's knowing smirk.
"Hey, Jinora. What brings you here?" The eighteen year old took a deep breath, settling herself before speaking. Her cheeks remained a bright red as Asami continued to grin at her.
"I…um…wanted to talk to you."
"Go away. We're busy." The nonbender whirled around and launched the object nearest her, a small decorative blown glass orb that had been resting on the table just outside the door. She also snagged Jinora's collar without looking, halting the teen from escaping. Korra caught the projectile with some quick airbending, but only just.
"Ignore, Korra. Please come in, Jinora." Asami practically dragged her into the room, depositing her on the couch she and the Avatar had just departed. One sharp look sent the waterbender scrambling off of the floor and onto the farthest cushion, grumbling as she did. "So, what did you want to talk about?" The industry magnate had settled beside the young airbending master, their knees touching as Asami leaned closer in interest. Jinora's eyes widened as her gaze roved the room, noticing the mass amount of "Fireflake Fizz" around the room. As far as she knew, the drink was rather weak as alcohol went but the bottles littering the room made that point moot.
"Well…uh…is this really the best time?"
"Not at all. Please leave so Asami and I can have sex." The eldest of the trio socked the Avatar in the bicep, sending her back to her end of the couch pouting and clutching her arm, and placed a firm hand on the air bender's shoulder, keeping her from rising and leaving.
"Korra, shut up." The aforementioned held her blanket closer to her bare chest, glaring at the duo at the end of the couch, several rude and not so quite remarks issuing from her lips. "Please, Jinora, what is it?"
"It's about Kai." Korra leaned back over the headrest groaning, the movement allowing her to avoid the pillow her girlfriend had launched at her. Asami smiled encouragingly at the teen, who continued rather shakily, her face flushing further. "Well…I kind of….want to.."
"Spit it out!"
"I'm sorry. Please continue, Jinora." The girl didn't think she had ever heard a more insincere apology. She normally would have volleyed back some rude words but she knew better than to end up in a face off against a drunk Avatar.
"I want to have sex with Kai."
Thunk. The water bender had flipped herself over the armrest in shock. Asami's eyes were wide as saucers, though she attempted to mask her surprise as quickly as possible.
"Well…what's the hold up?"
"NO. NO. We're not having this conversation! Tenzin will murder me!" Korra had recovered from her fall and now stood at the end of the couch sans the blanket, sending Jinora into a coughing fit. The heiress' pats on the teen's only furthered the teen's discomfort, leading her face to be the darkest scarlet.
"He doesn't seem to…want to?" The airbender's voice was thick with hurt when she finally regained her breath. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head however when she found herself tucked very tightly against Asami's side. She had thrown an arm around her shoulders and brought her close, laying her cheek on top of her head.
"Jinora, I'm sure he wants to. I bet he's nervous, just like you. You haven't said anything about it to him?"
"Have you been waiting for him to make the first move?" Jinora nodded but froze when she realized what she was brushing as she moved.
"You should initiate then."
"But…but what if he doesn't…" The teen found it hard to speak again, her throat closing with the weight of what had been troubling her. Korra settled at the air bender's other side, having gained enough sense to cover herself up, again dressed in her bindings. Her opposition to the topic of conversation fell to the wayside at the way the girl was obviously hurting.
"Jinora. He wants to." She looked up, not having noticed the Avatar's appearance.
"How do you know?"
"It's the way he looks at you." Her gaze returned to Asami as the nonbender spoke. "Jinora, you're beautiful. Stunning. That's what's worrying you, isn't it? You won't disappoint him." The teen looked down at her hands in her lap, her fingers twisting and turning around each other anxiously.
"Hey, how do you think I felt?" The waterbender smiled slightly as she noticed that the girl had turned the tiniest bit toward her. "Look at Asami! She's not even wearing makeup and just…wow. I couldn't even dream of her wanting me that way. It seemed completely crazy! But it turned out…" Jinora's head had popped back up as she listened intently.
"I felt the same way. I had never met anyone as beautiful as Korra before. So exotic. Oh, there are loads of waterbenders and Water Tribe descendants in the city, but Korra…There's no comparison. He loves you, Jinora. That's most of it, but I know he wants you too. You're a little exotic yourself." Asami's wink caused another burst of color across the teen's cheeks.
"Thanks you guys. I really appreciate it." She gasped as she found herself in a tight hug, dark and pale arms wrapped around her. The embrace lasted several beats too long for the airbender, telling herself that it just had to be the alcohol, though she barely believed it. She managed to wiggle her way out, jumping over the table to gain a modicum of space, taking a deep breath. "I'll leave you guys to it!" She managed a wink, her usual self returning as she practically strutted out the door. She wasn't half way down the hall before she began to hear the moans.