It had been a long shift for Karl Crawford. He had always fancied himself as a personal body guard, probably due to how romantically they are portrayed on the silver screen, but there were no sunglasses and packing heat with this job. He had been one of the specially selected and trained body guards for Olivia Bowen for coming up to seven years. When he was initially approached for the position Karl thought himself fortunate, minimal risk with an extraordinary pay check, but the truth had always been that he had been in the business for the excitement. Stood outside a middle aged woman's bedroom door of her stately home in the south of England for ten hours just didn't cut it.

Karl's needlessly expensive watch beeped as the many clocks in the house chimed seven. That was their cue. Catching the site of his colleague to the open door to his left, Karl turned and walked to the open door on his right. He heard the tell-tale click of the handle of the door that he had been stood in front of all night. "Good Morning Ms Bowen." Karl said in his softest voice without turning to acknowledge his boss' presence. That's the way she liked it, for him to concentrate on his job.
"Morning Karl." The voice came over his shoulder. The bodyguard continued to walk ahead at the regulated steady pace, in time with the soft metronome in his ear piece. Karl stopped by his appointed door and swung it open on the twentieth second. With an exact five second glance around the spotless bathroom, he stepped back for the entry of Ms Bowen. Five more seconds later the door was locked from the inside. Karl glanced at his watch retaking up his protective stance in front of the now locked door.

07:01:00 – The shower was turned on.

07:01:30 – Ms Bowen had just opened the bathroom window exactly ten point five inches.

07:01:50 – Ms Bowen got in the shower.

07:02:00 – Ms Bowen drew the shower curtains.

07:11:30 – Ms Bowen turned the shower off.

07:12:00 – Ms Bowen drew the curtains.

07:12:01 – Ms Bowen screamed.

Karl barely registered the scream before he felt himself swivel, take a step back and put his full weight on his foot as he brought it into contact with the old door. As the wood splintered at the lock, his colleagues were already behind him coming from both left and right. Karl instincts led him straight to Ms Bowen to check her safety, but her look of horror whilst clutching the shower curtain directed to the wall confused him somewhat. Behind him, he heard at least one of his colleagues retch and Karl knew he didn't want to see what everyone else was seeing. Fighting the urge to turn and run from whatever horror was in that room, his head slowly swiveled to the right to find what was at the end of everyone else's eye line.

Karl Crawford was a long way from the stately home in the south of England that he thought he was at.