Chapter 5:

A Linen Thread

Gabriel wasn't nervous. He didn't do nervous. He hadn't been nervous since he had tried to ask Cindy Thatcher to the Freshman dance back in High School, he was a man of confidence and self worth. But damn it all if the world didn't feel unsteady that next day as the hours ticked by at a snail's pace, and though he didn't pace because that was something nervous people did, he caught himself flitting aimlessly back and forth when he failed to keep himself busy. Sam Winchester didn't make him nervous, nobody did.

But the man caught himself staring at his phone more often than he would have cared to admit, staring openly at the images that had been sent to him the previous night. That body was so incredible he didn't know what to do with himself, he didn't know why Sam wanted him at all. Sam was a beautiful man and Gabriel was…old, pudgy, and poor. What wormhole had he fallen in to make such a beautiful man send him pictures like that?

To ease his not-nervousness he busied himself with cleaning his apartment. It had been a bachelor pad for so long he wasn't sure where to begin or how. The only humans who came up to his apartment were Crowley, and the occasional one-night-stand. Sure there had been the rare time when someone would come back for seconds, but this was the first time Gabriel was the one to invite them over. So he cleaned, vacuumed, tidied up, and fussed about in an effort to kill time and save face.

Since the night previous, Gabriel's mind had swam with mixed thoughts about what Crowley had told him and what his body so obviously wanted.

To have a sub again… To have Sam as his sub… Gabriel could wax poetics about that boy's ass until his dying breath, and to have that all to himself? He stared at the picture on his phone, wondered if he could get them printed and blown up and put in his bedroom so he would never need another dirty magazine again.

Once his apartment was cleaned he still had hours left before Sam was due to show up. He made his way into his bedroom and went to his trunk, curious. He had Sam wanting, understanding what he was getting himself into. Tonight he would push the man, try new toys and start to figure out what he could handle, what he would be shy about, and what he'd dislike. From within the old box he pulled out a riding crop, twelve inches, black, leather handle, stiff, with a flattened end. Her sister was similar, save for the tip having small ridges to create a sharper sting. He set those aside and pulled out a paddle, fifteen inches, lightweight wood wrapped in rubber with three holes to prevent wind resistance.

The plug he'd used on Sam during his last visit was pulled out next, six and a half inches, silicone with a vibrating core, an inch and a half at its widest point. The next one was set a size up at eight inches long and two inches thick at the base, and had one side ridged and made to stimulate the prostate mercilessly. The final one had only been used perhaps twice, at ten inches long and nearly three inches thick at the base. It wasn't really made for pleasure, or punishment, and had only been taken by a truly hungry sub he'd had long ago.

Next was the Shibari rope, thirty-five and a half feet of white nylon, silky smooth to the touch. He wondered if that would be enough to properly tie up a man as big as Sam, or if he would have to consider getting a longer length.

He had three kinds of gags, the first a standard long cotton cloth with elastic ends and a clip instead of a tie. The second a ball gag, the bit two inches in circumference with holes for breathing more easily, and elastic bands with a buckle for securing. The third was his personal favorite and used primarily for training, the bit was a two and a half inch silicon dildo with the same bindings as the ball gag, used to help subs get used to the sensation of having something in their mouths while their Dom was free to do other things.

Attached to the side of the trunk was a selection of smaller items including pairs of nipple clamps, some teethed, others flat. Coiled leashes, one chain, one leather, the last rope. A metal chastity guard which wrapped around the penis and testicles and punished a man's erection with discomfort. Small vibrators of various size and use. The blindfold he'd used on Sam before, a simple black fiber that was convexed to fit to the natural curves of the face.

Gabriel lost track of time as he worked his way through the various objects and toys in his trunk, checking each one over and greeting it like an old friend. He never understood why people saw sexual toys as something to be ashamed of or secretive about, they were devices designed to create pleasure and stimulate the body. Settled in the lid of the trunk were sanitizing wipes, however when he opened this the wipes were dry and he had to toss them out. He went down to the bar to grab a fresh box from the kitchen and went to work cleaning each item carefully.

He was so engrossed in his work that he actually jumped when his phone buzzed to life beside him. He glanced down and felt his heart beating uneasily as he set down the plug and wipes and picked up his phone. The text was from Sam, [I'm outside.]

He stood up quickly and fretted for a moment about putting everything away and getting downstairs in a reasonable time but he paused. The tools of his trade were laid out immaculate and organized around where he'd been working, and this way Sam would get to see each of them. He would get to ask questions and that was important for making sure he felt safe and secure with everything. He left them out, fixed his appearance in the mirror and went down to greet the man.

When he opened the door from inside the bar, Sam waited on the sidewalk, staring across the street. He turned and Gabriel felt his mouth go dry again. Sam was wearing a tight black tee that accentuated every appealing part of his torso and a faded unbuttoned plaid jacket with slimming black jeans that took Gabriel's eyes on a ten-mile run up and down.

"You gonna stare all night? It's a bit chilly you know." Sam said, his voice sly.

Gabriel snapped himself back to reality and stumbled as he moved aside, quietly cursing himself. He closed the door behind Sam and swallowed hard, "You want something to drink, Gorgeous?" He asked, his dominant voice failing as his eyes latched onto the well-framed ass sauntering across the floor.

"I wouldn't turn one down." Came the reply. The taller man walked towards the counter and pulled down a stool with one arm, and the sight of his muscles working had Gabriel entranced. How amazing they looked when the man was tied up, when they flexed but couldn't break him free.

The bartender sauntered behind the counter, "Give me one minute." He said and quickly ducked into the kitchen. It was a small space, he rarely cooked more than simple foods after all, but off to the side was a washroom and he scrambled inside. Gabriel stared at himself in the mirror and turned his gaze hard on himself, "Ok Novak," he whispered to his reflection, "Stop acting like a horny teenager. You've banged plenty of hot ass before, and sure Sam looks like he belongs on the cover of an Abecrombe magazine, but this is no different. You're going to go out there, you're going to get him hungry for you, then you're going to give him everything he wants ten times over." He nodded to himself, taking a clearing breath.

As he moved back out to the main room he grabbed a bottle of brandy and stepped back out to face Sam. Feeling more confident in himself he offered the younger a smile as he stepped close, "You know Sam, you should drop being a lawyer." He said as he grabbed a glass and filled it one third, sliding it to Sam before he poured a glass for himself. At the other's confused look he smirked, "You could make so much more money modeling. Hell you could go into acting no problem."

Sam scoffed a laugh as he took up the glass and took a sip, "You know, funny story about that." He said, and Gabriel unabashedly locked eyes with the man and held that hazel gaze until it slowly lowered in submission, "Uh…when I was about nineteen, my brother and I did an audition just for kicks. For some new show at the time. We got offered the lead parts, but I was just about to start school and my brother said that we should risk our future for something that probably wouldn't pan out."

Gabriel raised his brows, "No shit. What was the show, I'm something of a TV enthusiast."


The bartender nearly choked on his drink, "No shit?" He asked once he was sure he wouldn't cough, "I love that show."

The younger grinned and chuckled, "Yeah. I mean, I'm glad I didn't take it. I love what I do. They ended up giving the part to some guy, Jared Padalecki." He shrugged, "I don't think acting would have been for me."

"Well you're a good deal hotter than Jared, I'll give you that much." Gabriel winked and Sam smiled shyly.

Sam smiled, "Thanks." He finished off his drink, "So you have anything planned for tonight?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. But it's mostly going to be up to you." Gabriel finished his drink as well and set both of the glasses on the back counter before walking around towards Sam, "Come here, Gorgeous." This time there was firmness in his voice, and when he met Sam's gaze, the larger man all but scrambled to move towards him and looked eager to please. Once the other was standing in front of Gabriel he nodded, "Tonight we're going to test your boundaries a bit. We're going to have a lot of fun ok?" Sam nodded eagerly, "Now then, when we get up to my apartment, we're going to do like we did last time ok? You're going to strip down naked, then you'll undress me. Good?"

Sam nodded again, then at Gabriel's stern gaze he cleared his throat, "Yes. That sounds good."

With the night's activities decided, Gabriel nodded and stepped back, then turned and led Sam up to his apartment. The taller man stumbled slightly over the lip at the door and gave his Dom a slightly nervous smile, but why would Sam be nervous? Well, Gabriel knew the answer to that question, and knew he had a lot of making up to do. "It's alright Gorgeous." He said softly, closing the door behind them, then turned Sam to face him, "Everything's ok."


The moment Sam had seen Gabriel's soft fact greet him at the door he felt a knot of unease loosen in his stomach. There was a large part of him that was pissed at this, because he was angry at the man and only there to repay him the dues owed. He only hoped that it worked in the end, however judging by the possessive nature of the texts he'd gotten back the night before he was having fewer doubts about that. So he smiled and let the relaxed part of himself take over, teasing and talking. It was the first time the two of them had really spoken one-on-one, without other bar patrons or sex in the way.

It was unnerving how easily he slipped into his role. Not just as a sub, but as someone who was so enthralled by Gabriel's presence; he hung on the man's smiles, the way he spoke, and how his eyes would lock onto Sam and not divert an inch. And for the first time it was all for Sam. How could he not get sucked in?

With his mission in mind, however, he knew that he had to do everything in his power to impress the Dom that night. From the way he dressed (and he was well aware how well those jeans of his fit) to the way he walked, and he planned to give himself over to anything Gabriel asked. So that meant that the moment the door was closed behind him, he worked his shirt off and folded carefully, setting it on the folding chair beside the door. Next was his shoes, then socks, then he began to work off his belt. His eyes turned up to Gabriel's, the honey shade having darkened with lust as he watched Sam's every move with hunger that made Sam's skin heat up.

Once his pants were folded and set aside he stepped forward to start undoing Gabriel's buttons when a pair of hands wrapped around his wrists. Sam glanced up curiously, "Hold on Gorgeous. There's something I want to do first." He gently guided Sam towards the couch and settled down with his knees apart and had Sam sit on the floor, facing him, between the man's knees. Unsure of the situation, Sam leaned in to nuzzle Gabriel's inner thigh, making the man sigh before he threaded fingers in Sam's hair and guided his attention.

"We'll get to that in just a minute. But I want to talk to you first." The words were spoken softly, and Sam was unable to look anywhere but those amber eyes. There was unease and uncertainty mixing within him, but he remained quiet.

"First I want to apologize. I was an ass to you before, Sam. I'm not used to people…wanting me. I've convinced myself that I've been out of the game for too long, that I'm not good for anyone. But I did mean one thing; I'm not looking for a relationship. I'm not looking to start training subs again either but I'm willing to make one exception for you to be my sub… If you want that." He spoke with sincerity and firmness that let Sam know on no uncertain terms that he was serious, and he was nervous.

The words set the unease in Sam's stomach roiling from the implications. He had come with a proverbial knife in his pocket and here he sat getting the most sincere apology he'd ever had in his life. He was unsure of what to say, and the words were still processing, so to buy himself time he spoke before he could stop himself, "What would that mean exactly? What's the difference between that and a relationship?"

Gabriel smiled like he was glad for the question, his thumbs smoothing softly over the curve of Sam's cheek bones, "Well, technically it's different for everyone. But in this case, it would mean that the two of us would enjoy the pleasures of one another's bodies as Dom and sub, but we would still be free to see other people or pursue relationships. It could be called off at any time, and you wouldn't take on another Dom nor I another Sub without full disclosure and consent of the other person." He took a breath, considering what appeared to be a mental checklist, "I would train you and you would be welcome to come here whenever you'd like."

This caused Sam to raise a skeptical brow, "That sounds like 'friends with benefits.'" He said flatly.

"Yes and no… I wouldn't consider myself your friend, and I wouldn't want you to consider that of me. I would be your Dom, a safe and consenting sexual partner. Think of it like the law of roommates. You don't become roommates with someone you're friends with before, it can cause a rift. Instead you want to become friends with your roommate after becoming aware of the bounds of living with one another." At Sam's scrutinizing look he chuckled, "We would learn each other in an intimate fashion before really becoming friends. It's why 'friends with benefits' rarely works."

"And that's it?" Sam asked, unsure of what to think of this complicated sounding arrangement.

Gabriel shrugged, "That's it. I can draw up a contract if you want, fully stating the bounds of the arrangement."

"A contract?" That sounded ridiculous.

"Some Dom/sub couples do that. It's a way of cementing the do's and dont's of the parties involved. A way of making them feel safe." Gabriel said, "Look, Sam I take this seriously. This would be something deeper than friendship and I would love the opportunity to pamper you properly. You would be something very special to me, Sam. If you want it."

The sudden intensity of Gabriel's gaze was enough to make Sam's stomach clench. He was overwhelmed by the sudden power of how much he wanted this, leaning up. "Would uh…would kissing be off limits?"

The man chuckled, an amused sound. "You like kissing don't you. Oral fixation maybe?"

"I uh…like the feeling. The connection." He said, his voice thicker than he had been hoping.

Gabriel smiled and leaned down. Their mouths slotted together in an easy kiss and it was easy to let Gabriel take control, to lean over Sam and make him feel small and reliant upon this man's power. He let it wrap around him and comfort him as his hands settled on Gabriel's knees, slide down his shins as he felt himself giving up that control. A tongue swept over his lips and he opened up easily, letting the man inside to taste him. When they broke the other man was smiling, slightly smug, "Is that a yes?"

Sam swallowed, "Can we have a trial period?"

This made the man pause and consider, "I like that idea. How about we try it out for a month, if it doesn't work we'll go our separate ways, if we want to keep going, we'll talk a bit more and make a contract." A hand came up and carded through Sam's hair, making him close his eyes and hum at the touch, "How does that sound?"

He nodded, because that sounded good. He liked this, the communication, the feeling of being adored and doted upon. "I like that." He murmured, "I'd be ok with trying it."

"That's my Gorgeous." Gabriel mused, scratching lightly at Sam's scalp, making his back arch, "Before we move on then, how about you help me out of these clothes." He asked as he slowly stood up and helped Sam to his feet as well. Sam smiled and smoothed his big hands down Gabriel's chest, then moved for the buttons.

Gabriel moved with Sam, helping to remove each article of clothing. Once everything was off, Sam took a moment and pressed a kiss to the fold of the tattoo wing on the man's left side. He just couldn't get over how beautiful they were.

The man turned and smiled, gently guiding Sam towards the bedroom. Excitement curled in his stomach and he felt the beginnings of arousal touch as well. It was only then that he realized that despite being naked in front of one another, they hadn't been worried about sex until that moment.

However once he stepped into the threshold of the room his eyes dropped to the collection of items on the floor, spread in a half circle before the now empty trunk. The jolt that coursed through him was between nervousness and the thrill of excitement, his eyes jumping from object to object.

"Relax Sam…" Gabriel's hand came around and settled on the small of Sam's back, applying a small amount of pressure from his fingertips, "Come here, sit." He maneuvered Sam to the center of the semi-circle and had him sit down. "While surprises are absolutely fun, since you're new to all of this I want to see what you're comfortable with trying or not." He said as he settled down behind Sam, maintaining touch as he went, "Ask questions, touch, try. There's nothing here that I wouldn't or haven't tried for myself. Except…that." He reached out and picked up a particularly huge anal plug that made Sam's stomach turn uncomfortably, "It came in a set and…well, I wouldn't wish this on anyone." He tossed it aside with a thump.

Sam relaxed considerably and sighed, looking over to the objects again. His eyes found themselves drawn to a long, stiff looking leather stick. He picked this up and Gabriel spoke softly, "A riding crop, used usually on the upper thighs and ass. Gives a nice little sting." He grinned. Sam put that down and picked up a length of soft white rope, examining it, "Shibari rope." The man supplied, "It's a Japanese style of tying someone up in an…artful fashion. The rope is a synthetic fiber braid, it doesn't irritate the skin or chafe unless it's tied a certain way."

As Sam went through the different pieces he began to understand the ideas behind them. Some had to do with restraint, others with mixing touches of pain with pleasure, or drawing out pleasure. The unease melted away as Sam found himself setting items either on his left as things he would be willing to try, or on his right, that he was unsure of.

One thing remained constant however, and that was Gabriel's openness about the situation. It put Sam's mind at ease, reassured the safety and trust he had put in the man before, and he found himself wanting. Wanting Gabriel, wanting to try, to explore.

"Alright. Over the next month we'll try these out." Gabriel said after the last pieces were sorted out. He stood behind Sam, his fingers working the muscle of his shoulders gently. "Now then, are you really ready to get started?" Sam could feel his grin and shuddered.

Hell yes he was.

Hello friends, sorry again for the long wait. I suppose I also owe one for the cliffhanger but you won't get that from me. I hope everyone had wonderful holidays, I wanted to get this out on Christmas but that just couldn't happen. So consider this a late Christmas present.

I would like to make a statement though, after recent events. Please understand that Plagiarism is a serious offense, and a huge disrespect to any writer, artist, musician, or anyone with creative works to share. Copying or attempting to pass off someone else's work as your own, whether it's publically or among your friends, is disrespecting the time and effort that someone has put into their work. Attempting to hide it just makes it worse, changing names, story titles, or attempting to 'fix' someone's work and passing that off. Unfortunately Plagiarism is a huge problem and one that's not addressed often enough. If you see something that you think is stolen or plagiarized, contact the original producer of the work and let them know. They are the only ones who have a right to make a fuss to website staff or administration. On another note, I would like to formally promote and give my thanks to the staff of Wattpad for their respectful and professional attitude towards these issues, and the efforts they make to put a stop to this event.

Secondly, and on a separate note, I will never demand that my readers comment to get more chapters. I find this act to be disrespectful not only to my fans but to my work. I love you guys, but I write because I love writing and not for the attention I may or may not get. Do I love hearing from my readers? Absolutely! But just the time you take in reading my work is more than enough for me.

Sorry for the seriousness folks! Enjoy your holidays, I'll see you in the New Year!