Hey there, um, this is Angie and I am now starting a one piece story. This involves a fem! Luffy and this is not a Luffy x Zoro fan fiction or a Law x Luffy thing so don't get your hopes up okay. Well um let's get on with the story now shall we.

Chapter 1: Giving up my crown!

Luffy was sitting in her room at the marine base, her grandfather thought it would be best if she stayed with him so she wouldn't get corrupt by pirates, looking bored as usual. She has been staying here since she was a child and ever since she came here she found no excitement like she did when she was with Ace and Sabo. She really missed those guys they always took her some where exciting and never made her feel left out. But when she was told she needed to stay at the marine base it all ended, she was now spending her life as her Grandpa's princess. ' Well not anymore I am going to keep my promise and give up my crown!' Luffy thought as she soon stripped out of her dress and put on something more comfortable. Luffy was now wearing a red vest, a denim skirt with black shorts underneath, and a pair of sandals, she also wore a bracelet with a red bead and a ghost charm on it. Her hair was put up into small pigtails and on her head was a straw hat that Shank's gave her.

" Better leave a note for Grandpa." Luffy said with a grin on her face. She soon left a few minutes later after she left the note on her desk. She soon snuck into town and quickly hopped on to a ship that was empty, she untied the rope from the dock and set sail. " One piece here I come!" Luffy exclaimed as she floated away from the island. And not long after she left, Luffy found herself trouble in the form of a whirlpool, "Aw dang that isn't good." Luffy said calmly. Before she was consumed by the whirlpool Luffy hopped into to a barrel and soon fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Coby was now in the kitchen cleaning due to the orders Alvida gave him. Soon a bunch of Alvida's crew members came in carrying a barrel, " Man this thing is heavy, Wonder what's inside it?" one said "Dunno lets open it and find out." The other one suggested. But when they did open it a pair of fists collided with their chins and they were immediately knocked out. Coby was shacking as the person came out of the barrels but stopped when he noticed it was a cute girl.

"Mornin', Huh, hey what are you guys doin' sleeping on the floor? You'll catch a cold you know." The girl said as she scratched her head with confusion. Soon she spotted Coby " Hey kid you have any idea why these guys are on the ground?" She asked him, " You did that, you knocked them out!" Coby exclaimed in fear of the girl. " Oh I did?, hehe, I guess I did." She laughed innocently. She soon hopped out of the barrel and grabbed an apple off the kitchen counter, " Name's Luffy, So why are you on a pirate ship?, I mean not to be rude and all but your not really pirate material." Luffy said looking at Coby with a blank face. Coby explained how he thought it was just a fishing boat and how he ended up being a slave for Alvida, " Dang that's really pathetic." Luffy said with a smile on her face. " Hey can't you show a little sympathy! Do you know this could ruin my dream!" Coby said offended by what Luffy said. When Luffy heard that he had a dream she looked at Coby straight in the eyes, " What's your dream kid?" She asked simply. Coby was shocked to hear that some one wanted to hear about his dream so he told her right away.

" First of all, my name is Coby, and my dream is to become a marine and catch Alvida and put her away." Coby said with a look of determination on his face. " Oh is that right Coby!" a new voice, Coby's face paled as he recognized the voice. Coby slowly turned around and came face to face with his captain, Alvida. The woman was huge and carried a huge mace. " C-captain Alvida I-I." He had no words to say as stared at her in fear. " Oi Coby who's the ugly hag?" Luffy said not sensing the dangerous aura in the air. " What! Coby who's the most Beautiful lady in all of the seas?" Alvida said offended by Luffy's remark. " W-why t-that's y-" Coby was about to reply until he remembered how Luffy said his life was pathetic, and she was right it was, well today it is gonna stop. " It's definitely not you, you ugly hag! Luffy is the beautiful one!" Coby shouted in courage, Luffy laughed at this and Alvida fumed at what was just said.

" You brat!" Alvida screamed as she raised her mace to hit the boy. But her strike was blocked by a certain girl taking the hit. " Heh you'll have to do better than that to take me down." Luffy said as though the weight of the mace didn't affect her at all. Soon Luffy brought her fist back and slammed it into Alvida's face " Gomu Gomu No Pistol!" Luffy yelled and soon Alvida was sent through the roof and into the sky. Coby and the crew all stood there shocked as Luffy turned around and grinned at them like she didn't just send a person flying with her bare hands, "hey do you guys have an extra boat I could borrow." Luffy said looking around. The crew, who was now scared out of their minds, all nodded and pointed to a small boat. " Thanks! Come on Coby lets get outta here!" Luffy said as she grabbed Coby and ran to the boat. Soon they were out at sea and heading to shells town, due to Luffy hearing that the famous bounty hunter Roronoa Zoro was there. " So he's a bounty hunter?" Luffy said not really worried about his affiliation, " Yeah, I hope your not thinking of meeting him." Coby said looking at her nervously. "Well if I don't meet him how can I ask him to join my crew?" Luffy said looking at the water.

" What!? Luffy this guy is seriously dangerous! He's called The Demon of East blue for a reason! And besides he's in at the marine base so it's not like you could see him anyway!" Coby said with a panicked tone. Luffy looked at him her face filled with curiosity, " Huh? Marine base, man he must have been weak to get caught by the marines." she said looking at Coby with an amused look on her face. " Well either way I want him for my crew so onward." Luffy said pointing in the distance. ' what have I gotten myself into.' Coby thought as he saw how luffy was acting.

Well that's it for chapter one oh and by the way I know I should have said this first but Sabo is still alive in this fic. Well bye-bye J